How to sell more than 100 Places in Your Online Course to one corporate customer

Sep 26, 2024

This year, more than $8 billion has been approved for spending on courses, coaching and consulting from small to large associations, nonprofits, and corporations.

  56% of the training is provided by outside instructors and facilitators (experts exactly like the ones you).  

Here's the thing that's intriguing: more than 50% of the training that's being offered is being delivered online.

  What I Learned Being the Decision Maker for a 7-Figure Training Budget  

My previous life was when I was the Chief Learning Officer at an enormous company. My budget of annual expenditure was well over 7-figures.

I purchased all sorts of courses including NLP for our sales team and alkaline diets to our retreat for the executive team to the drumming circle for our company gathering, and every other thing you'd expect to find like leadership, productivity, sales, and so on.

The lesson I have learned was this: If you can connect what you are doing to a result a company is looking for, businesses will be more inclined to work with them.

  The Reasons to Sell Your Online courses to corporate clients is a Good Idea  

Since launching my own firm instructing experts and business how to create courses that have attracted thousands of dollars in online course, coaching and consulting sales, from individuals and corporate customers. There are several methods to do the same:

1. You are able to offer multiple "seats" in your course to a single customer. Corporate clients have been able to purchase 10, 20, 50, 100 and even 250 seats in my courses at prices ranging between $179 and $1997.

2. It is possible to combine your online training course by offering up-sells such as online group coaching, or an on-site custom or virtual implementation session.

3. You can easily customize an existing online course for corporate customers. The course can be customized to give more accessibility to your course by arranging an exclusive implementation call to all students from the company hosting your course. Or, you can develop an application that is in line with the current initiatives based on what you teach in your course. There are endless options.

4. The presence of corporate clients will aid in gaining many more clients. The fact that you have worked with corporate customers can give your business an instant boost of credibility when advertising your services to private clients.

  Pre-Selling an Online Course to a Corporate Client Before You Create It  

What if you don't have a course online to sell? Selling a client a pre-sales online course before you create it is a great approach to clarify the content you want to incorporate into the course and also to fund course's development.

It's simpler than you think. Meetings with corporate clients, I systematically lead clients through a discovery process and have them tell me what they would love to have in an online course offer.

You can then turn around and sell that content to other corporate clients or launch it to individual clients.

  What to Look For If Corporate Customers Purchase What You Offer  

There are 2 questions you could ask yourself to determine the likelihood that corporate clients will take the offers you make.

  Question 1: Is your course topic something corporations would like to learn more about?  

Here are a handful examples of the types of training corporate clients invest in every year:

  • Accounting and Finance
  • Administrative Formation
  • Customer Service
  • Health and Wellness
  • Human Resources
  • Specific Training for the Industry Specific Instruction
  • Information Technology
  • Leadership and Management
  • Marketing
  • Personal Development
  • Efficiency and Organization
  • Sales Training
  • Software
  • Strategy, Creativity, Innovation
  • Team Development
  • Training and Facilitation

  Question 2. How does my course topic connect to an outcome that a company would invest in?  

A simple way to convince corporate customers to appreciate the worth of your course is by linking the results your course generates to profit.

It's simple to recognize the connection to profit with course topics like the art of selling or social media marketing, right?

What if, however, you're teaching about a subject which has no obvious relationship like the field of sleep therapy?

Ask these two questions:

What are the results my offer will deliver?

What is the relationship between this outcome and with profitability?

Here are a few topics that my clients have offered for the corporate market:

Course Topic What's the outcome you are delivering? What does this outcome connect to profitability?
Sleep Therapy Inducing babies to go to sleep
  • Employers with babies and kids are often sleep-deprived
  • Sleep deprivation results in lower productivity
  • Sleep deprivation can lead to the new parents reconsidering whether they want to go back to work
Boundaries What can you do to avoid having conversations that hinder your team
  • Employees procrastinate on having tough discussions
  • Not having tough conversations holds the team back from meeting deadlines and reaching targets
Writing How do you write convincing copy?
  • A better copy of marketing boosts sales
  • Well-written online content through blogs, emails, or technical guides can increase the level of customer engagement
Storytelling What can you do to tell the "Hero's Journey" story
  • Storytelling creates emotional connection
  • Customers make their money from brands that which they are emotionally attached to
  • The brand's emotional appeal boosts the sales

If you are an expert, coach, consultant as a freelancer, public speaker writer or small business There is an enormous chance to serve small and large businesses as well as non-profits and associations.

In the next free webinar for members of the community I'll go over the ways to get corporate clients including:

  • Who purchases the items they purchase? What are they buying and how much they are spending on, and the best way to determine if they buy what YOU have to offer
  • The one thing you should not say during a meeting with a prospective corporate customer (this could send you down the dark hole of "We'll be back in touch with you" ..." and it is almost never the sales)
  • How to move from selling your online courses, programs and other offers by enrolling one student at a time to selling bundles of 50, 100, or more, to one company
  • What you must to accomplish before picking your phone or write an email to make sure that clients appreciate the worth in your services and to invest in your services (most professionals do not realize this and never get to first base)
  • An effective 4-Part Conversation Frame for leading a conversation with your client in order to lead closer to closing the deal

  Do you want to know if small, medium or big companies are willing to be willing to pay for your services? Here is the link to download "How to Tell whether Corporate Clients will Pay for Expertise 100 Topics for Training that Corporations are likely to purchase in the coming year" Guide.

Jeanine Blackwell is creator of Create 6-Figure Courses(r) as well as The Launch Lab. She has helped thousands experts develop and launch lucrative online courses. She also designed worldwide model learning courses online for brands like Estee Lauder, Aveda, 3M, Disney, Samsung, Princess Cruises, Boeing, Sotheby's, and Smithsonian Institute. Jeanine talks about online learning strategy and digital marketing. She has performed on stages with numerous influential influencers, including Marianne Williamson, Daniel Pink, Marcus Buckingham, and Deepak Chopra.