Increase the speed of flow of your content with This WordPress Editorial Calendar

Jul 15, 2023

Enhance Your Content Workflow with The WordPress Editorial Calendar. WordPress Editorial Calendar

Strive WordPress Content Calendar review

The world is yours! Member We're very proud of having not only two but 6 websites that are flourishing! We can guarantee you that it's not an effortless task to control the volume of material.

With six distinct blogs that were featured on various sites, each focusing on one specific item being up-to-date isn't an easy task. We must not overlook the talented team of authors who share their creativity to the blog. There's an abundance of home cooks who are adept at cooking a variety of recipes.

That's the way it was before finding an innovative WordPress editorial calendar. Let me know about it, this calendar has completely revolutionized the way we work with information.

The name is Strive Content Calendar, and I'm eager to share the joy of it with fellow content creators and blog administrators like you.

Since using Strive over the last few months, I've started to consider how helpful it could be for simplifying managing information.

Are you ready to up the content game? Let's go!

This is why you might need to Strive

If you're in the business of managing blog content, then you're aware of the importance of calendars on blogs to manage content. These invaluable tools serve as the foundation of your business that allow you to:

  • Track and create the topics
  • Ideas for structuring
  • Assign tasks
  • Schedule posts
  • ...and and other things!

If you're as organized as we are and you know this, your blog's content calendar is just one component of the whole. It is the primary calendar of content. It allows you to manage not only blog posts as well as a wide variety of content such as guidebooks, informationgraphics, guides, pdfs as well as other kinds of content well-organized by the topic.

We at Member rely on Asana to create and maintaining the massive calendar of contents with the entire picture. But, we ran into a number of difficulties along the way.

  1. The massive size of our primary calendar was just too big to be used to create a live blog calendar.
  2. The writers we employ aren't all housed within our office, which gives them the ability to access Asana. The result was a lengthy sequence of emails and Google Docs exchanges when assigning the issues to freelance writers.

The best part is that we have been saved with the help of the Strive Content Calendar that swiftly resolved these issues and offered us an easy solution. Let's talk about the ways Strive successfully solved the issues with managing content.

The best part is today: The Strive Content Calendar

Strive menu easy to access from WordPress dashboard

This innovative method addresses my principal two concerns:

  1. The integration of a calendars of the blog's content in the WordPress backend Every one of our blogs has their individual calendars that are distinct from the calendar used by all other blogs. This system is streamlined and makes it easier to manage and control blogs, which ensures an efficient process. (Curious about how we integrate our blog calendars and our Asana main calendar? Let us show you how!)
  2. Each of our writers has accessibility to WordPress backend. With Strive our content calendars on our blog have been built into WordPress the platform itself. It's easy to setup the review of jobs, and then evaluate and analysing posts for all that is involved! It's not a switching to Google Doc sharing. (We'll explore more specifics regarding this later!)

Additionally, the drag-and-drop feature of Strive is only one additional feature that enhances its accessibility:

Strive drag and drop feature

Do you want to change the date when your blog post first posted? It's not a problem! Strive allows you to easily modify the sequence of your content depending on your preferences and quickly move articles from scheduled slots to the sidebar to drafts that are not scheduled. Every move triggers auto-scheduling in the WordPress editor to ensure smooth management.

This feature stands out as one of my top choices However, the Strive application can be complemented by several other amazing alternatives. Let's take a look at additional options.

The Strive's other great features

In addition to its simple installation and seamless integration Strive comes with a variety of tools designed to save you precious time. To give an example...

Editing content is fast and simple

In order to get your website's ranking highly and stay there is an ongoing process of updating content. Editing your content is a real headache. There's no way to harm your SEO effectiveness of a blog post with a high significance.

Strive create a revision from the WordPress admin bar

Enter Strive's Revisions feature. It's a fantastic way to accelerate the process of revising. After you've installed the plugin, there will be a "revision" option connected to each post that's been released. The admin bar in WordPress as well as the post list in the backend.

Strive create a revision in the back end of WordPress

This feature is able to complete it's job with two easy actions:

  • The "revision" link is entirely new version of the article. This is distinct from the first version published.
  • If you upgrade your version after clicking "Publish," Strive seamlessly incorporates the most recent version of the earlier version. What can it yield? A well-optimized article, with none of the complexities of confusing redirects. Your SEO juice is maintained and you'll save your time.

In addition to that, the calendar shows prominently marking the revisions. It allows you to quickly examine the percentage of content revised in comparison to updated information.

Alternative Pipeline view

Although the Calendar view is the main area however, The pipeline view provides an expansive view. When you click the Pipeline tab will give you an overview of the present condition of your entire blog all in one, simplified space.

The system also blocks posts that are not being looked at, giving an overview of any progress they have made. When they're in the process of being developed or under construction, they are waiting to be revised but haven't begun. It is easy to determine the current status of the post and monitor it. Also, you will be able change the order of rows and columns depending upon the method you like.

Checklists that you can customize

A well-constructed blog post involves a great quantity of information to be considered including syntax and style, to metadata and image setting. This is especially evident for new writers.

Strive's Checklists functions are designed to aid, taking away any guesswork involved and ensuring you're in a consistent manner. Make a listing of crucial facts under the Checklist tab and then you'll have everything ready to start.

Strive style checklist

When writing a blog post, they can open the list in the WordPress editor and check off each item while they write. This not only assists them to finish their work and tasks, but also serves as an essential tool to optimizing the efficiency of your workflow.

Clear Post Statuses

Post statuses play a crucial function in coordinating the flow of the content. Do you know when the piece is in the process of being edited or is nearly ready for editing or for publication? Utilizing Strive's Post Statuses feature offers unparalleled visibility in this space.

In contrast to the standard WordPress configuration, where it's hard to tell the difference from posts that need editing or published, Strive introduces a crystal-clear alternative.

Strive status

The Strive plugin will improve the quality of your WordPress environment by providing easy post statuses for blog posts:

  • Not Started
  • Writing
  • Editing
  • Complete
  • Publication

Each status will be assigned the color which corresponds to the status. This gives visual indicators across Strive's calendar. Calendars on Strive. Calendar. Each time you alter the status of your post within the WordPress editor, you will be prompted to conduct a brief review of Strive and then reverses the process. Strive lets you manage the posts in a way that ensures that you don't lose your track of the progression of your blog post.

Just a handful outstanding capabilities which create Strive an essential tool to help you optimize your production. We'll now dive into how Strive can help you improve the management of your blog's workflow.

Automate your Blog's workflow with simple-to-use Strive

In this post, I'll go over specific details about the way that the Member Content Team effectively uses Strive to monitor our workflow for blog posts. As we have multiple writers contributing to our six blogs that are managed by us, having an efficient and properly controlled workflow is vital.

It's a good thing that Strive offers two great ways to streamline your life and to provide seamless management. We'll look at how we can get the most of these tools:

New Drafts

On the right side of the left Content Calendar page, the " Add New Draft" is the starting point for the blog you'd like to write.          PTdCaoKycTjITLCZIBTH

When clicked, it opens an unlocked, open-ended window where it's simple to enter all needed information to publish.

We use the Title field to establish who's the original author in the first place and to add their name in the title of the article.

Strive New Draft Popup

The process begins by clicking"Add New Draft" or the "Add A New Draft" button which can be found on the bottom right in the lower right corner of your screen.

Strive automates the creation of a new version of WordPress through the import of all information input in WordPress Editor. WordPress Editor. Connecting Strive and WordPress can eliminate the need for data transfer over a long duration, ensuring the effectiveness and speed of your operation.

New Draft Blog Strive

As you start your new draft Strive automatically creates a section within the Drafts unscheduled column, which displays the ongoing writing tasks. The feature gives clear details and provides quick access to ongoing projects.

The workflow is simplified with a color-coded progression

Strive's vibrant colors are not only visually pleasing, it also acts as an effective method for creating blog posts.

Every color has a distinct step in the process that allows us to efficiently describe the subsequent steps as well as those accountable of them. We will look at the ways we utilize the colors we use:

  1. Not started (Red): When I create a brand New Draft the system will detect the status of not started and then displays a vivid red hue. This informs the writer that this blog entry will be ready to go live.
  2. writing (Orange): Once the writer has completed the draft, they change the status of their post to writing. The change is marked by an enthralling orange hue. This color shift signals the process of processing.
  3. Editing (Yellow): When the article is finished and ready to be reviewed, the author alters the status of the article to Editing. It is indicated with the bright yellow color. This informs me that this piece requires my attention for further analysis and for any changes.
  4. Final (Green): After I've finished editing, when I've decided that the post is at the correct place for publication, I alter the status of my post to completed. The text box quickly changes to a serene green color.

Green is a crucial element for us as Strive provides the possibility to automatically publish all Complete (green) pieces in accordance with the date and hour in the WordPress Editor. WordPress Editor. It is a great time-saver. It is however, requiring a careful check of time and dates at the time you "go to green."

If a publication is accepted it and gets published and the screen is black, it turns, signalling that the process is finished.

Utilizing this color-coded system, we are able to keep a neat workflow to ensure a seamless process and seamless communication during creating the content. We'll explore additional advantages and functions which Strive provides to our customers.

seamless integration to your Content Calendar

The blog calendars on Strive's personal blogs help streamline our workflow for blogging significantly. But, how do we manage our primary Asana calendar? How do we best to organize all items we have to provide for our blog topics?

The process of transcribing every WordPress blog post into Asana is a time-consuming and laborious task. We are fortunate that our talented Dev Team devised an ingenious solution by making use of Zapier.

With a custom Zap, triggered whenever the making of a completely fresh draft is completed via WordPress and then the draft is added to our Asana calendar of contents particularly those of"New Blogs," the "New Blogs" section I set up.

The Zap automatically assigns the corresponding job to me, and also assures me that I will receive an email confirming of the post currently in draft. After I've gotten the confirmation that I've received, I'm able go to Asana and drag the post to the relevant topic.

This is a huge achievement by enhancing the flow for our organization, and eliminating the necessity of duplicate our tasks.

The Takeaway

Calendar Strive Content Calendar Strive Content Calendar Strive Content Calendar is an indispensable software for content creators. It offers a wide range of benefits and features that will revolutionize the process of managing your content the most affordable price.

At just $7 for a month for a month, you'll be able to have access to all of the options we've talked about, as well as numerous others. Additionally that the initial two weeks of the trial are free.

Take a look at the costs of your time that can be as high at $100 per hour. If you're working with Strive it costs just one cent per hour. This is an incredible efficient and affordable option. In addition, consider how time-saving the device offers as well, and it's an incredible value.

Are you looking to evaluate the efficiency of Strive to see for yourself? Here's how to start a test drive to transform how you handle and organize your information.

Start improving your content-creation process today. Strive immediately!

     Get STIVE CONTENT CALENDAR For free up to 14 days

We would appreciate any feedback you can provide and want to hear from you about your experiences working with Strive. If you choose to give Strive the chance and have any concerns do not hesitate to share your thoughts and suggestions in the comment section.

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