How Valeria Hernandez developed her health and mindfulness business and stayed clear of burnout during the process of creating

Aug 4, 2022

Learn the ways Wellness Trainer and Creator Fellowship winner Valeria Hernandez developed an online business that is lucrative and helping women adopt vegan diets which represent their cultures.

Valeria Hernandez was a teenager when Valeria Hernandez faced issues in her body, she recognized that intuitive eating was crucial and the benefits from a plant-based lifestyle. For the purpose of incorporating these ideas to recipes that relied on traditional methods, Valeria started crafting authentic Mexican recipes with vegan ingredients.

In the present, Valeria shares those discoveries through VegiVale which is a firm that offers the services of a fitness coach made from plants. They help customers to eat healthier vegetables and fruits, enjoy food items they enjoy within their own culture and live more active lives.

The route Valeria pursued as a designer wasn't always straightforward.

So, Valeria faced a toxic rush culturethat was common in the market online. It was always a struggle for her to be a follower of the pack and not follow her instincts led her to the opposite direction. Valeria could also change her perspective from an employee to an entrepreneur who decides and balances the growth of her company with her regular 9-5 work time.

After overcoming the obstacles, Valeria was able to sculpt her dream business to create an environment that is suitable to the work she does and daily day life. She also figured out her unique way to go.

Here's the way Valeria helps women eat plant-based foods that reflect their traditions while also building an organized structure to guide with the integrity of every step.

The journey begins in the realm of health and wellness

Her first year of life was spent in a city that was a lonely place with no other people. Once she was done with the college and started working full-time, Valeria was lonely. Physically, she wasn't healthy. Valeria was on the diet for a long time, but was unable to make satisfactory tasty food options.

"I sort of misinterpreted it was a vegan issue. I was eating salad and fries in the dining hall at the college but it wasn't offering me the full nutrition. Therefore, it was not an issue that I did not have the best health."

In search of a way to tackle both of these issues when she was in that moment, Valeria found connections within the vegan community. The health coach she hired was who had a specialization in the consumption of plants. She also assisted in determining the things she needed in her food in order to be healthy, satisfy the nutritional requirements of her body, as as improving her overall general health during every entire day. .

Her coach's lessons for her resulted in an unidirectional change. Inspirational, Valeria was able to become a fitness coach who helps others reach their goals.

Valeria started her coaching career with the firm that manages the network marketing. However, she was not happy with how much the focus on the training curriculum that included weight loss and diets. It wasn't a great match for her due to the coaching model of one-to-many and the continual need to attract more clients.

Valeria was looking to provide an individual, interactive experience for her customers. It will give clients greater choice. Then, 2020 happened.

In the midst global turmoil, Valeria thought it was appropriate to live her life with her personal style.

The first couple of clients who are to be identified

But, Valeria realized she could utilize connections that she'd established before to gain knowledge from them and develop the idea of starting a company.

Initial step was Valeria make use of contacts she'd made by networking marketing. They knew a lot about Valeria's method of coaching, and keen to have a personal experience with her personally.

Following that, Valeria reached out to her circle of friends that she had made within the schools, as well as people in her community, as well as to family members and to people from that circle.

It began as somewhat nerve-wracking as she spoke about the concept of business she was thinking of "real-life" acquaintances and more beloved acquaintances. They turned out to be her greatest advocates of her.

The company could expand. "I began doing one-on-one coaching and truly, really was a huge fan of the company," Valeria tells us.

"I've changed a couple of methods in my work however my primary objective is to encourage people to eat more plants. The goal of my business isn't to pressure people into switching into a vegan or vegetarian diet. Many of my customers are not on a vegetarian diet. However, my goal is to assist them in learning to consume a healthy diet of plant-based foods and to listen to their body."

It is possible to choose narrow-seating

When she first had clients to choose from, Valeria had a better picture of the image she wanted her firm to be perceived as. After that, she had to determine her ideal clientele. She had the idea of decreasing her base of customers as as well as the number of people she served was complicated at first.

"It's appealing to make an item that is loved by everyone and in order to assist as many people as you possibly can."

In the present, Valeria believes that serving the requirements of a specific segment is the primary feature that distinguishes her business. Valeria made her decision to focus to focus on helping the people of color after she realized that customers of color frequently faced similar problems to the ones she faced from personal experience.

"I realized that this is an extremely amazing subset of the population I'm able assist since as the Latina I know what they're having a hard time with. I'm capable of addressing particular issues they might be having and that's something most people don't."

Valeria created her program to aid women from diverse backgrounds with incorporating the cultural customs to their meals.

"I assist people in reconnecting to their food habits of the past as it's common to believe that the choices you choose aren't healthy but that's not the case," Valeria elaborates. "That belief is founded on the way you eat as well as white supremacy. Thus, getting rid of it in order to help people attain better general health and wellness is what I aim for."

"There Seven billion individuals on the planet. If you're trying to assist every person and talk to the entire world, then you're talking to just the person. Concentrating on a specific segment of people with whom you've established a connection... as they know that you're talking directly with the people who they've built a relationship with."

Utilizing to make an effective and efficient procedure

After defining the business's concept after which she decided on the market she would be focusing upon, Valeria turned to to establish her business on the internet. The current services she offers include health and wellness sessions along with the publication of an online publication on the internet that contains plants-based Mexican recipes on her website.

As a user, Valeria knew making different accounts across multiple platforms in order be able to access a creator's content was a hassle. She was not willing to subject her clients in similar hassle.

" assists to both entrepreneurs as well as from the perspective of clients. Clients are given a single account and are able to use any of the items that they've purchased through me."

Valeria says that you don't have the same equipment as six-or seven-figure entrepreneurs in the beginning of your career. Although, having expensive software won't ensure the same results. Furthermore, the process of paying large bills can create excessive stress.

" can really help streamline the process. I'm all for simplicity, especially when I'm at the center of my work."

Ideas to other creators, entrepreneurs and entrepreneurs!

If you were to ask her for tips she would give to new entrepreneurs Valeria stated that it's the most important thing to be in touch with the inner voice of yours to discover the perfect equilibrium between life and work. Be involved in the decision-making process and also your physical and mental wellbeing.

Pay attention to the sounds inside your head. take note of what you find natural.

When she was the President of the VegiVale , Valeria learned that having your own style can create a distinct and distinctive commercial.

"Put your blinders up because it's easy to look at the same thing that everybody else is doing. If you see one hundred people doing the same thing similar to this, you'll be like you're compelled to duplicate the idea," she remarks. "It's perfectly normal to draw similar analogies. .... The beauty of being a artist is the fact that you're unique. There's no other person that can do your work like you can."

"The greatest aspect of being a writer is it's a unique your own type. There's no one else who has the ability to write your story, in exactly how that you're doing it."
"Even even though there are a lot of healthcare professionals available, I'm sure that what I am saying the message is different than someone other person who's saying the exact same thing. Your words are received by many people. If you are trying to appear like others around you and you lose the distinctive voice."

The reason for this, Valeria explains, is the ingredient in the formula is used to write.

Valeria advises entrepreneurs to make a bold move and take the direction that is comfortable for you, regardless of making your own decisions within the field you work in. "Everyone's making use of TikTok at the moment," she points out, "There are so many health professionals who are on the platform, and I thought I wasn't being noticed. After I joined TikTok, it became clear that I was not recognized, and that wasn't what I wanted to perform."

For Valeria this style of presentation seemed to be more real and enjoyable.

"I can't say everything I have to say in 15 and 60 minutes. Newsletters, however, have stood throughout the years. I'm looking for something timeless if I'm willing to commit my time and energy in the endeavor. If I just followed the trend and tried TikTok and didn't take into account its difficult to use and navigate the interface, then I'll declare I'm not the most devoted user of it."

It doesn't mean that you should overlook everychallenge faced in your work. If there's an issue that prevents you from receiving the results you're looking for, you should consider other options.

You must ensure that you are able to find the proper balance between your work schedule and your personal time.

Many entrepreneurs, however, become entangled in their work.

The shady hustle industry could be the culprit.

At the beginning of marketing via networks, Valeria was constantly in a position of pressure to perform a stressful job and find new customers. The timetable was packed working at night after having worked a regular job, and the next day, she had be unable to enjoy time with her family.

The frantic, racing high pace didn't yield the outcomes she had hoped for and her mental well-being decreased as she wasn't being able to visit her friends and family.

Other times, designers can be not focused because they are so enthusiastic.

"Creators are more at risk due to the fact that we feel enthusiastic about the work that we carry out. It is common for us to blur the lines between work and pleasure along working and producing the content. If you're passionate about the work you do, and have a clear vision, it's hard to give up."

Valeria's recommendation: Make the most of your time , and control your business to provide you the life/work harmony you've always wanted.

"I observe a myriad of entrepreneurs and creatives that quit their jobs in order to follow this model within their own businesses," Valeria says. "Why is it that you have to decide to do this? Why would you choose to have just two days off throughout the week on Sundays as well as Saturdays? Doesn't it seem negative?"

Your power is in your hands:

You can take a day off if you need to.

Reduce your hours and never be ashamed.

You can choose to work with smaller clients so that you can have longer hours of work.

Make realistic goals that you can achieve within a period of time acceptable to you.

Avoid following the traditional ways simply because you're comfortable with the way you're comfortable with the way you're used to it.

"Don't ignore important things," Valeria reminds fellow creators. "You can live a rich life that does not only exist on the internet."

You need to feel secure making important decisions

At the time she founded the company, Valeria needed to make important decision-making. Now, she's aware of the importance of keeping in touch with her instincts and committing to a vision is essential in advancing the company.

"The approach you take to manage your work hours is different from what you do when you are an entrepreneur" she says.

"In the workplace, there are deadlines, processes and projects, but there's someone who can guide you. When you're an entrepreneur, the only thing you're required to complete is on your own. The only person who can make the decisions is the only person who can make that decision for you. Making decisions are yours . It's important to be certain about your decisions."

This is a huge amount of pressure for a new creator. If she's in a bind or is trying to find a solution, Valeria reminds herself that "not making a decision is an inherently option." This will help her when making a decision and then follow the strategy.

Make sure you take charge of both your physical and mental well-being

The next step is to Valeria stresses the importance of taking proper care of your wellbeing is. While traveling, Valeria noticed that when she wasn't feeling good either mentally or physically, her business was in a slump. If she was in good health, the company thrived.

To keep wellness on your list of priorities, Valeria follows the same tips she offers her clients who she coaches. "How could I tell my clients to take a break at least eight hours each at night, taking lots of fluids, and to eat their veggies even though they're not?" she inquires.

"I often ask myself "If I were my personal client what would I counsel me to take in this particular situation""

Is there a future of the VegiVale?

Valeria has assisted hundreds of women with various backgrounds to live happier lives with her the content of the VegiVale website  Programs, programs and newsletter as well as her newsletter. We're sure that this is only the beginning.

"With my assistant virtual, we're creating an education course to be released in a couple of months. The course is still in stage of development at the moment, however I'm not able to complete it without her guidance," Valeria notes.

With her distinct voice, making a distinction between both her personal and professional life, and taking difficult decisions, and placing wellbeing at the top of her list, Valeria built a freeing and exciting venture on the internet. Built on solid, sturdy foundations and an unbreakable foundation that's impervious to damage, she's no boundaries. We're excited to see the next steps for this artist!

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