Imagine the colors of 2023"Head of Table"

Nov 19, 2023

This year's Thinking In Color 2023 conference was officially closed! We're glad and grateful that you sat down to hear our speakers of extraordinary women, as well as BIPOC innovators and leaders within the industry. We're hoping, by the time you've finished the program you were inspired by the stories of our panelists, and you learned ways to develop a strong online community, broaden the range of your offerings and increase the reach of your business, along with other aspects.

Although many topics were addressed at the forum, we've made an effort to highlight the most memorable highlights that got the attention of. Find out more about the most important aspects we learned from each of the speakers.

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Creating Cozy & Collaborative Virtual Communities

Cicely Blain is an anti-racism expert and founder of Bakau Consulting. Bakau Consulting

Description of the event Remote working was common before COVID-19. But the outbreak forced companies to shift into a digital environment. Companies that want to establish an established relationship with their customers decided to set up virtual communities in which individuals who are similar to each other can share knowledge and help to each other. However be a challenge to create an online community that is as close to those you find in physical.

In this talk, Cicely Blain shares their experience in building their online community called Living Room. They explained how they have created a an inviting and warm atmosphere within an online space, creating secure and welcoming communities by using the internet to cater to the demands of users.

Primary Takeaways

HTML0 Make sure you know whom you'd like to focus on and the things they're seeking in.

Before establishing Living Room, Cicely had decide on the type of audience they were trying to create the digital space to. Because their work is rooted in the fight against racism and oppression, Cicely realized that the target group of people was primarily those who work as DEI consultants, professionals as well as HR professionals who do similar roles.

After, Cicely had to figure out what the people actually wanted.

     "I considered"What do these people seeking, especially during a period when numerous aspects are changing and are used differently?    

     Most people want the feeling of belonging, and a sense of connection regardless of whether they are alone. People are also seeking sources to learn more."

Your message should be pertinent to the individuals you are trying to reach.

The best way to convince users to join your online community is to provide the members with something that you can be able to connect with. For Cicely this resonant thing was their living room. They were looking for a method to reproduce the same comfortable and warm feeling that the living room of the house they lived in gave them.

     "I wondered, "What are the things I wish people to feel as they enter this space What do I want people to feel?' I thought "hey, I would prefer to have them feel exactly the way they might as they enter this physical area. The place should feel warm inviting, healthy, and warm. I would like them to feel at ease, relaxed, supported in their connection, respected, and loved."

Cicely has this same attitude to the community through:

  • At the beginning of every online meeting is a 10 minute reflection. It is a straightforward question via screen to participants take part in a reflection within themselves.
  • An R&B-inspired, soft playlist that is designed to relax people and relax during a phone call.
  • In conversations, they seem to be having fun in being with friends. If they're not filming video for their online course, Cicely might be doing her make-up or boiling cups of tea in her kitchen.

Offer a range of methods for users to get the info they require

The people in an online community are members with the same desires, they could possess their own needs along with strengths as well as weaknesses. For a business you'll have to think of different ways to be able to meet the demands of your group members, despite differing views.

Within the Living Room, Cicely met the demands of her members with:

  • Engaging in different methods (e.g. Live chat, discussion forums and online classes that provide a comprehensive overview and on. );
  • The idea of common values and rules for the whole community.
  • Lets people show themselves as real
  • The removal of unnecessary stressors, such as time limitations as well as agendas for meetings
  • Consider accessibility requirements (e.g. disabilities and neurodivergence) such as neurodivergence, disabilities, etc.

Fonds in the Funnel ways to boost sales with funnels that are focused on the customer.

Ellie Diop, Content, and Coaching Coach to Finance the Academy at Ellievated Academy

Description of session: To make your business profitable, there must be customers who purchase your products or take part in your services. Many companies make the error of creating content they believe that the ideal client will like and failing to focus on what their customers really need. In this session, Ellie explains how you will grow your business and maximize sales by creating an effective funnel that draws those who fit the bill and reacts to their desires and requirements.

     The main takeaways    

     Every aspect of the web page has a part to be played    

A funnel that's targeted at the customers you serve can be described as creating an emotional connection to your clients. The best way to achieve it is to create information that's pertinent, helpful and valuable for them. A funnel that is focused at the consumer is composed of five parts:

  • Awareness
  • Discovery
  • For more information, contact us.
  • Conversion
  • Retention + Relationship

In regards to the importance of content writing, Ellie declares, "Every written piece you write is an important component of your sales team. Whatever you've written in the last three months will be performing the function of helping customers navigate the process... Be consistent with your appearance each day, and employing consistent tone creates a easier for clients to grasp and aid them in navigate the path."

Your brand should be distinct

If you're unsure of the audience your goods or services target, there's no way someone will be able to purchase from you or join in a partnership. Before creating your funnel, you must define the goal and purpose of your organization beginning with the ideal customer. It is possible to ask your self:

  • Who do I serve?
  • What can I do to help the person with their problems?
  • What should I know?

They are the foundational principles of your company's choices. Ellie offers a simple way to help the"YOUR TARGET AUDIENCE" to achieve your objectives with using your product or service.

Based on her personal experience with expanding her business, Ellie says, "For me, it is  that I help women to create successful companies through teaching strategy and finance techniques '... At one time, I had the information on a paper at the office's corner. Every when I tried to create videos. I remembered who I had spoken to. "

Create your social media followers

Social media is one of the most successful ways to create branding recognition as well as generating leads for your company. It's so successful that the majority of people will browse through your business's Instagram profile (or the other social media profiles) prior to going to your site.

Thus, you must spend the money (and perhaps even cash) in the posts on social media you make to improve the visibility of your posts. The best way for this to be achieved is:

  • Informative, engaging and easily shareable content (especially video)
  • Ads that pay-per-click are currently running
  • Collaboration with influencers with the same target market as you

Utilize lead magnets in order to build your database of email addresses

While you're writing the content you're creating, the goal is to get as many individuals who aren't already on your social media mailing list. When people subscribe to your subscriber list, they'll have the opportunity to establish a direct relationship with the people they subscribe to. It's better than when they come across your articles and videos when browsing through Instagram or X (formerly Twitter). Lead magnets are a great way to use them in a way that are beneficial.

If you're in a ideal situation, when using lead magnets, you're offering your product's value free in exchange for information about their contact (usually their email address as well as name). address). But you can solicit other details as well. As an example, in the start of her business, Ellie offered free 1-on-1 instruction to clients to gather feedback. The training was used to attract her the first clientele that paid.

     "You've got to think about the question "What's an effective way for me to provide free, high-quality items which inspire people? Consider this as your main incentive. My company has recently implemented a new strategy that instead of directing users directly into the service instead, we invite them to sign up for an offer that is free and that's the free masterclass. Following that, we offer the backend. We have had great results."

The process of keeping those customers who have already been loyal is much less difficult than finding new customers

Every new lead you get It is a method of getting them to the funnel of sales. It's a lot harder than persuading an existing client to purchase from you once more. Thus, you should focus on retention of customers in the same way or greater than customer acquisition.

To ensure that you keep your customers loyal Follow these tips to stay loyal:

  • High-end customer service
  • Utilize surveys from customers to gather feedback
  • Find testimonials from satisfied customers (offer incentives, if you can)
  • Develop a new product that fills in market gaps

The other offer was designed by Ellie, Ellie shares, "I created my first credit-based business course for just 15 dollars. Then, over the next few months I got feedback about what [my customersrequire in the future. The feedback led me to design Business Credit, which is Business Credit revamped. In the following years, I came up with a Business Credit masterclass, and following that, the whole package. It was discovered that the majority of the people who purchased the initial bundle later bought the following one to make more up for the gaps. The second one was purchased due to the fact that they were advancing in their skills as well as being interested to learn more."

Growing both B2C as well as B2B Businesses with Multiple Revenue Sources

Jessica Chen, the Global Chief Executive Officer, and Communication Expert from Soulcast Media

Description of the presentation The presentation will concentrate on the fact that companies typically possess three major revenue and sales elements including their products and services and the content they produce to explain their products and services and their platforms which they distribute the content. In this presentation, Jessica discusses the power of LinkedIn to aid businesses in making connections with customers (B2C) in addition to other businesses (B2B) What can you do to make your content attractive to both types of consumers and how to expand your offerings and products for both kinds of customers.

     LinkedIn is an effective way to share your content, increasing your reach    

Numerous entrepreneurs and professionals are on LinkedIn However, they're not looking at LinkedIn a platform on which it's possible to increase the visibility of your profile and share details. They view LinkedIn as a platform to enhance resumes, find possibilities, and interact with friends and acquaintances.

In reality, LinkedIn is a social media platform like Instagram and X (formerly Twitter), and should be treated as the other social media platforms. Only difference is the type of content you share.

Regarding the popularity that LinkedIn enjoys, Jessica declares, "The benefits of this site is the ability to interact with a specific group of group of people engaged in developing themselves and are looking to broaden their understanding. "

Jessica is also eager to talk about her experience from sharing her experience as an editor in 2018 and then becoming certified as a Top Voice as well as a LinkedIn instructor in just five years. She cites the reason as keeping her profile consistently active on LinkedIn as well as connecting with an array of individuals who can profit from her services to assist users in improving their communication skills.

Make your content be suitable for B2C as well as B2B

Most entrepreneurs believe that they will only be able to gain attention through directing their content towards consumers on a specific base. This isn't the case.

The benefit of LinkedIn is the capacity it gives users to change their message in order to connect with B2B and B2C customers. The page's content isn't required to change however changing the terminology used to explain your company can increase the exposure of your company and also draw customers from different businesses.

"I realized that to communicate with the B2C audience I make use of words like "you" Have you ever thought about this? ...?'""you"?" "You" asks Jessica. "My manner of talking is extremely transparent. Therefore, anyone who reads my content feels like it's personal.

     "[With B2B marketing Instead of making use of the terms 'you' or "your" I'm framing my talk using phrases such as "the team" or "the company'. This is more positive and less personal."

     Create yourself as a thought-leader in B2B customer service.    

Contrary to the individual customer who want the best product available, B2B clients want the best products. In order to attract attention from B2B clients, it's essential to present your self as an expert or thought-leader in your area regardless of whether your products are primarily marketed towards B2C clients.

For instance, if you're an artist, then you might want to create an online photography course so that you can reach out to your B2C customers. However, to gain B2B prospects, you might share thought-leadership content that focuses on making an income in the realm of art, or earning a living being an artist. If you run one-on-one seminars in which people are taught how to boost their performance and increase their productivity, you could draw in B2B clients by sharing information about improving the performance of your company.

Thus, you'll have the choice of selling B2C services such as online classes, one-on-one classes or organizing speaking events and workshops.

Building your own Personal Image through Videos

XayLi Barclay is an expert, as well as a Visual Content Coach for the ability to start Shoot Expand

Session Description: As the owner of a business, isn't it simple to be noticed, especially when you're selling into a highly competitive market or. You can combat the feeling by creating your personal brand with video content whether it's small TikTok videos, Instagram Reels or even more lengthy YouTube videos. In this video, XayLi explains how you can use video content to promote your online course in order to increase sales and establish your name to the buyers who make purchases from you.

There isn't much information to get started.

If this is the first professional video or even your first livestream, there's no need to wait around for your livestream to be flawless. It's okay to start with your existing footage. In the beginning, you'll be more likely to ignore your low quality video and your poor editing capabilities because they're aware that over time, you'll get better at it.

XayLi herself started with her laptop, a basic white background and the lightbulb, which is common.

"This is the place which started my journey, and I was even asked to become an expert," she adds. "I was not waiting until I had created my own newsroom, and then began to instruct individuals. I used my resources as I realized that the information I wanted to impart was not based on how gorgeous your set-up could be.

Presently, I'm using the full-featured studio installed in my residence, but it's my first time to HTML0 less than a year back. "

More resources will be in your reach as you move forward

If you start to see an increase in the visibility of your video and begin earning money, it's time to begin building your collection and improve your equipment for video. In this case, for instance one option is to purchase an expensive camera or webcam, a tripod stand (worth about $500 to $1,000) and a green screen as along with eCammLive. You can also get a teleprompter software along with an Adobe Premiere subscription for editing.

An overview of the most recent equipment and set-up upgrades XayLi says, "[At this stage] it is possible to have multiple camera angles, and the range of possibilities is endless. Now is the time to invest in such equipment since you're already making profits. Many of us believe that you must appear professional prior to the cash comes into. No. You must get your product out there, and then it will be available for sale following which cash will begin flowin."

After you've earned enough funds, you may outsource the production of editing and distribution of your videos recording to contractors or even an internal team.

Concentrate on only one thing at any given time

There is a common misconception that you should take every step necessary to expand your company. There must be a presence across every platform, stay on every trend, and speak about a range of issues. This is not necessarily the case. It's much better to focus on a specific item during the time you develop your branding. It will prevent you from burning out. It will lets your viewers know what kind of content they can count on from you every time you release videos.

Based on XayLi Barclay's "Rule of Five Ones" The five factors to think about when you are determining your digital strategy

  • A single item or service
  • One possible market
  • A lead conversion tool
  • An important source of traffic
  • A key goal for businesses

Memberships and Memberships The Good, The Bad and The Ugly

Teri Ijeoma, one of the founder of Trade & Travel

Description of the class In the proper way, memberships are an excellent opportunity for companies to establish closer relationships with customers as well as generate extra revenue. Teri Ijeoma has created a web-based platform for members to aid in Trade & Travel and she currently has over 35,000 students who are taking her classes and over 185,000 users of email. In this presentation, Teri shares the benefits from establishing a program for membership and discusses how companies can set up and manage their members the most efficient way.

Know when to transition from a group that is completely free, to one that has fees

If you're not the world's most popular company, you'll have to start your membership plan by providing members for free. Teri launched her membership plan by establishing an online Facebook community that was completely absolutely free. If you choose to expand your group, you'll need be aware of the time for transitioning from a free community to a subscription model.

These are the signs you need to know before going on a journey:

  • Your company is growing in size, but the members pay an annual fee to use your services, and there are no additional benefits that your organization offers, e.g. year-long customer support, etc.
  • Members of the group begin groups that are independent in addition to sub-groups. This is a challenge to oversee the administration of the group.
  • The group is hiring moderators, or coaches to offer consulting services to members of your group. However, there is no other revenue that is generated from the participants of your group.

The member program is a service of a firm that's an element in it's own

Many companies who offer online courses also create subscription-based plans for online classes. Although a membership program can provide a fantastic option to make your courses more attractive, it's important to make it a full course and not as an additional element.

In an interview concerning the Trade & Travel membership, Teri acknowledges "In my early days I believed that it was an extension of my education. It's not the case. Membership functions are totally it's own. It requires its own team that includes a calendar of promotions and a marketing plan... It is best to think about it as an item in itself."

Take note of pricing when you're quoting

If you are moving from a free organization to one that is based on membership take a look at your objective in terms of income, and then set prices in accordance with the goals you have set. It's easy to establish that your price is lower in order to draw buyers. If you're sure that the program has merit, then you shouldn't be hesitant about establishing the price higher to buy the software.

For instance, if the goal is to pay about $10,000 per month the best option is to persuade 500 customers to pay $200 per month rather than 1,000 customers to make a monthly payment of $100. The higher your rates are and the more potential customers are likely to join up. But this also means that you'll reach your targets for income quicker and will be able to run your business.

The Chair of the Discussion Panel is the Table

Diandra Marizet (Host) Co-founder and Executive Director of Intersectional Environmentalist

The description of this panel includes speakers Cicely, Ellie, Jessica Cicely and Jessica XayLi presenting their thoughts about the importance of inclusion and representation in the entrepreneurial space, the issues women as well as BIPOC entrepreneurs face when they try to succeed as creators, and also how to value their products ethically in a system of capitalist capitalism.

Here are a few important questions, and their answers to these questions:

     Women entrepreneurs who are from groups that are underrepresented have now become financially secure for the first time. What are the latest issues as well as opportunities, obstacles, and challenges? are their futures bringing their future?

Ellie Diop: Just like poverty, there's financial trauma as well. If you're one of the family members who owns the 6- to seven-figure enterprise There's a model to emulate. It's difficult to get people feel comfortable talking about money, especially in the case of those who are ethnicity, or who earn more than the average person throughout their lives.

In the instance of when I first made a million dollar, I felt scared to leave the apartment my mother was in. I wasn't prepared to make a commitment to buy a house because I wasn't sure what I would take should it go away. Additionally, I was reluctant to share my decision with family and friends because I was worried that they might be affected by my decision.

What I'd love to see more of are collaborative organizations like these which could eliminate the stigma of this and say "Hey do you think there's something wrong? If you're trying to earn more money or spending the money do not be scared to speak up about it". The stigma that is perpetuated is one reason that many people earn a lot of money only later return to the same place they started from.

     At work, often it's easy to be forced to comply with rules keep quiet, be silent or even make certain parts of us off. There are times when we do not believe that we're aspect of professionalism. What lessons have these experiences imparted to you about how to communicate with your local community? How do you incorporate this into your job in your role as a DEI professional? DEI professional?

Cicely Blain Cicely Blain Cicely Blain: We have been raised on the media, and when we see certain kinds of characters on television, on media, and social media and online creators gain a foothold, while other creators are ostracized from the shadows and it's easy to think that one needs be a specific way of being and speaking.

If you're in a place in which you are recognized for who you really are by people who surround you, and by others with the authority (even even if they don't share the same life experiences as you) it's an amazing moment. But, in spite of being aware that the amount of representation is getting more frequent and the opportunities for representation are becoming more accessible, there's still two standards for how people present themselves. We are not unusual to assume that there are two standard (even when they cannot be the case) and they keep us from reaching our objectives.

As an example, on TikTok the majority of users aren't well-dressed and well-groomed all the time. Even though that's fantastic, I feel like that chance is limited to select users, since there is a higher expectation for people who aren't, in terms of how they appear.

What is it that means is when you discover that your job path isn't in line the potential of what you could be, or what your dream job could be and then you take the choice to move to full-time work?

Jessica Chen: All of us will reach a point where we realise that our dream we set out to achieve has been achieved, and we're open to exploring something else. For me, I had an incredible career that was enjoyable, but after ten years of work, I felt like there was more available. My experience has always been that I creates my own paths. That's when I thought about the ways I could pass on my knowledge that I've acquired.

My first job was as a journalist. It that it is the only "proper" profession where there is no way to express your mind, you don't possess your own voice and instead are sharing stories of others. It was an awe-inspiring change to create my own voice and to showcase my own personality. It was certainly a journey that was growing.

     What's the most effective way to promote your service or products, so you are able to attract clients who are in the exact same vessel, keen to acquire knowledge from you and appreciate value of the products or services you offer?

XayLi Barclay A majority of our clients are offered low prices, but we take away the investorswith large sums of money and this can create an issue for investors. There's the possibility that there's a significant quantity of clients even though your rates are extremely low. You're probably experiencing a lot of overwhelmed customers who don't have time to make an informed decision.

I engaged a coach for my venture to determine what I'd make as well as for determining my pricing relative to the amount. Many creators offer courses that start at $7. Then they make six figures off that course but don't possess the scale. If you're a creator with a limited budget is crucial to consider your goals as a business to ensure you are able to price your course appropriately.

If I can provide five online classes for $1,000 each course and earn 5000 dollars, instead of selling 500 courses for the price of 10 dollars per course. Take it in this manner. That's the process I had to experience.

View the live sessions from Think in Color 2023 available for on-demand

Here are what were the main points of the event that lasted 3 hours, designed to help both experienced and new entrepreneurs to create a new economy. We suggest you look more deeply into the topics which piqued your curiosity.

This article was originally posted here

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