Instagram Marketing Tips to Make More Profit for Your Online Store

Oct 4, 2023

 Shoppable Posts Provide an effective way to connect Customers to Your Store

Over one billion users access Instagram every month, and a majority of them use the popular image application each day. Thanks to the introduction of shopspable stories and post-purchase options on Instagram these 500 million users can now more easily become your clients.

A recent Facebook study found that 70% of Instagram users are able to discover new products and services using the Instagram app, while more than 130 million users shop on content each month.

Do you use Instagram to sell your products? You may find it easier than you think.

Do you own the following three instruments?

  • Account for business on Instagram
  • Facebook business account and product catalog
  • Physical items to offer in your shop

If yes you have everything you need to promote and sell your products from the Instagram Mobile Application. In this document, we show the user how to set up the shopping feature on Instagram.

Below is a short overview of some essential questions and strategies to help grow your business on Instagram.

Instagram Insights screen showing higher profile visits and website clicks.

 What are shoppable Posts?

The Shoppable post is similar to regular Instagram posts but include a shopping bag icon, or as many as five product tags directly on the image.

When shoppable posts were first introduced, the posts listed the cost and description of the products featured on the pictures, which tarnished the photographs and rendered them appear like advertisements. The subtle white shopping bag appears identical to tags the Instagram clients are already comfortable with, like video, Instagram TV, and carousel-themed posts.

If a person clicks the icon for shopping bags, they'll be able to view the details of the product and prices as well as click on the link to go to the retailer's website, where they'll be able to purchase the item.

Since 75% of Instagram users engage in some form of action, like visiting websites or watching advertisements, it is important ensure that it is as effortless as possible for them to buy.

Let's be clear: Not all of your posts are able to be bought. Social media should be about engaging your readers first. Also, you should be sending up interesting content that showcases things like people using your products, imagery which entices people to look at it, as well as additional useful information that isn't just about selling.

Your few shoppable posts will stand out against your other posts greater than if you simply loaded your feed with product-related posts through your feed. Establish a relationship prior to when you make it a monetization.

 Let Your Business Be Different by Enhancing Your Corporate Profile

Your Instagram Business profile must reflect your company culture and engage customers. Check that the profile photo as well as your posts are in line to your company's brand. An established icon and colour scheme will draw visitors already familiar with you.

If you have an Instagram professional profile, you will have a direct contact link for your personal profile, while with a business profile you have to bury your contact details and hyperlinks in your bio. Additionally, you can specify your nature of business, like beauty, retail, or dining, which makes it easier for shoppers to find your profile.

Through promoting posts or increasing their visibility You increase branding's visibility as you get in touch with new customers who might be looking for similar products.

According to Facebook, 70% of shoppers who shop online use Instagram for new items and 36 percent of Instagram users actively shop on Instagram.

With Instagram's new shopping channel users, followers as well as new viewers can view all your post that can be purchased all in one spot click on the channel. In order to activate the channel to appear on your feed you'll require at least nine post that can be shoppable to trigger.

 What kind of images work best for Shoppable Posts?

Images should be visually appealing and captivating. Utilize these 10 suggestions to ensure that you're using images that are most effective in your blog posts and articles to connect with your audience.

 1. Select a theme that is visually appealing for your profile and your posts

If you already have a recognized brand, your best option is to remain within that same theme to enhance your product familiarity and appeal. People click on what they're familiar with.

 2. Make use of different angles to your items

You can easily add multiple images to the same page by clicking on the carousel symbol. Particularly for visitors that might not have any experience with your products, displaying different angles will show off your product better than a single photograph. Furthermore, the more time a person is engaged with your content in the greater likelihood to purchase.

 3. It is important to prioritise user-generated content

The content of users could increase the level of engagement. Customers want to see people wearing or wearing your product. If a user post a picture of their outfit and tags you, you'll get a notification. You should share that post in your feed.

 4. Your fan images created by users should be shoppable

Customers tend to believe in other customers more than the brand. This is the reason why reviews and recommendations are extremely effective. Content created by users, with the product and customer in the picture, will increase trust in your brand much faster than own material.

So, if you find good user-generated content, tag those posts with the shopping bag icon to allow them to be purchased and increase purchases.

 5. Use Instagram Moving Images

They're similar to gifs. These aren't videos however they aren't an image that is static also. They're a series of very identical photos which appear one after the other, sort of like stop motion animation. Similar to a gif moving images draw viewers' attention to the photo.

If you're selling a spring dress, and you upload an image that moves of the model walking while the skirt sways with the wind. This is much more appealing than a static photo of the dress. Customers will imagine their own outfits wearing the item.

6. Make behind-the-scenes-photos

The photos you use should feature your products. Your company is made of people. Customers want to connect to the persona of your organization. Show pictures of your workers working from home or perhaps enjoying a relaxing time. Offer your clients glimpses into the making of the latest product. Participate in the community.

7. Take DIY photos

Post pictures of your customers making use of your product in their own homes. If you offer furniture, rather than just an image of a couch you can show the sofa on the floor in a room that has various other furniture pieces that they could buy.

Screenshot from the  Instagram showing a motivational quote.

8. Use motivational images

One surefire method to boost customer satisfaction is to make use of inspirational content. The posts don't have to be specific to relate to your business. Pictures of high school graduates or an athletic achievement, a 'first-time achievement' sort of photo - these are shared, tagged as well as commented upon, and draw attention to your business. There is no need to promote your business with every image.

 9. Posts that are seasonal or for the holidays.

They can be extremely effective when utilized strategically. It is also possible to include promotions within these kinds of posts. It's another way to take advantage of the option to purchase posts. Present your merchandise with a display that is seasonal, and then sell these items.

 10. Post helpful videos

Videos draw greater attention than pictures, but don't overdo it in bombarding customers with a series of videos that aren't worth the time. Similar to shoppable blog posts the rule is less is more. If you're selling items that need to be assembled, post a video of somebody putting together the item and explaining how they're doing it. Or, show a footage of your product working.

Remember, no matter what photos or videos you post on Instagram, make sure they're in line to your company's image and you're never looking to sell directly.

 Run Ads to Attract New Customers to Your Instagram Store

One of the simplest ways to advertise your business and your products on Instagram is by promoting posts you've already shared. Select the post and hit "Promote". The article will be promoted to people who have a similar profile to your existing followers. That way, you are appealing to people who will be more fascinated by the items that you promote.

You can choose your budget as well as the amount of days for the advert, and track your performance using Insights. The ad should be an easy message that informs your customers exactly what you would like them to do - like, "Shop Now."

It is also an excellent method to promote Instagram-Only events to boost traffic.

If you offer Instagram-Only or Instagram Special sweepstakes, discounts coupons, special items, you can draw more interest to your Instagram shop. And, you'll show up when someone with similar interests is browsing the  Explore channel.

Anything you can do via a blog that you want to promote, you can do so in an ad.

Additionally, promote your event on your website or through email campaigns to drive your existing customers to your Instagram store.

 Partner with an Influencer

Celebrities sell products. Kim Kardashian West has over 140 million Instagram followers. If she wears any of your items and shares it with the entire followers of hers, that's a massive load of free publicity for your brand. If only 1% of her followers click on the picture, that's still 1.43M possible customers.

If you don't have the budget to hire a famous endorser, find a smaller influencer who might exchange your product for exposure to their following of 10,000, or even 1000. Be aware that those who follow them have their own followers. A well-placed photograph that's attractive and captivating can be shared rapidly through the use of social media platforms such as Instagram.

If one of your followers or an influencer of their followers uploads an image of themselves in or using the product you sell, be sure to leave a comment or share the image on your Instagram Story. And, respond to visitors who leave comments. You shouldn't sell in comments, just engage with your new audience.

Instagram search feed showing a photo grid.

 Utilize Hashtags to Gain More Followers

Hashtags make your posts more discoverable, and they can increase the number of followers you have for your brand if you use hashtags that are heavily searched.

You also need your hashtags to be specific and pertinent to the content of your post. Instagram permits the use of up to 30 hashtags for each posting. Don't make yourself appear unprofessional by overusing them. However, if you strategically make use of relevant hashtags for the audience you are targeting, you can attract new users. Many marketers believe that there is a magic number of hashtags that you should employ, however as every firm is unique so you must try to find out what number gets you the best reaction.

You can use your profile's Insights to see how many users found your website using hashtags and find out which ones brought greater traffic.

  Coming Soon... Make sure to check out with Instagram

Currently in closed beta mode, Instagram is testing Checkout in conjunction with Instagram in which the user remains in the app to buy the product, instead of receiving an email link to your site. Once they've completed their purchase Instagram saves all of the information they have, including their credit card or PayPal and makes future purchases more convenient.

At present, just 20 or so businesses subscribe to Checkout using Instagram However, they will be expanding to include major brand names in the near future.

There's a cost associated with this service that has not been made public by Instagram as of yet. If your company is interested in subscribing when it becomes available, Facebook has an interest form to fill out.

It is important to note that one of their questions asks what platforms you shop on. It's crucial to let them know that the customers are keen on the service, so that the time comes when they launch it for general use, users will be included.

Checkout on Instagram helps make the shopping experience for clients. And, because they remain on the application, they're more likely to continue shopping.

 Shop on Instagram is the Wave of the Future

Thanks to the numerous improvements made to Instagram as well as more enhancements to come, Instagram is becoming one of the top options to buy items.

As a business owner with items to offer, this is the time to get your Instagram store up and running to bring in new customers.

It's simple to establish your Instagram and Facebook professional profiles. You can also connect them to your online store.