How Valeria Hernandez built her mindful health coaching business and avoided burnout from creative work |

Aug 1, 2022

Learn how Wellness coach as well as Creator Fellowship Winner Valeria Hernandez is creating an online business that is successful and inspiring women to embrace plants-based diets that honor their culture.

In the time that Valeria Hernandez faced obstacles with her body, she realized the benefits of intuitive eating as well as the benefits of plant-based diets. Determined to incorporate this wisdom to the traditional cooking methods, Valeria started crafting authentic Mexican recipes using vegan ingredients.

This morning, Valeria shares those discoveries through VegiVale  which is a wellness business that is based on plants that assists clients to eat healthier fruit and vegetables, savor food that they enjoy, and live energized lives.

However, Valeria's journey as a creator was not always easy.

Along the way, Valeria faced a toxic business culture within the online market and was pressured to join the crowd, even when her gut pulled her in a different direction. Then, she learned to change her mindset as an employee into a decision-making entrepreneur, balancing a growing business with a traditional 9-5 work schedule.

Through tackling these challenges that Valeria was able to sculpt her dream business, create an efficient work-life balance and carve her own path.

Here's how Valeria inspires women to embrace plant-based foods which honor their roots as well as establishing the business of coaching based on authenticity along the way.

Getting started within the wellness industry

At the time the time, she was in a city in which she had no friends. Following her graduation from college and moving into full-time employment, Valeria was lonely. Her physical health was not great as well. Valeria had been following an all-vegan diet for couple of years, but was unable to find satisfying and filling meals.

"I just kind of winged it with my vegan journey. I was eating french fries and salads at the college dining hall, and that often wasn't allowing me to get all my nutritional needs. So it was no wonder I was not feeling well."

In search of a solution to address both issues all at once, Valeria found connections within the vegan community. She hired a health professional that specialized in eating plant-based and was able to identify the foods she needed to take in order to remain active, meet her nutritional needs and have a better overall experience throughout the day. .

Utilizing the lessons that her coach instructed her led to making a 180deg shift. Inspiring, Valeria become a health coach herself to help more individuals live their most fulfilling lives.

Valeria was a coach with an organization that was a part of a network marketing However, she was not happy with the way that it focused on dieting and weight loss. It was difficult for her to be confined by the approach of one-to-many coaching, and was stressed out by being constantly pressured to acquire many more clients.

Valeria was aspired to provide a personalized, hands-on experience to her customers that would give the client more flexibility. Then, 2020 happened.

With the world in turmoil, Valeria determined that it was the right time to handle things in her own style.

The first clients we meet

However, Valeria discovered she could reach out on her connections from the past to gain experience and help her develop the business idea.

The first step was to Valeria utilized contacts she'd established in networking marketing. The people she contacted already knew and appreciated Valeria's style of coaching and wanted a high-touch, one-on-one experience.

Next, Valeria reached out to the circle of people she knew through the school system, in her community as well as family connections and also to friends from the same circle.

Initially, it was nerve-wracking to discuss the business plan she had in mind with "real-life" friends and loved ones. But, they proved to be the biggest supporters of her.

Since then, her business grew. "I started doing one-on-one coaching, and I truly liked it" she tells us.

"I've switched around a few different directions in my work However, my goal is to help people consume more vegetables. My goal is not to make anyone switch to veganism. Many of my customers don't even consider themselves vegetarians However, my focus is on helping them eat healthier vegetables and to listen to their body."

The choice to narrow down

With her first few clients to her credit, Valeria had a better understanding of what she wanted her company to appear like. Her next step was to define her target audience. But the thought of narrowing her clientele- and pool of prospective clients -- was intimidating at first.

"It's tempting to to design something to please everyone to help as many people as possible."

Now, Valeria believes that serving a specific niche is a key element that makes her brand stand out. She chose to specialize in providing services to women of color since she observed that these customers often faced the same issues she'd experienced on her own.

"I realized this could be an extremely cool group of my clients as a Latina I can understand the struggles is going on for them. I'm able to speak about particular issues they might be experiencing that many persons don't."

Valeria created her own programs to assist women from different backgrounds to incorporate their cultural cuisines into their meals.

"I help them reconnect with their cultural foods because we're often taught that our cultural foods are not healthy but that's not always accurate," Valeria elaborates. "That mentality is rooted in eating habits and white supremacy, so dismantling all of that by aiding people in their health is my goal."

"There are seven billion people on the planet. When you try to help everybody and speak to everybody but you're actually speaking to everyone. It's a lot more powerful to concentrate only a select segment of people with whom you've developed a relationship with... since they know that you are speaking directly to them."

Utilizing for a more efficient, simplified business

After defining her business idea and identifying her target audience, Valeria turned to to build her own virtual home base. Valeria currently offers fitness coaching sessions along with an cookbook online of plants-based Mexican recipes through her website.

As a consumer, Valeria knew making different logins for several platforms to get access to one creator's content was frustrating. She was not willing to put her clients through the same experience.

" makes it easier on the entrepreneur's side and on the client's side. Customers can log in with one account, and are able to use everything they purchased through me."

Valeria is also clear that you do not need to utilize the same costly tools as six-or seven-figure entrepreneurs at the beginning of your journey. The cost of these programs does not ensure that you'll get the same results, and keeping up with hefty monthly bills can add an unnecessary burden.

" can really help streamline things. I'm all for simplicity particularly at this point of my career."

Help for fellow entrepreneurs and creators!

In response to a question about what her advice is for budding entrepreneurs Valeria expressed how important it is to listen to your inner voice, establish a your balance in life and work, take a stand to prioritize your physical and mental health.

Pay attention to the voice in your head and go with what you feel is natural

After building the company VegiVale , Valeria learned that being your own person makes your business unique.

"Put your blinders on because it's so tempting to look at what everyone else is doing. If you observe 100 individuals doing something similar to this, you're going to want to do that too," she remarks. "It's completely normal to make comparisons. .... However, the beauty of being an artist is that you're unique. one of a kind. There is no one else who can achieve your work the same way that you do."

"The beautiful part about being a writer is that you are one of a one of a kind. There is no one else who can achieve the same thing as you, and in the manner you approach it."
"Even though there are thousands of health coaches out there, I know what I am saying the message will be different than when someone else says exactly the same thing. Our messages will speak to different individuals. When you try to follow the mainstream, you will lose your unique voice."

This, Valeria explains, is your unique sauce for being a creator.

Valeria advises entrepreneurs to take a leap of faith and do what makes them feel good regardless of doing things differently from others within your industry. "Everyone's using TikTok right now," she points out, "There are so many health experts on there. I felt as if I wasn't being heard. Then I joined the platform, and it was not my style."

For Valeria, this format felt more authentic and enjoyable.

"I am unable to say everything that I have to say in fifteen to 60 seconds. But newsletters have stood the test of time. I'd like something that is timeless if I'm going to invest energy into it. If I listened to the people, I would do TikTok without noticing that it's hard for me and that I don't enjoy it."

That's not to say it's a good idea to ignore everychallenge that you face in your work however, if there's something that makes you feel like you're dragging your feet, it's worth considering other options.

Find a balance between work and life.

Nevertheless, many entrepreneurs get caught in the mistake of working too hard.

    Sometimes, the toxic hustle culture is at fault.    

In her network marketing days, Valeria always felt pressured to be productive and find clients. It was her job to work till late in the evenings after her regular job, and then miss precious time with loved ones.

However, hustling around the clock didn't yield result, and Valeria's psychological condition deteriorated due to her absence from her family and friends.

    In other instances, designers are able to work for hours because they're enthused.    

"Creators are more at risk since we enjoy the work we do. It is easy to blur the lines between work and passion as well as life and the creation of content. If you're truly passionate about your work and the vision you have, it can be hard to switch off."

Valeria's solution: Take control of your schedule and structure your business to give you the time and flexibility you need.

"I observe numerous creators and entrepreneurs leaving their nine to five and then re-create that same structure within their businesses," Valeria says. "Why should you make that decision? What is the reason you would only have two days off a week, on Sunday and Saturday? Doesn't this defeat the point?"

The power is yours, and you're able to:

Use your days off as needed.

Do less work and never feel guilt.

Make a decision to have less clients, so that you can are able to have more time.

Make achievable goals for yourself in a time-bound, realistic plan.

Do not follow the tradition simply because it's familiar.

"Don't forget the things that matter," Valeria reminds fellow creators. "You have a whole life beyond the web."

Be confident when you make big decision

In the beginning of her career, Valeria struggled to make critical decision. She now realizes that listening to her intuition and making a commitment is essential for moving forward.

"The way you function during your nine-to-five-day job differs from the way you work as an entrepreneur" she shares.

"In an ordinary job There are deadlines, assignments, and steps, but you have someone guiding you. When you're an entrepreneur, it's just you. You're calling the shots and making decisions, and you must be confident about those decisions."

It's quite a burden for someone who is a novice creator. If she's having trouble deciding, Valeria reminds herself that "not taking a decision is inherently a choice." This helps her make up her mind and execute a plan.

It is important to prioritize your physical and mental wellbeing

Finally, Valeria emphasizes how important it is to take care of your health. In her travels, Valeria noticed that when she didn't feel well either mentally or physically the business was affected. If she was feeling great and her business flourished, it was a success.

In order to keep health in the spotlight, Valeria follows the same tips she provides her coaching clients. "How do I convince my clients to rest for at least eight hours each night, drink their water, and eat their veggies if I'm not?" she says.

"I often think about if I were my client What would I advise myself to say in this circumstance?'"

What's next for VeviVale?

Valeria has already helped many women of color lead better lives by utilizing her VegiVale-related content , programs as well as her newsletter  We know it's only the beginning.

"With the aid from my assistant virtual we're in the process of developing an online course that will be launched in the coming months. It's in the baby phase right now, but I'd be unable to develop it if it weren't for the assistance of her," Valeria notes.

Through embracing her distinctive voice, maintaining a healthy work-life balance and making difficult decisions and putting health first, Valeria built a freeing and enjoyable online business. With solid foundations, the sky's the limit. We're eager to see what she does the next time around!