How to Start an Online school using WordPress

Mar 3, 2023


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Do you want to find a simple way to make cash on the internet? Maybe you're a teacher searching for new students.

WordPress can be employed WordPress to create nearly every type of website including stores, blogs and even online schools. However, if you want to create an online school using WordPress then you'll need to create virtual classrooms, give out work assignments and so on.

There are a lot of online tools for learning as well as plugins to transform a WordPress site into an online school.

However, it completely simplifies the process. It is possible to charge users for access online content  as well as protect the any documents that you've created for students.

In this piece we'll discuss the most important tools required to start an online school. Additionally, we'll go over the steps to do it using WordPress. Let's get going!

Tools you'll need

WordPress has a wide range of choices right out of the gate. However, there are only a handful specially designed for online education.

It's easy to include every function you want to WordPress and turn it into a online education platform.

Here are some tools to get you started:

  1. The plug-in will sit at the center of your school's online presence. You can use it to safeguard content, as well as create memberships that grant users access to it. It means you are able to make online courses available as well as establish membership levels for your students and choose which students can access which lessons.
  2. This add-on enables you to create online online courses using an interactive builder. The lessons can contain quizzes as well as monitor progress. Additionally, you can issue certificates to students that successfully complete the course!
  3. Although it's not necessary, we recommend that you give students access to areas online that enable users to connect with each others. Nowadays, the majority of students prefer Discord that is a better choice for classes that are online.
  4. This plugin lets you make an online directories that includes your school's instructors as well as students. So, every student at the school can get to know each other better.

Remember that it is not necessary to use allof these instruments to begin the process of creating an online school founded on WordPress. For the school's core features, all you need is a course and a website.

However, the more features that you include in your classes that you add, the more interesting the learning experience becomes. It's essential to provide relevant content that can be monetized by your school's online.

In the end, being the only private school for gain, it'll be fighting with different schools of education.

The access to proper tools and features aren't the only thing you should consider when you're launching a website. You'll also need to designit.

How to Launch an Online School using WordPress (In 3 steps)

In this article, we'll assist you in determining the type of institution you'd like to create. In addition, we'll show how to set up and install WordPress as well as how you can create the initial lesson.

Let's go!

Step 1: Pick an Academic Type

Online schools are available in a variety of forms and business models. The way in which students are taught and whether they offer certificates.

These are the three most common:

  1. Private accredited: This type of school offers some form of certification. These certificates show that the students successfully completed their education and help them to find work.
  2. not accredited Schools do not provide any recognition. Students still get access to valuable material and instruction, but they don't receive certifications for the completion of their courses.
  3. Homeschool co-op system: This school focuses on providing learning materials but letting students self-manage. Students are able to collaborate however they can't access teachers that are available to help them with their tasks.

Every one of these models is 100% valid. The most appropriate choice depends on whether or not you are able to give any recognition, and if you plan to function as an instructor (or hiring instructors).

The type of model you choose will determine the amount you will be able to make.

If you give access to instructors or provide certifications of completion, it could cost more than if students were to take the class and learn these materials on their own.

Site Exemple

If you're looking for suggestions, it's a great idea to check out this piece by the Marketing and Communications Association for Schools:

This online school offers classes in marketing and communication to teachers. They also offer subscriptions for paid members and to paywall access to learning materials.

2. Install WordPress and

Installing WordPress is the simplest aspect of the process. Indeed the majority of hosting companies will install the CMS for you.

If your host does not provide this feature, you can install WordPress by hand. When your site is in place, you can begin the installation of WordPress:

One of the most important things you'll need to do after installation is to learn how to configure the members.

This tutorial video will show you the way this process operates:

Step 3: Install the Courses and create an Online Course

If you want to earn extra points, we would suggest taking a look at this article to create quizzes for your online school.

Quizzes are a great way to add excitement and test students' understanding of the materials they're learning:

If you're at this point it is also advisable to take your time to learn details regarding the course.

     >> Visit the Courses Document Help

Make and edit the first lesson until it's ready for the public. Once you've finished, you'll have determine whether you'd like to go live with your school online right away or prepare more lessons.


It's not going to require a massive budget or a team of software developers to launch an online academy.

If you're looking to start an online college using WordPress You can accomplish it with only three easy steps:

  1. Select the school type you would like to establish.
  2. Setup WordPress and .
  3. Start by registering for courses and then design your programme.
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