How to Price Your Online Course for Maximum Revenue (7 steps) |

Jan 4, 2024

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If you're an independent content creator or small-scale business owner who is looking to profit from your coaching site through a WordPress LMS You may be noticing that creating an online class is no simple task.

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You've stumbled across a myriad of possibilities:

  • Gathering the tools you'll need

You have a lot of work on your plate!

Woman spinning plates

All of which can make the pricing of your online course seem to be a difficult task.

It's important to set a price which is fair for the work you're putting into and the knowledge you're providing as well as, at the that your target audience is able to be able to.

a bowl filled with small folded paper notes

This complete guide is available to ease your fears.

This article aims at providing you with insight on the main factors influencing online course pricing and the best way to address them.

In addition, we'll talk about ways to leverage the amazing features to optimize the pricing of your products and maximise the profits.

Let's unpack this together and determine a cost which feels right.

Pricing your Online Course

a hammer crushing a walnut

Why is pricing an online course a difficult piece of cake to crack?

Let's explore the complex market of pricing to discover the obstacles that make it seem so difficult.

Lack of the Standard Pricing Model

Two road signs pointing towards two opposite directions. The one on the right says "Best Price" while the other on the left says "Better Price".

In the majority of cases, physical goods are able to be identified by the cost of production. However, the cost of making an online course could differ greatly.

It is difficult to determine a price that is affordable and also generates profits.

Value is at the Finger of the Beholder

A golden egg in the middle of regular eggs.

Your goal is to convince customers that the course's worth of the money they pay for it. However, you must make it affordable for them to purchase. This can be a tricky finding the right balance.

Pick a strategy for pricing which is in line with your budget and expectations of your audience.

 Are they willing to fork out more money for content of high quality? Would they prefer a monthly subscription, or one-time installment?

Understanding their preferences will provide an idea of how to price your products.

A highly competitive environment

Chalk drawings of stick people trying to climb up ladders.

The online learning market is huge and varied.

To determine a price that is competitive, you must an investigation into the prices that other companies charge for similar information. This is a lot simpler than you think.

Take a glance at the prices your competition cost for similar courses.

There is no need to lower them, however you do need to price within the same ballpark.

a flatlay of a target board and two darts.

Your unique audience is a major factor in the challenge. Different audiences possess different price preferences.

In other words, a class targeted at professionals from the workplace might be more expensive than one aimed at students.

Understanding your audience's willingness to pay for your services will require doing some study. However, it's nothing to worry about.

4 key factors that affect pricing of your Online Course

a series of emotive faces leading up to a lightbulb

However, knowing how to cost your classes is among the essential things you need to be aware of. It could be the decisive part of your success!

and the most important question, "How much should you be charging per meal?" doesn't have an easy answer.

Keep reading! This article will guide you through the steps to assist you in determining your course fee without too much fretting.

1. Course Development and Delivery Expenses

post-its in a shape of an arrow with dollar signs drawn on them. one of the post-its has a question mark drawn on it instead

Consider the costs you've incurred when creating your online course. This is valuable time that merits the reimbursement.

The costs range from writing scripts to creating videos editing, hosting and advertising.

Additionally, if your course is successful and your name increases in recognition You should think about scaling up.

Include these costs in the cost of your item to ensure you don't operate with a loss.

2. Perception of Value

the words "value" and "price" on an adhesive note

The price of your online course also sends an indication of its high good quality.

A low price may lead future students to see your class as being unreliable or of poor quality.

However an expensive price could indicate that the course is top-quality or even advanced.

So, your pricing strategy must be in line to your branding and the value you offer.

3. Consumer Behaviour

a portrait of a disappointed man holding his phone while looking at his credit card

The pricing strategies you use can influence the behavior that your pupils exhibit.

As an example, students who pay a premium for a course are most likely to be more devoted and engaged than students who get it for free or at a low price.

Additionally, they are more likely to complete the course and provide positive reviews, which can boost your course's reputation and draw more students.

4. Segmentation and Reach

customer segmentation model concept using blocks grouped by color.

Lastly, your pricing strategy could be an instrument for segmentation and differentiation.

  • Segmentation is dividing a large group in smaller sections based on similar characteristics or requirements.
     Think of it like the organization of a closet in which you put shirts in one section and pants in another.
  • Differentiation On the contrary, is all about making something stand out.
     It's similar to decorating one bicycle with cool designs and vivid colors so that it looks different and more distinct than others.

In this case, for example, you could offer a basic version of your course at less cost, or the premium version, which comes with more options at a more expensive cost.

So, you're able to cater to both budget-conscious students as well as those who are willing to pay more for extra quality.

How to Price Your Online Course in just 7 steps

So far we've identified the importance of a strategic pricing approach in your online courses.

We'll now move on to ensuring you have a solid grasp of the basic concepts of online course pricing.

Flay lay of office implements and a notebook with a checklist written on its open page.

When you know these basic concepts and making smarter decision-making for yourself. It's not just based on competition but by acknowledging the unique worth you provide.

1. Assess the worth of your course

Figure out the value the course can provide to students. Does it solve a major problem or teaching valuable techniques?

The uniqueness that your course offers allows you to set it apart from other similar courses in the market.

2. Be aware of your audience (and their willingness to spend)

a magnifying glass laid on top of an icon of a customer

Be aware of their financial capabilities so that you can ensure they are able to be able to afford your education.

Be aware that the cost you decide to set should make your course appealing to the eye..

To get a deep understanding of your customer's habits for spending You can consider distributing surveys and conducting one-on-one conversations.

The interactive method does not just reveal students' ability to pay but also their perception of the worthiness of online classes.

If you're researching customer demographics or conducting market research, their pre-made survey forms are a time-saver. You can even create your own survey from scratch in a matter of seconds.

3. Estimate Production Costs

pacman shape trying to devour illustration of coins with dollar signs on them.

Take into account all the cost of creating and maintaining your online class.

This knowledge is essential to the ability to precisely determine the price of your course so that you can cover these costs and yield profit.

Let's break down some of the typical costs involved:

  • Materials for research: You may need purchase books, take part in courses similar to yours and even engage an expert for your course. The costs are high and should be in the calculations.
  • Production expenses: Tailoring your course to the needs of your customers could be a requirement to film videos or set up your own home studio, both of which have associated costs.
  • design costs: Visual appeal for your school's curriculum shouldn't be missed. You may need to hire an artist or graphic designer, or purchase the latest design software to create stunning visuals.
     You could also even, you could just take advantage of the fact that it's got (tm) built right in.
     This page styling tool simplifies the process of add branded design to every page on your website There is no programming required.

watch >> the steps to style your pages in just 1 minute

Marketing expenses: Paid advertisements, social media campaigns, and other forms of promoting your program will also have some cost.

PRO-TIP: Begin by establishing an amount that is sufficient to cover your expenses and gives you a decent profit margin. This makes your online course sustainable but also provides the resources that you'll require for courses and growth in your business.

4. Do Market Research

a woman  in a meeting with other co-workers discussing charts and graphs, representing market research.

Analyze the prices of similar courses on the marketplace. This will help you set price points that are competitive.

The research process for analyzing your competitors isn't just about knowing what you're competing against. It's also about accurately pricing your online course.

 Then, where do you begin?

First, you need to identify your main competitors.

Be on the lookout for courses with certain similarities to yours the content, level of complexity, and target audience.

Afterward, study the pricing structures of their competitors.

 Do they charge a comparable price to yours? Do they offer any discounts or bundled deals? Do they have additional items for sale?

Take note of these details.

Note: While it's important to know what your competitors are doing, don't simply duplicate their prices. Your pricing should reflect the value of your business and the unique selling point.

5. Choose an Appropriate Pricing Model

bag with money, measuring tape, and gold coins

Let's look into the pros and cons of each.

 One-Time Payment

This model of pricing is perfect for self-paced classes that offer the possibility of lifetime access.

BenefitsThis model offers an instant ROI on investment, and clear initial profitability.

Con:These are typically higher-priced because of the huge benefits that come with the package.


Advantages: This model provides a consistent income flow, that can make budgeting easier and making plans.

Cons:However, as a course creator, you must constantly provide relevant content that will keep your subscribers in the loop and interested.


Its fee-based model lets users get access to certain content at no cost and offers paid access to additional or advanced material.

Advantages: This model can draw a wide audience because it reduces the barriers to entry for prospective students.

Con: Course creators have the difficult task of attempting to the right chord to get free users to a paid version.

6. Review and Reset your Pricing

Young man reading chart

It's essential to periodically examine and revise your pricing plan.

Since the landscape of online courses changes swiftly, along with the preferences of your audience and competition Your pricing might need be adjusted.

  • Examine the effect of your pricing on time, adjusting and refining as necessary.
  • React to shifts in customer preferences or market trends. improve the course.
  • Always be alert and ready to change your plan of action if necessary.

7. Use Flexible Pricing Tools

Tiny Mechanic Figures Next To Tools

You might be wondering by this point "Is there a tool that can simplify this whole procedure?"

It's an extensive rich, feature-rich software that makes all the steps involved in creating, managing, and selling online courses.

Takes the mystery out of pricing while bringing benefits to a wider audience.

In case you're hoping to get the performance to an eleven (who doesn't? ) There's another thing you've got to try - the WordPress coaching platform (tm).

It lets you unlock the potential of Courses WordPress LMS with a just a click.

This dynamic duo changes how course designers manage and optimize their operations.

By using CoachKit(tm) it is possible to build a thriving coaching business right within WordPress which is where simpleness meets endless possibilities.


How to Use to Price Your Online Course

We'll look at the options which can make your price experience much simpler and more profitable.

 Simple Pricing Options

Red Calculator With Floating Numbers

The most notable feature the course is its ease of setting up and modifying pricing choices for your courses.

Whether you're looking to offer one-off purchases, subscriptions, or courses for free, you can do everything and more using .

 Unlimited Membership Levels

One strategy that is popular is to start with a basic tier at a lower cost, and then offer packages that include greater features and more content at higher prices.

It makes your services accessible to an array of budgets while also increasing your potential earnings from customers who are willing to spend higher prices.

Coupons as well as discounts

allows you to create custom coupons and discounts for the courses you take.

The process of setting up discount codes should not be a hassle but it certainly isn't.

    Content Dripping

Watch >> How TO OFFER FREE Page VIEWS by utilizing the Paywall setting

This can be particularly beneficial when it comes to pricing as it allows for the introduction subscription-based models.

Instead of charging an enormous initial fee, course authors are able to charge small, monthly fees for continued access to the latest content.

You have the possibility of integrating with various payment processors that include, for example .

Watch >> How to offer a STRIPE Link on Your Website (TUTORIAL VIDEO)

Analytics and Reporting

These can provide valuable insights into member behavior which includes what type of is the most interesting content for them to be in and how much they are willing to pay.

watch >> for reports

Final Thoughts

Portrait of a woman analyzing a business report

This article has covered the crucial steps to determine the cost of online courses:

  • Knowing the importance of your course
  • A deep understanding of the intended audience
  • Exactly estimating production costs
  • Conducting thorough market study
  • Selecting the right pricing model
  • Continuously monitoring and adjusting your pricing strategies continuously.
  • Finding the appropriate instruments that simplify the process for you

The process of navigating these stages on your own can feel difficult. But, it's not necessary to take on these burdens on your own.

is the all-in-one tool designed to assist you in optimizing the pricing plan and everything else around the running of your business online.

It is an WordPress LMS as well as a membership and coaching plugin It allows you to adapt to changes in the market, adapt to your learners behavior, and finally, price your course in the most efficient way.

cta character

Take Action today!

Start getting paid for your content.

Are you looking for tips, or questions concerning pricing strategies you can use for your online course? Jump into the comments section and let's start a discussion!

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