How To list MySQL databases (Step-by-Step instructions in code)

Oct 28, 2022

MySQL is among today's most widely used relational database management tools (RDBMS). It's a robust database platform that allows the creation and management of scalable databases using a structured query language (SQL).

It is the MySQL server hosts the databases -- and the place that they can be accessible. As the administrator of the server, it's common to access information from the system, such as the databases on the server. Additionally, it is possible to show tables of specific databases, showing tables that belong to a specific database. It will show the rights and roles for users in addition to accessing limitations in addition to accessing limitations.

This article will provide the ins and outs of how to create a list of MySQL databases using an command-line prompt.

The prerequisites to list MySQL databases

It is necessary to have the MySQL server locally to your system prior to being able to begin to set it up. If you do not possess MySQL you have the option of a number of options to set it up:

  • Install and download and run the MySQL Installer on their official site. After installing, follow the steps to set up and configure the MySQL server and various other applications.

It is easy to execute MySQL commands with commands It is essential to include in to add the MySQL executable's URL into the environment of your system. If you've set up MySQL by selecting option 2, it isn't necessary, so you're free to bypass the following section.

Make sure to add the MySQL path to your System's Variables Environment

This article will instruct users on how to include your MySQL executable path into the environment variable on your systemto be used in conjunction with XAMPP and WAMP for the Windows PC.

Start the Windows Explorer and navigate to the machine. Select the drive to which you've installed either the WAMP or the XAMPP program ( C:).

If you're running XAMPP you need to navigate into the directory XAMPP first. Then, mysql then bin and copy the entire directory into the bin. the bin folder. For WAMP navigate to your version of WAMP > bin > mysql your-mysql-version > > bin and copy the whole path.

The fullpath to access MySQL CLI.
The entire route that leads to that bin folder.

Choose on the menu Start from the menu and search for "path." Click to modify the environment variable.

Choose on the variable Environment under Startup and Recovery and then click the PATH variable and then click edit.

Select "New" Copy the entire number of addresses of MySQL executable (which you previously copied).

Editing environment variables.
Editing the variable's environment.

You can make the necessary changes after you hit "OK.".

Once you've added the path you are now able to run MySQL commands with the terminal.

Log in to MySQL

To list MySQL databases users must have access granted to the databases they are interested in or create the aggregate SHOW Databases privilege which grants access to the database for all users.

Check that you're MySQL server is running before connecting to the server through the command prompt


Make sure to replace it by your username. The default username for MySQL will be root and the password is unspecified (there's no password in the default).

Logging into MySQL through the terminal.
Logging into MySQL.

Create Databases inside the MySQL Server

If you're on the server and have logged in, you're in a position to display MySQL databases in the server using SHOW Databases command: SHOW Databases command:


This means that you will receive all the database, that is kept in the storage

Showing MySQL databases.
A list of databases being kept.

Out of the six databases returned, information_schema and performance_schema are the databases of default that automatically get created when you install MySQL.

Information-schema Database information_schema The Database can be a mutable database which holds all information related to databases as well as other objects (views and privileges of tables, users, views, etc.) that are stored on MySQL. MySQL server.

The Filter's Results are retrieved using the Database Output

In the past, it was possible to access all the databases in the MySQL server by using Show Databases But, in most cases, you have to sort the information that is returned by the database in particular for the case of multiple databases which are stored on the server.

It is it is it is the "LIKE" clause that filter an output of the SHOW database using a certain pattern. The basic syntax is:


The string must be it's pattern that you want to duplicate. The final part of the string should contain the symbol for percentage, percent, that refers to at minimum one character.

In this instance it is only necessary to show those databases which start with the W W You can accomplish this with these commands:


The filtering results are:

The database's responses are filtering using"ww" or the "w $%'.

By using the Information Schema to query Table Metadata

In the past, you could observe how it works. The information schema database is where you can store all information associated with tables, databases, as well as other things in the MySQL server.

It is the Information Schema database uses the schemata table for storing the database information. For filtering the databases you have to use an extensive search that queries the schema table exclusively to search for databases.

If, for instance, you're trying to find databases with names that start in "samp" or "word," you can combine several clauses for more intricate searching:

SELECT schema_name FROM information_schema.schemata WHERE schema_name LIKE 'samp%' OR schema_name LIKE 'word%';

It's the result.

Using MySQL's
The result of this difficult question.

Additionally, there is an one more table, called"the table table in the information_schema database. The table gives information about the tables. You can also use queries to find tables that match certain patterns.

SELECT * FROM information_schema.tables WHERE table_name LIKE 'wp_%';

This is the result:

Listing the wp_tables MySQL database table.
The results of the schema are details for tables that make up WordPress. WordPress tables.

Other tables found in information_schema include columns, constraints, table_constraints, check_constraints, and referential_constraints.

Common Problems and the Methods for Solving It.

One of the most common reason for errors in performing SQL is that it's not possible to utilize the semicolon after the SQL statements.

Another issue could be using an incorrect SQL syntax, or a wrongly the name of a column or table. In order to avoid this situation, make sure you check the name of the column table and ensure that you've got it correctly written. Make sure you spell it correctly.

Here are some more tips to be aware of within your head.

Utilize the uppercase letters when creating SQL Keywords

If you are making SQL code, make sure you always make use of uppercase for SQL keywords. You should also use lowercase in column names and table names. It is easier to understand and is less prone to errors.

In lieu of:

select * from information_schema.tables where table_name like 'wp_%';

Try this:

SELECT * FROM information_schema.tables WHERE table_name LIKE 'wp_%';

Avoid Using SELECT *

Avoid using SELECT * in your SQL queries. The query isn't clear as it's not feasible to determine exactly what the query creates. It is important to specify which columns you'd like to choose in the tableau.

In lieu of:

SECT * EXCEPT(phone) of users.profile

Follow these steps:

SELECT name, dob, address, country, address, FROM user.profile

It is possible to type in the Code of your Code

Another way to help you find errors easier is to label your code with a comma. This makes your code more easily accessible!

Database Managers

It is also possible to manage your database, without having to create SQL through the database administrator. Users can access database management functions without the need to write SQL queries. This program connects directly to the MySQL server and provides the user with an interface for using the functions of the database. When connected, the program will launch its user interface. UI will show all databases available in the database server. The design and style of the UI vary between managing tools, but the procedure is the same.

Dev's database manager.
The administrator of the database for Dev.


Administrators of servers have to be able to swiftly and effectively access information from databases stored on the MySQL server. Knowing which databases are on the server, and access particular tables, and also the information within them, as well as gain access to details regarding the roles of users as well as the rights they have are crucial tasks. It is good to know that using SQL by using command-line is easy.

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