How To Use Cookie-Free Domains The Complete Guide

Jan 6, 2023
Sitting in front of a computer learning how to use cookie free domains

It's possible to cut down on the deadweight (in the case in the case of expired cookies) by using cookie-free domains. In this complete guide, we'll go over the fundamentals of cookie-free domains with their pros and cons, their advantages, along with the best way to configure your WordPress website to take advantage of the services.

However, before we do that, let's look into the cookie world of the internet and examine the ways that domains utilize cookieseither for good or worse.

Cookie-free domains are parts of websites that do not transmit cookies to web browsers.

Why should we not have cookies available every day? In the end, wouldn't it be courteous to send users the most cookies you can?

Not necessarily. If we're discussing cookies-free domains we're of course speaking of HTTP cookies. As opposed to the tasty cakes we love, HTTP cookies are little packets of data that websites send to the web browsers of their customers. Though they're not exactly delicious however, they're very useful for helping sites "remember" visitors when they return.

However, just like the actual cookies, it's recommended to provide more than HTTP cookies. The next section explains that people love cookies. However, serving more than what they need will leave them feeling a bit sluggish and full of gas.

What is HTTP? HTTP cookies?

HTTP cookies are everywhere on the web.

When visiting a site you're likely to notice that it requires you to save cookies using the browser you use. Apart from information regarding the site and page you've visited, cookies include a user-specific ID which you can link to your browser. The identifier allows websites to "remember" even if it's been a while since you've visited that page.

We'll take a closer look to see how this exchange works (spoiler hint: there's no cute wicker baskets, or girl scouts to be found in the mix).

How websites send HTTP cookies to users’ web browsers
What are the methods by which web sites transmit HTTP cookies to users" web browsers?

Like the picture above, this exchange can be broken into three phases:

  1. The web server transmits both the page and the cookie. Once it has received your request, the web server will send back the requested page along with an informational cookies. We mentioned it earlier that it's almost always your personal identification number and your browser.
  2. The browser requests another page on the same server. Let's suppose you click the hyperlink for a different site within the website for example "Shop" or "About Us" at an online store. This is where your browser makes another request to the web server, along with the cookie that it originally received. After the server has received this request, it sees the cookie that was previously used and remembers the website you've previously visited. By using this data that the server holds, it is able to offer more personal experiences by maintaining your login inactive or adding products in the shopping cart.

Additionally, there are different types of cookies that serve various purposes. The example above shows how the server that is involved in the management of sessions stores your login and shopping cart products which is also known as the personal session stored on their site. Cookies can, in turn, be used to create specific experiences for you, like your most recent purchases or items you have viewed, or personalized advertisements.

Although it's nice to get cookies, no matter the location, but this isn't what that it's claimed to be. In the following section, it's actually possible for a site to provide several cookies, and some that many people prefer not to "eat."

How Domains Use HTTP Cookies

Personal identifiers are an very important motive to utilize HTTP cookies, but they're by no means the only reasons to use them. Cookies are used for a wide variety of motives to deliver enhanced user experiences on the web and deliver content that is targeted, and many other.

How cookies might be used to violate privacy
What are the methods that cookies could be utilized to breach privacy

The article previously covered how browsers and sites exchange HTTP cookies to "remember" the user. While this is useful in making sure login credentials are kept as well as displaying cart items however, they can also be used for an even more violent (or even annoying) motives.

Below are a few of the most frequently used methods that domains can make use of HTTP cookies.

  • Management of sessions. This is a phrase you've likely seen before. Session management is typically believed to be one of the more "benign" application for HTTP cookies since it's sole goal is to offer an unchanging user experience that helps the user not repeat steps. Although observing prior activities may cause privacy issues to some people It's usually secure. Privacy issues arise when cookies are used to perform monitoring as we'll be discussing this in the near future.

It is good to know that the majority of HTTP cookies are utilized to manage sessions and to personalize the experience. However, even the most harmless cookies can cause problems.

In the past, we've examined the notion of a page that transmits just one cookie. A single page generally sends several cookies. Usually, one cookie is for every element of the page -- HTML, image files , etc. Although some cookies are required for session management and individualization, most of them aren't.

It is possible to send out too many cookies. It can lead to a variety of issues. These issues will be addressed in the section below.

Don't Do Too Much Cookies

Similar to other types of documents Web pages comprise made up of various elements that give them shape, identity, structure, and purpose. Each element can be a part of a cookie.

While the typical documents we read in .pdf or .docx format may appear as a one-time "combination" of text and pictures Web pages are made up of many tiny pieces.

HTML, CSS, and JavaScript are major components of most websites
HTML, CSS, and JavaScript are key components in many websites.

If your website is also transmitting cookies, it might be able to automatically transmit cookies for each component in the process. This might not be a big deal on a website with the smallest amount of images however it can become overwhelming if an online website has hundreds of more parts and it's in the process of creating a cookie to each one.

Like eating too many cookies in actual daily life, the need to send and receive HTTP cookies leads to sluggish performance. As sending data to other servers takes more time and energy and the sending of cookies for every aspect is likely to consume lots of network resources.

The solution to not sending enough cookies uses the same analogy in real life: to improve efficiency, just consume (read and transmit) smaller amounts of cookies.

But which cookies are we required to surrender? It's generally the best practice to delete cookies from any pages that contain static elements.

They are those that which don't alter based on the user's behavior, such as static images or static files like CSS files. Therefore, they aren't required to have cookies associated with them. This makes removing them one of the most effective ways to reduce workload on the network and boost effectiveness.

Naturally, eliminating cookies isn't so easy as simply unchecking the "cookies" option.

Structure of a URL showing a subdomain
The structure of the URL that indicates the subdomain

It's not difficult to establish domains that are cookie-free when you utilize the right software and establishing subdomains isn't the only method to accomplish this.

Before we get involved, we'll take a look into some of the greatest benefits of having cookies-free domains and how it can affect your website (and your budget).

Removing extra cookies may seem like an easy task but in reality this is.

The small change can have substantial advantages. By only sending the cookies you'll need to use your internet, you'll reduce network usage and gain several other advantages that are listed below -- some of which have nothing to do with be related to anything having to do with performance.

Reduces the amount of unnecessary Internet traffic

Many of the benefits associated with using cookies-free domains are due to decreasing the burden placed on your network by excessive cookies.

It has been discussed before the fact that sending components of your site to the users needs a certain quantity of network resources. Apart from the element itself the elements (or or even several parts of an element) are sent by way of response headers that include routing information along with additional elements like cookies.

Though cookies are small file types, the necessity to transmit a large amount of them in everypage request may quickly add up. In the end, visitors have to wait longer for the page to load since your host is overloaded (and consequently it goes over budget).

If you opt for cookie-free domains but you'll get rid of most of the bulk caused due to the usage of cookies that don't need to be used.

Enhances the Performance of Websites

SEO Benefits and Enhances Users Experience

Experience for customers is one of the primary benefits that comes with being able to load faster as customers are able to gain access to information that they need more quickly. That means that they'll be more likely to browse your website (and your products and services you offer) and less likely leave your site with a rage.

Similar benefits apply for SEO. Even though loading times on pages do not directly impact the SEO of your site, your bounce rate -- the percentage of people who click off your page will definitely affect.

Shoppers don’t want to wait long for a page to load
Page load speeds

Based on research conducted done by Unbounce, three-quarters of customers will likely to abandon an online site if they need wait for more than 4 seconds for it to load.

Lowers Hosting Costs

Traffic generated by network eventually costs an amount of money for web hosting costs.

That means if you're sending more cookies than your site's requirements, you'll be the higher costs of hosting for your website. If cookies affect web page performance, the impact is often doubled. Apart from the cost of attracting more people and a higher rate of bounce, you'll have pay for additional traffic in order to achieve the same result due to the increased bounce rate caused by slower loading times.

Cookies-free Future Ready

Techniques for Using Cookies-Free Domains

In this way, you'll create a separate domain for hosting your website's static elements, such as images and CSS.

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If you're planning to create an entire domain name, it's generally easier and less costly to create a subdomain of your existing domain name. Most cookie-free domains simply use a static prefix (e.g., "") as their subdomain.

When you create your cookie-free website, you are able to upload static elements, similar to your CSS components as well as texts, images and images as well as JavaScript.

Make use of the Content Delivery Network (CDN)

Instead of having separate subdomains or editing the configuration files, you could just tell your CDN to block and remove cookies from response headers of your static pages. That may sound a bit complex, but it's a simple feature in many CDNs.

Take note that not all CDN has this capability. It's recommended to modify your site's settings unless you're using an CDN that allows you to disallow cookies.

Change the configuration of your WordPress Site

Make use of a WordPress plugin

Another easy WordPress solution is to utilize the plugin for creating new versions that are dynamically adapted to WordPress websites.

One popular plugin for doing this is WP2Static (literally "WordPress-to-Static"). After you've installed the plugin simply open it in your WordPress dashboard and then configure the settings for exporting your content's contents into static versions.

Creating a static version of a WordPress site in WP2Static

Just like I stated, WordPress offers an easy procedure to establish cookie-free domains. The process is reduced to only a couple of simple steps:

  1. The addition of an alternate subdomain, as well as its DNS
  2. Informing WordPress that it is the domain to be able to provide static assets
  3. The process of refreshing existing WordPress databases to incorporate the brand new URL

Below, we'll discuss both.

customers are able to associate subdomains (or completely different domains) with customers. Customers can associate subdomains (or entirely different domains) with the WordPress instance within My. My dashboard. A lot of customers also utilize My's tools to configure DNS servers for these domains.

In this case, we'll setup cookies-free websites at for our website, which is currently running on

1. Make a Subdomain within My

If you've initially created your WordPress site using the wildcard feature with the Domain Name (like: * You are ready to accept all subdomain names. If not, then add the new domain for Cookies-free pages like:

  • Choose WordPress Websites in the menu on the left.
  • Enter the URL of your WordPress site.
  • Select Domains in the left-hand menu.
  • Click on the "Add" domain click.
Screenshot: Adding another domain within My.
Adding a subdomain inside My.

The following dialogueis:

  • You can enter the name of your domain that is cookie-free.
  • Click on the "Add" Domain Click.
Screenshot: Typing a new domain name within My.
Specifying the new subdomain in My.

The static domain that you are registering needs a DNS record that points to your current website. If you manage DNS on behalf of your domains using the services of a third party, you will use their tools for this. If the DNS you manage is owned with us, configure your domain's new name using My such as this:

  • Click DNS on the left-hand menu on the MyKinta home page.
  • After that, on the DNS Management page, scroll down to the DNS Records block. Click on"Add DNS Record" "Add DNS Record" button.

We recommend adding your company's newly-created subdomain into DNS in the form of an CNAME record. This allows users to utilize only the second level domain name in order to make association with the IP address. Below, we've included a CNAME record for static that points to

Screenshot: Creating a DNS record within My.
Making an CNAME record in My DNS management.

Step 2. Disable Cookies on Your static subdomain

Now, we'll modify the WordPress site's wp-config.php file so that assets within the content folder are delivered by your "static" domain and cookies can only be delivered via the "www" website address.

A majority of users will use an FTP/SFTP-based program for logging into their WordPress website , and transfer wp-config.php to their desktops for editing:

Screenshot: Downloading wp-config.php with an SFTP client.
Downloading the wp-config.php document onto your desktop.

Utilizing an editor that can text, and then add the following line of code in your wp-config.php file (replacing the default domains with your personal domain):

define("WP_CONTENT_URL", ""); define("COOKIE_DOMAIN", "");

After you've saved the file, you can upload it to your WordPress site, then replace it with the original.

3. Transfer assets that are currently in use to the Subdomain

The steps above will allow cookies to be shared when browsers load information like blog posts and pages using"www. "www" address. However, it may cause media files as well as other resources like JavaScript, CSS and fonts within themes to be associated to that "static" web address.

Your website might already be populated with content that includes hyperlinks to these sites with"www" URLs "www" URL. You can clean that through a search, and then replacing it within the WordPress database.

  • Go to WordPress Websites from the left-hand menu in the My Dashboard.
  • Go to the URL of your WordPress page.
  • Select Domains in the left-hand menu.
  • On the site's Information page, scroll down to The Database Access block. (You are able to copy information about your database's username and password there if you need to.)
  • Click on the open PHPMyAdmin hyperlink.
  • Log into your WordPress database.
  • Click the SQL Tab.
Screenshot: Updating content in the WordPress database using phpMyAdmin.
Running an SQL query to refresh asset links in WordPress the contents.

Utilize the steps below to be sure that every link in your blog posts go to the subdomain that is cookie-free (again make sure you substitute your domains with those you own):

UPDATE wp_posts SET post_content = REPLACE(post_content, '', '') 

1. Make a subdomain using cPanel.

Click on your Domains section on the home page of the cPanel. Within Subdomains, you can use the subdomains tool, you can create a subdomain connected to your top-level domain on your existing WordPress website.

These settings can be seen below, to make this Subdomain

Creating a subdomain in cPanel
Create a subdomain using cPanel

2. Set the subdomain to static in cPanel.

Your new static subdomain is in place and you're ready to make it live up to its name by serving static content on WordPress.

It is accomplished by altering this file. WordPress website's wp-config.php file. One of the easiest ways to get access to the file is via cPanel's File Manager application.

In the File Manager, navigate to the website's public_html directory and select wp-config.php (1). Click Edit (2) to edit the file. Edit option (2) to change the content of the file.

Locating the wp-config.php file in the cPanel File Manager tool
Locate the wp-config.php file

In the wp-config.php file, simply include the following line (being certain to replace the domains with your own! ):

define("WP_CONTENT_URL", ""); define("COOKIE_DOMAIN", "");

Click " Save Changes."

3. Transfer existing posts to the Subdomain

Within within the Database section of cPanel, open your PhpMySQL program. Select the database you want to use for your websiteand, next, select its post_posts table.

Select for to use the SQL option in the post_posts table. Follow the below command to verify the URLs of your posts will be directed to the cookie-free subdomain (again, being sure to replace the domains with the ones that you own):

UPDATE wp_posts SET post_content = REPLACE(post_content, '', '') 
Redirecting existing posts to the new static subdomain
Redirecting older posts to a new subdomain that is static

This is as easy as it gets! Now you have an un-cookie-free domain on WordPress through cPanel. You can use the domain that is cookie-free for static images, CSS, JavaScript, as well as fonts. All you need to do is allow cookies to be utilized in the main domain.


Utilizing cookie-free domains can increase the performance of your website and lower hosting costs as well as improve your user experience as well as your the search engine's optimization.

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