Improve the speed of loading of content you've published on your site by using the following WordPress Editorial Calendar

Jul 29, 2023

Increase blog post quality with this WordPress Editorial Calendar

Strive WordPress Content Calendar review

We'd love to welcome you to join us in the incredible group of our members. We're extremely pleased to provide not one or more than two, but six beautiful blogs! It's likely to be difficult to keep track of all the info.

Six blogs are on many websites. Each blog is focused at a particular topic. It's easy. Keep an eye on our knowledgeable blogger community. They share their expertise to our blog. There are a lot of cooks who prepare a variety of food items.

Similar things happened until the moment we discovered the revolutionary WordPress editorial calendar. This calendar has revolutionized the way we deal with data.

The calendar is called"the Strive Content Calendar, and I'm thrilled to share this excitement with other content creators and with bloggers such as myself.

As I've been working on Strive over the past couple of months, I've realized how useful it's been in managing data.

Do you want to improve your skills in playing games? Let's go!

That's why you should Strive

If you're working in the area of blogging or management, you've probably been aware of the importance of content calendars. They're at the center of your business, supporting clients:

  • Take notes and keep track of topics.
  • Tips to organize your ideas
  • Assign tasks
  • Schedule posts
  • ...and there's more!

If you're organized like we are, you know that the content calendar which is utilized for the calendar of blogs is an insignificant element of the total. The main calendar of contents. It is utilized to manage blogs, however there are other kinds of content available, such as informationgraphics, guides and even PDFs used to promote. All of them are organized according to subject.

The members rely on Asana to manage and create the content of our huge content calendar. It showcases the whole of. It was an uphill battle to get over some challenges on the way.

  1. The size of our first calendar was just too large to be used as the first real-time calendar that we used to create blog content.
  2. The space we have within our office isn't enough to hold all our writers working on our premises. So, we offered the writers the choice to use Asana. This led to an extensive amount of emails being exchanged between the writers. Additionally, there were Google Docs exchanges when assigning writing assignments to freelance writers.

Our solution was supplied through Strive Content Calendar. Strive Content Calendar. Strive Content Calendar The calendar that we utilized to address our issues quickly and gave us a viable solution. We will look at the ways Strive will solve our issue with regulating the content we share.

The best part is that this calendar can also be known as the Strive Content Calendar

Strive menu easy to access from WordPress dashboard

This solution is unique and was specially designed in order to resolve my primary concern.

  1. Calendar of Blog integrates with WordPress. WordPress backend. Each blog is equipped with calendars which differ than the typical calendar. This helps in organizing and managing blog entries more effective. It is an efficient method. (Curious to learn about the process is used to connect each blog's calendar and the Asana primary calendar? Be sure to keep an eye out for us since we'll share the procedure to our customers!)
  2. Our authors with whom we work are able to access WordPress. WordPress functions as the back end to WordPress. It's part of Strive. It is the content calendar for blogs could be incorporated to WordPress that is a platform that is controlled by it. It is possible to use the blog to create reviews, assign them, and later review the results later. The information can be shared with everyone! This blog doesn't have data sharing to each other via Google Doc sharing. (We'll look into the specifics of this later in the near future!)

In addition, Drag and Drop functions are not just enhancing the user experience but are also improving the overall

Strive drag and drop feature

Are you seeking to change the date that your blog post has been released to the public? It's not a difficulty! Strive lets you arrange blog post contents as per your preference style and eliminate these from the areas that are reserved for blog post content along with the sidebar, which contains drafts that haven't been scheduled. Each move triggers scheduling automatically in your WordPress editor. In this way, you can be sure that your blog information is effectively controlled and properly organized. It's a simple method.

One of the functions I love the most, but it's certainly not the only one. Strive offers a range of features that are great. Check it out.

The Strive is an excellent source of data. The Strive.

Additionally, it's easy to install and provides seamless integration Strive offers a wide range of tools to help you reduce time. Like...

The pace of change in content is rapid.

In order for your website to maintain its acceptable standard and to ensure that your site remains in the top spots over a long period of time, it's important to frequently update the content of your site. The content on your site's website is constantly changing and could cause a number of headaches. Do not try to reduce the efficacy of SEO on the site that's active because it's growing more important.

Strive create a revision from the WordPress admin bar

Enter Strive's Revisions feature. This is the most effective way to speed up the process of revisions. Once the plugin is installed it'll offer users an option to "revision" option. The option is available within every blog post you write. It is located within the admin section of WordPress and in post lists in the backend.

Strive create a revision in the back end of WordPress

The function is operated by two stages:

  • After the click"revision" clicking"revision "revision" option and you'll have the ability to make revisions to the artwork that is distinct from the original version that was released.
  • If you choose to change your settings in the same moment you hit "Publish," Strive seamlessly connects your updated version with your previous version. What do you get? Well-optimized content clear of confusion caused by redirects. SEO juice can be maintained by ensuring you maintain the pace of change.

It's also crucial to note this: the calendar of Strive is clearly displayed with changes. This will help you keep track of any updates to content and the most up-to-date revisions to content.

Alternative Pipeline view

The view of the calendar is my primary choice of perspective. It's because that's the view I am most comfortable. employing. Perspective of Pipeline is what you're using. Pipeline perspective provides the most complete view. When you click in the Pipeline tab it'll allow you to see the current state of each blog entry from one view without having any distinct.

The system blocks articles from being read and provides a comprehensive view of the progress they've made. Articles are being drafted and written or under revision However, they're not being entirely complete. It's simple to determine the state of a piece and follow the progression of the article. Alternate rows and columns depending on the way you. Do you prefer to stay with it.

Customizable Checklists

Effective blog posts are made from a variety of details including syntax styling metadata images as well as a variety of choices. For beginners, it is especially important to write.

Strive Checklists tool comes in useful. Strive Checklists tool comes to aid in removing confusion while ensuring you're all on the exact same page. Note down the most crucial details in the Checklist tab. You'll soon be ready to start.

Strive style checklist

If a person needs to create content for an article they'll have access entire collection of articles inside the WordPress editor. WordPress editor. Then, they'll be able to monitor what tasks they'll be required to write. This doesn't just make things simpler, but could also be a useful tool when designing.

Clear Post Statuses

Your posts' status helps you to organize your processes when making material. It is clear that the content is in the process at moment and can alter or alter it prior to publishing? The function is referred to as Strive. Post Statuses offers unbeatable amounts of transparency in this area.

In lieu of the traditional WordPress configuration that could cause it to be hard to differentiate posts that need revisions as well as those close to being published, Strive introduces a crystal-clear alternative.

Strive status

Strive plugin Strive plugins are a great option to increase the value and experience of the WordPress experience through the use of simple post statuses added to your blog posts.

  • Not Started
  • Writing
  • Editing
  • Complete
  • Publication

The hue assigned to each state is intended to indicate the current status of the situation. It provides a precise view of the state when you use your Strive calendar. If you modify your WordPress account by using the WordPress editor and it is triggered by an instant reflection in Strive along with the capability to reverse. This allows you to have a more effective control so that you don't keep track of the changes made to your website.

Many amazing functions which are what makes Strive an ideal tool to help you streamline your process of writing blog posts. In this article, we'll look at the ways that Strive could change the way you create your posts.

Automate the Blog's workflow using Strive

In this blog I'll go over ways in which we as our Member Content Team effectively uses Strive to control the posting flow to our site. Since we're a diverse group of of bloggers contributing to our blog, having a efficiently-organized and effective method is crucial.

It's good to know that Strive offers two different instruments to help manage your time. Additionally, they give you unbeatable control. In this blog we'll go over how to employ these tools.

New Drafts

To the left of the left side to the left of The Content Calendar page, there's the " Add New Draft" launchpad. It allows users to write your next blog post you're going to write.

Strive Add New Draft

If you hit the button, it'll show the user a window where users can enter information necessary to compose blog posts.

The Title field will identify who the writer is by placing their name in the Title field before the text.

Strive New Draft Popup

This entire process is made via clicking"New Draft" or the "New Draft" button. It's located in the left hand corner of the display. on the display.

Strive swiftly creates a brand new draft, which is then used to alter WordPress via the transfer of all information which is input into WordPress Editor. WordPress Editor. A collaboration among Strive and WordPress makes it easier for users to avoid shifting data from one area with a long-winded process. makes for an effortless and reliable process.

New Draft Blog Strive

When you begin a fresh draft Strive creates a unique drafts section which does not include the regular columns. This section shows the ongoing work that was assigned to authors. The software provides greater visibility and ease-of-use, and gives users easy access to current work in progress.

Workflows with color-coded colors that function efficiently to display how far you've made progress.

Strive's bright color scheme will do more than look stunning and can also be a great instrument for creating blog posts.

Each color represents a particular step in the process. It is possible to communicate in a clear manner the goals we need to attain and, as a result people that are responsible for the procedure. There are several methods to utilize the colors we select to use:

  1. doesn't work (Red): When I start the next Draft after which the Draft returns back in the same state it was in prior to launch, which implies that it isn't being composed in the reddish color. The writer will be informed when the time comes to begin writing.
  2. Writer (Orange): Once the writer is ready to begin writing their blog post, they'll alter their blog's post to Writer. This will also be highlighted with the attractive color orange. It indicates that work hasn't been completed.
  3. Editing (Yellow): When your blog post is finished and ready to be revised and modified. Bloggers change the status of your blog post from Editing. The post is highlighted with the bright yellow color. This indicates that the post needed to be reviewed so I can review the content and adjust it according to my needs.
  4. Complete (Green): After I've finished editing and determined I'm now ready to publish and prepared to publish, the status is changed from Complete. The Post box immediately changes to a serene green.

Green is among vital elements that we use in our life. Strive gives you the option to post automatically every Complete (green) blog post at the date and time you prefer within The WordPress Editor. WordPress Editor. WordPress Editor. This feature dramatically reduces the length of time. Furthermore, it needs constant monitoring of time and dates every time you have to "go environmentally friendly."

After an article has been written and published, the web page appears to be dark. It is an indication that the process of publishing has been successfully completed.

The color-coded system permits us to create a simple and tidy procedure. This allows for seamless and productive communication as well as an efficient workflow for making content. This article will discuss certain positive aspects along with the positives and benefits Strive provides its users.

It's simple to incorporate in your primary calendar of contents

Calendars that contain every blog post that's included on the Calendar of Strive help bloggers to write more effectively for their readers. What do you think about your experiences with the Asana calendar? Are we able to handle all of the prerequisites that need been met in order to be able to blog?

The process of transcribing every WordPress blog post into Asana is a very long and demanding process. Our highly skilled Dev Team devised an ingenious method that is based on Zapier..

By using an individual Zap that is able to be turned on after the initial creation of the draft. WordPress Drafts made within WordPress instantly transferred in Asana. Calendars of content available through Asana is available under the heading of"New Blogs "New Blogs" section I designed.

Zap assigns me to the proper job. Zap assigns me the correct assignment, and also ensures that I am notified via email me that my job is currently in draft. All I need to do is shift the position to Asana before placing it in the correct area of the task.

It is an increase in effectiveness of our approach and removes the necessity of repeating tasks.

The Takeaway

Strive Content Calendar Strive Content Calendar is a must-have tool to aid content creators. It offers a vast array of choices and features that will change how you manage your content. It's the best thing is that all of it comes at just a little sum.

The cost is $7 per month. Cost is only $7 per month. It includes all the choice we've listed, along with many other options. Additionally, the initial two weeks are completely absolutely free.

Check out the worth of each hour you invest in your working hours. The cost is around 100 dollars an hour. If you choose to buy Strive it will cost you just one cent for an hour. That makes Strive an economical alternative. Imagine the time-saving benefits it can bring and you'll discover the value of the price.

Do you wish to test the power of Strive in the field? Click here to begin the trial and change how you handle your data, as well as how you arrange your information.

Enhance your content with Strive today!

     Find STRIVE CONTENT within the CalendAR Free up to 14 calendar days

We'd love to know the comments you've received on your suggestions that you'd like communicate with us. We're looking for your feedback regarding your experience using Strive. If you've decided to explore Strive and have thoughts to send us, be sure to write down your thoughts or suggestions in the comment area.

If you enjoyed this piece, please send it to your contacts along with your friends. If you've enjoyed this piece and want to be part of our community, you can join us via Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn. These sites comprise Twitter, Facebook, YouTube and LinkedIn.


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