Kingpin An interview with Tom McFarlin

Nov 18, 2022
Tom Mcfarlin

Q1: What is your history, and what was the first occasion you got engaged with WordPress?

It's sort of an extended answer, actually.

My first encounter with computers was when I was just 10 years old. I had an Apple IIe when I was extremely young, but I wasn't old enough to to fully engage in the subject. The moment we got our first PC (it was an old model 386 that had 4MB RAM) it featured Wolfenstein as well as Doom inside. When I first tried both games I was in love with both games.

Apple IIe
Apple IIe (Image Source: The Centre for Computing History)

As with most of my friends I was an avid player of video games. I played numerous games like Star Wars: Dark Forces, Doom, Doom II, Wolfenstein, and King's Quest (the sixth and last series is among the best, definitely :).

In terms of where the Internet is concerned My first experience of "getting internet-connected" was with Prodigy which has a 14.4 millisecond modem. However, there will be more within the next couple of minutes.

The more I used the machine, though I became more attracted by the pictures I saw in the display. Particularly, what was happening inside the white box displayed in the image on screen? What were the responses to inputs coming from the mouse or keyboard?

In the near future I'll continue to learn about memory (and page problems) disks, interrupts , and the like. The time is about 10 years later.

At the time, I was spending quite lots of time on America Online and stumbled across forums that were specifically created for computer programmer (of which I had not been quite yet, though I knew that I would be drawn to).

It took me to C (specifically particularly C++, specifically the Borland C++ compiler) in which I experienced an awful lack of experience along with numerous Linux distributions. Linux (my first taste of it being Slackware as well as Red Hat however I am going to digress).

And, as C was too difficult to understand in this moment I made the decision to learn Visual Basic which seemed to better suit my needs (at just 10 years old, it was a most).

Then, I purchased Visual Basic version 3.0 (which contained nine discs stored on Floppy) and started to play around with writing software. I eventually reached Visual Basic 5.0 and used two more books, all of which were bought from my parents.

I was absolutely enthralled by the subject and was eager to know about this field and, because my main concern was the direction I wanted to take in my future career as a professional.

After that, I went to high schoolin junior high , before going to college. At college, I took an undergraduate course in computing sciences, and I focused on software engineering throughout my time in college.

As I attended my school I was in my school. It was the College of Computing at the University was looking for students who would write regularly about their experience at school. This was about creating a piece about the process of to master the subject , as well as participate in the activities offered to students and general discussions about the experiences of be a college student.

It was an opportunity to highlight student life in the school, however I didn't have a problem with this concept.

Oh! I got my college degree! an undergraduate degree in computer science. It was something that I'd wanted to do since we first acquired our 386. It's also achievement unlocked, or the other term you'd prefer to call it.

In addition to a brief time during high school when I was seriously considering the notion of starting a band but then going on to do it professionally, I've decided what I would like to pursue, and pursued the idea, and then took advantage of the opportunity to become a professional, and continue to work within the realm of.

Anything I can consider to be a requirement.

Q2: What's the most important thing that readers need to know about the many things you're working on in WordPress at the moment?

In the present, I'm involved in some activities using WordPress all of which I use to make money and in a way to help the WordPress economy in one way or another.

In no particular order:

  • Blogging at least three times each week (and striving to create at least one article that is targeted for members every week) at
  • Converting certain membership-related content into an eBook.
  • The development of a plug-in suite especially designed for bloggers.
  • Solutions that are tailored specifically for small companies and people who typically require connecting third party APIs to WordPress and having both platforms communicate to solve a particular issue for a business.
  • Pressware that is running Pressware.

Much as I like creating and publishing content, as well as aiding others by finding ways to facilitate the process quicker, I've noticed a lot of people are beginning to look for third-party integrations with plugins. It's an area that I am really enjoying.

There's an increasing desire to use WordPress to act as an API to WordPress. There's a lot of fun exploring the capabilities with the REST API, connecting to other APIs , and developing platforms using the API.

Question 3: What challenges faced you before getting to where you currently professional?

As much as I enjoy my job and working with the colleagues I work with I have had my share of challenges which have hit me (and they likely are going to be).

I'm yet to find anyone who had been working in an industry that didn't suffer from this problem. A few of these problems involve business and others have a WordPress scale.

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I make an effort to pay attention to the discussion around it even if I'mn't actively involved in it And then I'm conscious of the possibility that an API or feature set of features is readily available to me in the event that I'm in need of it. I've found that I'm the most efficient when I am taking my time learning about them rather than buying the APIs, but possibly not using them.

Additionally, with an emphasis on work, I've had numerous instances where I've been unable to follow through with the content I've written or posted or how I've conducted the tasks. The result isn't pleasant Naturally however, I try everything I can to try to engage in the discussions necessary to grasp the situation Then, I use the knowledge I've gained and use them as I move forward.

Last but not least among my most challenging challenges that I've had to face in this field is making sure I'm current and relevant with the topics which have the greatest relevance to what I consider to be my main set of capabilities.

As an example, WordPress is focused on compatibility with older versions, and for an excellent reason, according to me. It's not difficult to become accustomed to writing code using old techniques codes, or using less modern software. Therefore, the new software is created to make our lives easier and that help us write better code yet we are refusing to adopt them due to the fact that we feel that we don't need to do so.

This is the "if there's no damage, remove it and don't repair it" mentality. It's actually what the correct method of thinking is. It's not about the severity of harm or the case. It's all about "if you can get something polished, why not take time to complete the job?" This implies you have enough patience and the time to accomplish the task isn't it? It's obvious.

This is how I envision taking things such as package managers and new features for languages, etc. The idea isn't fixing any issue, but polishing and making something better - or improving some thing.

Q4: What has been an awe-inspiring experience for you after stepping into WordPress? WordPress world?

The majority of the time, it's not, it's just not.

If I were to choose a product which has exceeded my expectations, I'd say the level of customization has increased. First time I came across this, I was awestruck at the user interface. It was simple, intuitive to operate, easy to use, and enjoyable to write code against.

It's now a crucial function. It's a minor component of the software. It's like WordPress is in WordPress (a amusing comedy that's tongue-in cheek and aimed at people who don't be able to speak English in their primary or only.

What is the right way to define what constitutes a "good issue" is open for debate which is why I'm not able to offer an view. It did however surprise me to see how many abilities of this characteristic have been challenged.

But, I'm aware of many opinions on the latest developments or features that might appear overwhelming in the beginning in the beginning, particularly when there's some kind of major shift regarding the method of execution.

As I've talked to family members who run businesses, along with family and acquaintances who work working in similar industries as well in their own respective sectors, I've yet find a field that's not confronting challenges that don't seem overwhelming initially.

There are those who feel that the foundation of their education is changing. Perhaps it's so. Perhaps it's hyperbole.

However, the cliches "change is inevitable" as well as "the only permanent thing is change" are becoming commonplace. Be prepared for this possibility in the event that it happens, you should not be caught off guard.

Q5: What do the future hold for you, and you and WordPress world?

There aren't a lot of stuff like "in 10 years I'd love to be where I am at this moment." A lot of times I'll imagine 3 years in the future, but I try to think about aspects like an entire year or quarter or even a single month day and one day in a single moment (and my calendar , and all the activities I engage in reflect the fact that I am thinking about this).

The next year I'd like to:

  • We'll continue working with clients who want to link their systems to outside organizations, or to create custom plugins for their needs.
  • Completion of the book that I've begun.
  • Increase the number of readers on my blog.
  • Get started on building your blogging plugins (which is going to take a lot more time than you thought).

My habit is to make predictions over the things I'd like to see forecasts each year. This is why I'm planning at reducing my consumption by just a bit each year until I reach an equilibrium.

Questions 6: What aspects do you want to think about when deciding on a WordPress hosting company?

From a general general point of view I usually focus on things that most people would. This time, it's instances of:

  • The Uptime
  • Security
  • Backups
  • Subdomains, as well as additional domains

The more advanced features I appreciate those developed by the developers. For instance,

  • It is the ability to spin the stage rapidly.
  • Make use of tools available on commands.
  • Choose the most reliable options for data centers and cache techniques which will give you a great user experience.

Q7: What are you likely to take part in while you're working from your home?

It's likely that you'll see me at home with my kids, playing guitar, working out and playing games on video or sitting in front of the television or movies, or even reading.

Q8: Who will be the next interviewee and why?

I'd suggest an conversation of Carl Alexander. He's a highly skilled developer and frequent presenter at WordCamps all over North America.

He's extremely active within the WordPress community, and is highly skilled with object-oriented programming, and hopes to help educate the other WordPress users on these topics through his blog.

If you're trying to become more proficient in writing code that is object-oriented within the framework of WordPress but aren't paying attention to the work of an author In the absence of this, you're losing out.

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