Illustrations that incorporate movement and space The CreativeMindClass Blog

Aug 6, 2022

Since when I was a child, I've been drawn to paint, and work with my hands. This has always been the easiest way for me to express my feelings. But growing up in Taiwan and in Taiwan, having an artistic career was considered a snub, and I was often advised by parents to take classes in deeper into practical topics in order to avoid ending up starving on the streets.

It is a blessing that my mom was always encouraging me to pursue anything that I wanted and did anything that she could to help me achieve my objectives. After coming back to America, United States and graduating high school, I decided that I would like to make art a career.

Digital illustration of Joyce Liu. A character riding a tiger in space.
Digital illustration of Joyce Liu. A man in a dominant pose.

I was accepted into ArtCenter College of design, studied Illustration intended to go into the feature animation field. But along the way, I was introduced to motion graphics, and was enthralled by its versatility and all the amazing work that is done by those I admiration.

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How would you describe the style you prefer?

The process is still in the journey to finding a style I am able to confidently call my own. I have the tendency to experiment with different things from time to time... For instance, one month I'll want to do extremely vibrant things. Soon I'll want to try my hand at organic colors. be really into a shape car style for a few months but then one day I'll become bored and would like to experiment with something that's more based on the lines.

Digital illustration of Joyce Liu. Feminine characters floating in the pink sky.

Sometimes, I'll attempt to combine two things seem fascinating to me to make it seem like I'm in an endless quest to discover and discover. After fumbling a in a few places I'm starting to realize there are some designs, colours, or compositions that I am drawn to. Perhaps this is the start of a design style?

Digital illustration of Joyce Liu. Dynamic field game players.

This is part of the reasons I enjoy being at Oddfellows, sometimes I still can't believe I am fortunate to work with an incredible group of individuals. At work we often have to adapt to different styles from project to project, almost every project is done in different styles which is why I am constantly discovering new information from my colleagues every day.

Digital illustration of Joyce Liu. White foxes in the forest.

What's the secret to creating your illustration?

I enjoy drawing illustrations on subjects that interest me or am interested in and then make my own interpretation of it.

However, my main goal is having fun. It is my opinion that having fun is the most important factor in creating anything and viewers will be able to tell that a creator was having enjoyment doing some thing... the extra sparkle.

Digital illustration of Joyce Liu. AI characters.

In the midst of the pandemic, watching our studio and my peers doing their best to help the world In the end, I decided to create a Patreon named Joy&Frens, where half of my net revenue goes to charity chosen by my patrons. On it, I share Tips & Tricks, process videos, invite friends for collaborations, and also share my knowledge.

I also show my work on Instagram and my website.

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