How to sell Ebooks on your own site -

Jun 24, 2022

 Updated: June 20 20, 2022

It's not a huge surprise that ebooks are becoming more popular than traditional paper books.

They are less expensive to purchase and convenient to carry around because you can download them on your phone. This contributes a lot to their popularity among people who read. Authors love eBooks since they can skip publishing companies and publishers and also earn more.

This is why the majority percent of eBook sales come from self-published authors. In this guide, we'll show you how you can be part of the game and also how you can sell your books on your own website.

What we'll be discussing:

  • There are many benefits to selling eBooks directly from your own site
  • Explain in detail how to create a store on your website and start selling
  • How to set the price, safeguard and promote your eBooks in order to make the most profit.

So, without further delay we'll get going...

Benefits of Selling eBooks on Your Website

The main reason for this:

  • You look more professional It is a fact that there are thousands of writers publishing their works on the internet. Stand out with a unique website. an impressive website.
  • It will increase your visibility No matter if you are aware of it or not, each one of us has a personal brand. An online presence that tells the story of your brand and provides information can do wonders for your company's image.
  • Your profit is greater If you have everything right, you have the chance of making a good amount of money by selling your work on your website.
  • It offers more flexibility: Selling eBooks through your website allows you to set the rules, control the branding, and make it as flexible as you see fit.
  • Pay your customers instantly The majority of marketplaces utilize systems that delay your payments, which you are able to circumvent through selling on your own site.

Should You Sell eBooks on Your Own Website or Sell Them via Amazon?

Here are five fantastic advantages of having your own site. What about selling eBooks through Amazon? They surely have much wider reach than you'll have on your own?

Yes, it does. But it doesn't mean that you cannot take both.

Amazon will be taking a portion off your sales in exchange for letting you sell your products on its well-known platform. That's not a bad deal, but there's also no exclusivity clause.

That's why we'd still recommend not to place all your eggs into one basket.

How to Price Your eBooks

Let's get to the exciting aspect price your eBooks. The reason we spoke of Amazon in the past minute is that selling on the marketplace can affect your margin of profit as well as the cost.

Marketplaces will take anywhere from 30-70% of your retail price.

Amazon has been kind enough to provide an application that will help you price your book: KDP Pricing Support. To make the report short, your best bet is to set your eBook prices between $2.99 to $9.99 for maximum revenue.

How to sell eBooks on Your Own Website

It's time to start talking about the best way to market eBooks on your own website. While the whole ordeal might seem daunting, all you need to do is master these four steps. After that, you'll be able author and sell your first book within a matter of minutes.

1. Register Your Account

2. Upload Your Book and Other Digital files

You will be taken to a new page, on which you will see a number of fields.

When you see the "Upload Product File" button, you need to click it. Choose your book - - or books if written multiple ones in the meantime - and add them to the system. There's a huge 5GB limit, that's more than enough to upload any ebook.

The most common formats are PDF, EPUB, and MOBI. These two formats are specially designed for use on mobile devices, and you should read about some of the benefits and drawbacks of them before you decide.

You're allowed to share them in all three formats so that you can give readers the opportunity to choose.

3. Connect Your Payment Methods

When your eBooks have been added to your store, it's time to sort out your method of payment. There is the possibility of using two of the popular payment options. We'll look at ways to market eBooks online using PayPal and Stripe.

Head back to the dashboard and do these things:

  • Select "Account"
  • Select "Settings"
  • Click on "Payment Details"

4. Embed Into Your Website

Go to go to the "Products" section on .com. Find your book, select"Share/Embed," then select the "Share/Embed" option. After the modal is displayed, click on the "Embed Button" tab. You can customize the font as well as the color and text on the buttons.

There are also two choices:

  • Direct Buy Button The button directs your purchaser straight to the checkout
  • Add to Cart Button: Add your book to your buyer's cart

With embedded buttons, you will make the purchase process much simpler for clients.

Just look at Cherie Tu, the creator of Thriving On Plants. By embedding buttons, she created a perfect landing page for the eBook she wrote. She placed the button after an attention-grabbing copy, that explains the book's content is about and entices users to click through to purchase.

Looking for another good example? Take a look at this elegant and simple integration by James Colgan. It easily connects his sales page with his site without sacrificing any branding.

If you'd like to make it even less oblique, simply a hyperlink will suffice.

Head over to this blog about writing created by Ali Ventures. Scroll down , and then click "Buy Start Writing" or "Buy all six seminars" to view how the integration of links works. Similarly, Dr. Axel Rauschmayer has included a straightforward link to his website on the green boxes of the home page.

Bonus Tip

For extra points, you can create a custom "Thank You" page. For that, head and go back into "Advanced Options" and find "Checkout Options." Include a hyperlink that redirects them to... And it's done!

How to Safeguard Your eBooks Against Download Limit

How to accomplish it in five simple steps:

  1. Visit your account
  2. Click to "Settings"
  3. Navigate to "Advanced Settings"
  4. Locate"Download Limit. "Download Limit" option.
  5. Set the new limit for downloads.

How to market your eBooks to Boost Sales

As we close we must emphasize the importance of marketing your eBook. It is essential to do this for eBooks that you sell on your own website and do not make use of marketplaces.

Here are some suggestions on how you can promote your ebook online:

  • Make a blog that explains the topics in your novels.
  • Set up a pre-launch page for landing pages to gather email addresses.
  • Create an email marketing campaign to nurture your mailing list.
  • Pay for ads to advertise your book on Facebook and other social media.
  • Gather as many positive reviews of your eBook for added social proof.

Final Reflections

Once you've learned how to make money selling eBooks through your website, all there's left is to implement it. Of course, it'll be a while before you master each trick. But once you get the basic concepts in place, you'll be good to go.

For a quick recap, here's everything you need to know:

  • Make money with eBooks by selling them on your own sites and on marketplaces.
  • The price of your books should be based on the location where you will sell them in order to make the most profit.
  • Use the platform to simplify the process of selling for both you and your customers