How video experts use AI to create videos

Jan 21, 2024

My AI chatbot trained upon Bob Dylan lyrics says, "The times have changed'." While AI-Bob may be talking about the way that artificial intelligence has revolutionized how film and video professionals design, create, and edit their videos in the present, I'm still in no position to prove that there wasn't just a tiny piece of his machine-learning brain.
    The notions of artificial intelligence have been in the news since the beginning of sci-fi writing. The idea of a futuristic society was in the making for quite some time.
    However, despite some prescience there was no way to anticipate AI to be able to make its mark on the market so swiftly. Innovative AI techniques are constantly changing the ways that videos are made and new AI capabilities make workflows efficient as well as more automatized.
    If you're looking to understand the ways to leverage AI in your videos and also adapt to changing trends We've got you covered by utilizing the ideas and methods below.

The history of AI in film and video production

Beginning with the very first screen representation of artificial intelligence, in the film "Metropolis" (1927) up to the legendary HAL 9000 AI that was featured in "2001: A Space Odyssey," AI has a extensive history in the world of cinema. For a film production tool, AI is a new instrument. production, AI is rather fresh in the film industry.
    Adobe released its machine learning and artificial intelligence technology called Sensei in the year 2017 along with a variety of different video and film tech manufacturers have been experimenting with methods that artificial intelligence could be used to speed up different editing and production processes over the past decade.
    However, for the most majority of the time, AI was not a integral part of numerous production workflows until the last couple of years. In the beginning, the majority of uses were limited to the pre-production process, transcriptions, as well as the planning process. It is now one of the main ways you can simplify your production processes with AI.

AI Pre-production of production

When we talk about AI and its significance in the present (as as opposed to the possibilities it can bring to the next) The majority of most recent innovations have dealt with the writing and even text. With ChatGPT changing the rules by creating large-scale Chatbots that use language models, we've discovered that AI has the potential to be fantastic at processing text as well as speech.
    That's the reason that the majority of ways which AI is incorporated into various creative projects -particularly in video, is through providing automation for diverse tasks involving text such as subtitles and transcriptions.
    From Rev AI through Otter through Otter the list is endless of tools springing out that are capable of recording long chunks of audio or video and employing AI to quickly and accurately transform them into text which is then available for editors can edit.
    And, even more importantly thanks to the new features for editing using text, editing programs for video such as Premiere Pro and DaVinci Resolve Video editors are now able to take transcriptions and make changes by text. This will later transform into video.
    All of these are great instruments for pre-production. You can make use of AI chatbots such as ChatGPT to do all kinds of scripting, shoot list, production schedule as well as generating unique names and descriptions for the video you upload.
    These are our three favorite AI instruments that are in pre-production. AI instruments:

AI-generated image of a blonde woman wearing sunglasses and an orange jacket

AI for production

After that, we're able to move into the thrilling new and thrilling. While AI is mostly restricted to post-production and pre-production at this point however, there are a variety of ways in which AI -particularly AI that is generated AI could be used to help with video production.
    In the case of artificial intelligence (AI) that is generative AI specifically, AI apps like Runway and Pika are already starting to enter the creation of videos based on texts, images or instructions related to video. Though they appear a bit sloppy and cartoonish, if you use appropriate prompts and styles and techniques, they can produce photos-realistic creation - possibly earlier than you think.
    Based on the current tools the best option for using AI in your existing project could be to use AI to add the necessary depth and vitality to your video in addition to helping manage the process of shooting your production.
    Also, with AI as well as the numerous generative possibilities that will be at your disposal for editing, the photographer will be able to capture faster and be more relaxed in knowing that you'll always be able to use AI to eliminate undesirable background elements, crew members, or any other equipment or cameras.
    These are some production tools powered by AI that you can check out:

The impact of AI on stock images as well as B-roll videos.

Before getting into post-production there is a need to remember that, of all the video industry, AI is going to likely revolutionize stock photos as well as B-rolls the most. With the help of AI editing software, video editors will eventually be able and create all kinds of special needs and niches for stock images or videos.
    As we're discovering more about AI and its applications and rights, there are plenty of questions to ask concerning how AI applications are obtaining their images, videos and other the data they require for their machine learning needs.
    For instance, instance an class action lawsuit has been filed recently in the past against Stability AI, DeviantArt, as well as Midjourney for their use of Stable Diffusion on behalf of several artists who contend that this AI technology makes use of millions -- or even billions -- of images with copyright rights.
    The world is entering the new age of footage and stock photos are able to be customized and are also essential for sourcing authentic AI generation as opposed to non-licensed (and possibly illegal) footage or photos that are using other artists or businesses' works.

AI to post-produce

In the post-production phase, we're beginning to see the true power of AI, and what a game changer it can impact the industry. We've already mentioned that generative AI, in particular will be the key technology for the coming decade in editing video.
    It's gone are the instances of re-shooting and having to enter to edit frame-byframe the shot to eliminate a person or modify the appearance of an image. The latest generative fill tools designed available for Premiere Pro and similar AI-powered features are being added to each one of the most popular tools and video editing applications.
    The text-based editing option is another alternative that editors may use AI to fully transcribe the interview, later make adjustments to the text to smooth out the video (no more "ums" in addition to "ahs") and even completely generate new shots or scenes for the future.
    With AI tools integrating into all types of post-production tools including color correction and editing, even employing generative AI to create new camera angles AI is beginning to transform editing video into an entirely different creative process.
    Top 3 AI Instruments for production:

AI-generated image of guy in a pink jacket working at a laptop with swirling, cloudy background

Strategies and techniques for making use of AI for today's video

Even here at we're constantly contemplating new ways to incorporate AI into our own production to help improve the efficiency of content creation and streamline the workflow.

"As an editor of videos, I'm always thinking through the process of constantly making changes to our video material in the near time. The majority of my video shoots are in rented spaces, not at our studio, so when an event occurs and we wish to alter or modify certain audio clips on the screen, it's necessary the ability to duplicate. It's also fascinating to consider the possibility that AI could be able of analyzing the recordings we have and creating new sound clips that are exactly the same in terms of acoustics. That could be quite helpful for our productions." Elise London, Senior content producer at

    For the final part, let's go through some tricks, tips, and even a few more AI instruments that can help you improve your understanding of an AI-powered video production workflow.

The real power of using AI for your ongoing initiatives will focus in streamlining and optimizing your procedures across the board. These suggestions are designed to making your life easier. (Read the following: You aren't completely replacing you and employees by AI robots... in the very the very least currently.)

  • Feed your video project will need chatbots (like ChatGPT) to create an initial production plan and schedule. Does it match to what you'd like? If it does, then great. But should you come across something that isn't think about the AI programs you have already in place to help you save the time and resources.
  • If you're seeking creativeness in your script you could give AI a chance to rewrite your script or modify the script. You can also provide your instructions to AI before starting. If you're interested in examining how AI could help you, allow the program a chance to improve (or perhaps provide feedback) to your program.
  • to create storyboards and concepts, try using a creative AI program (like Midjourney or DALL-E) to create concepts. You can feed these AI apps with pictures or text as prompts or requests, and then see how they draw your camera configurations as well as camera layouts.
  • Before hitting the set, check if there's any AI software that can assist you to simplify your production process. It never hurts to determine whether AI could save you time and money, keeping your productions short and effective.
  • On set You can take your idea art to the set and then modify it as needed. If you're receiving feedback from the crew or cast on possible modifications, it's easy to integrate this information into your machine learning AI tools and modify the style of your production, as well as the other aspects while you're in the stage.
  • When you have finished your production, you are able to utilize an AI software such as Rev AI or Otter to translate your video. It can really help with your pre-edit process since you can look through the transcripts instead of going through each and every second of your footage (and you can do the transcription yourself).
  • You can make changes immediately and add edits on your video by using the transcripts. Software like Adobe's edit tools based on text will aid you with the necessary adjustments after uploading your videos onto your NLEs.
  • You are able to make tiny or substantial modifications to your video making use of generative AI tools. AI apps like Runway and Stable Diffusion can help you add to your videos with new graphics elements as well as footage that is built around text or image commands.
  • When you've exported your videos, you'll be able to use AI text chat software to create innovative and distinctive titles and descriptions for your videos before uploading the videos. Explore different options to find which fresh and innovative descriptions and titles might be appropriate for your needs.

Remember of the fact that these are just a few ideas and suggestions for incorporating AI into the workflow for video today. The latest AI tools and features are coming out almost every hour, so be sure to stay up to date with any latest innovations or innovations which could help make your video more efficient.

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