Inbound Marketing vs. Outbound Marketing: Examples and Strategies for Growing Your Business

Nov 3, 2022

What can we do to generate more revenues and boost sales? That's the question that every leader in the business world is thinking about today.

What do you need to do to make sure you meet your goals in sales by 2022 when you have so many competing objectives? The combination of both inbound and outbound strategies can help.

First, it is important to know the major differences between inbound vs. marketing that is outbound.

Inbound and outbound strategies are critical for growth, but marketing that is inbound will aid in establishing your company's leadership position and outbound marketing can quickly generate top-line revenue.

Getting the attention of B2B customers is increasingly complicated, which is why you require an effective and clear lead generation plan to be successful. Keep reading to learn the best ways to utilize the power of outbound and inbound marketing to generate more qualified leads for your business in less time.

Inbound and Outbound. Outbound Marketing: What's the difference?

Simply put it is a way of attracting interested customers, whereas outbound marketing is proactive in reaching potential customers.

Marketing through Inbound: Let's say you have a question about outsourcing work related to web development overseas. A Google search brings you to a page that offers a free download of The Complete Guide to Outsourcing Web Development Development Overseas. When it is delivered to your inbox and you read more about outsourcing, select a link and register for a complimentary trial on an outsourcing platform, allowing you to put your knowledge into action.

Outbound: Let's say that you're a marketing VP. You get an email or LinkedIn message from a rep for software who asks if you're interested to attend a demo. While this email probably went to several marketing VPs, it's addressed directly to you. It doesn't appear as if it's a marketing mass email, and has a link to set up a time. It's time to take action immediately and make a booking for more details about their program.

There are advantages and disadvantages of both outbound and inbound marketing methods, however most companies benefit from a blend of both methods.

Key differences: Inbound vs. Outbound Marketing

Inbound Marketing Outbound Marketing
Outbound marketing is more focused on sales and has a more direct conversion goal. While an inbound call-to- action (CTA) could be learn more, outbound marketing uses the phrase'sign up now' or 'schedule a call now .'
Content is created by means of blogs, ebooks, social media posts cases studies, webinars. It is typically optimised for search. Outbound marketing makes use of advertisements on podcasts, tradeshow promotions, direct mailers, or display advertisements on the internet.
Conversion rates and reach can be measured using the use of software and marketing tools including dashboards, tracking, and analytics. Effective outbound ads usually result in people sign up, buying or booking a call yielding faster results than inbound strategies.

What is Inbound Marketing?

The goal of inbound marketing is to encourage customers to purchase your products and services. Potential customers start their buying journeys by searching for products or information that fulfill a need or solve a need.

Google has more than 3.5 billion daily searches which is 1.2 trillion searches annually. 58.4 percent of users purchase items or services on the internet every week. With an inbound marketing strategy using informational content, you'll be able to describe how your product or services will resolve their issues, address the most important questions they have in their industry, or satisfy your customers' needs.

A key feature of inbound marketing is even though the content is mostly educational, it does weave into your product reviews or testimonials as well as customer tales. The top ways to generate inbound B2B leads include:

  Email marketing  

Many who aren't attracted by your product or services aren't likely to visit your website regularly. In order to keep them interested, it is essential to collect their email addresses and then sending important content right into their inbox (e.g. Newsletters, discounts, or individual offers ).

  Marketing of content  

Content is a long-term lead-generation strategy. Blog posts, ebooks white papers, how-to guides, and FAQs remain accessible to visitors on your site for a long time, allowing you to rank higher in the results of search engines for different search terms. Short-term, your potential customers see the website is updated often, which keeps them visiting your site to read more.

  Social media content  

Social media can also be useful in nurturing leads, and turning your leads into customers, by sharing your story in time. It is possible to attract new customers with hashtags and viral posts. Additionally, you can engage with your existing customers that follow you on social media and receive updates on your business as well as your offerings.

Benefits from Inbound Marketing The drawbacks of inbound marketing
allows you to become a thought-leader and create an image of your brand. Not immediately generating revenue.

Content requires time and constant effort to increase the attention and gain momentum. Inbound typically can't be counted on to immediately generate sales and revenue.

The compounding effect continues to boost the sales . Conversions take more time and knowledge

The process of increasing conversion rates and the performance of campaigns that are inbound requires expertise in marketing. The majority of companies who invest into inbound marketing have a designated marketing professional or agency that is responsible for A/B tests or tracking the data and improving overall campaign effectiveness.

Can be more budget-friendly.

Because it is a more long-term method, the strategies it employs cost less than strategies which yield immediate results, such as outbound.

It requires the use of a marketing technology stack.

B2B Inbound Marketing in In

Online courses are among the most efficient ways to generate leads for B2B businesses. In the process of enhancing their abilities and develop innovative methods, B2B companies can simplify their complex products, processes and services into easy-to-understand offerings to meet these needs.

What Is Outbound Marketing?

Marketing efforts that are outbound include every promotion you don't expect to get, such as display advertising Direct mail, call marketing for events cold calls, podcast advertisements and television commercials. The most efficient B2B outbound strategy is sending out cold email to prospective customers with pertinent messages to address their needs. The end objective of cold emails is to arrange face-to-face meeting or telephone calls. Shows can also be a good opportunity to schedule meetings.

Benefits Of Outbound Marketing The drawbacks from Outbound Marketing
Gives you faster results and feedback.

Receiving a reply, scheduling a meeting, and eventually concluding the transaction is an accelerated process relative to the inbound strategy.

This can be perceived as an interruption that can be easily ignored

While your potential customers search for ways to connect with your inbound marketingefforts, your outbound marketing can help your prospects. Your ads will be served as offers to users who are browsing the internet, watching YouTube videos, and looking at their emails. The "interruptions" may not be appreciated or viewed as intrusive.

It requires less effort and planning to implement.

Outbound is usually easier to manage, with little planning and execution. The results of outbound can be measured more easily as compared to the results of inbound marketing.

Costly. Requires more budget.

The cost of paid ads has been increasing in steady pace. Additionally, while inbound advertising is free and organic, outbound requires you to pay for visibility.

Can have higher percentages of conversion. Could turn off your audience

Outbound approaches can evoke "used cars salesman" feelings due to their being unwelcome. To avoid negative associations it is important to inject as much humanism and understanding in your advertisements and offer as much as is possible.

B2B Marketing Outbound in Action:

While B2B email marketing can take different forms, its primary objective is to connect with prospective customers and to share the value. It is important to understand that the B2B buying process is longer and more complex, so giving information about the product or service you offer is critical.

Example of  Plus Outbound Marketing Emaiil

The bottom line on Growing Your Business With both Outbound and Inbound Marketing

  Are you ready to generate consistent quality leads for your business?

Plus allows you to turn leads into brand ambassadors by offering high-value education throughout the buyer's journey. It's so simple to use that you can focus on generating demand and not worry about technologies.