How to embed videos on Your Site (from Wordpress to Wix) |

Aug 26, 2022

At this point, we're most likely aware of the power of video for marketing -- especially when it comes to eCommerce sites. What you might not know what to do is to get video onto your site in a way that can extend the duration of your website increasing conversion rates in the process.

If this is the case for you then you're in the right place. This guide has all the information you need to know about how to embed videos onto your website. Let's dig in.

Why do you embed videos?

Google Analytics data shows that those who convert are more than 10 times the average session time. The longer visitors are on your site more likely your site has of making a sale.

That means you should strive to keep your visitors on your site (and interested) for as long as is. Adding video to your site is an excellent way to enhance the average duration of your session -- and increase conversion rates by a significant amount. As an example, marketer Blake Aylott observed a 100 percent increase in the amount of time spent on a page following the addition of a single video on the homepage of a customer's.

In addition, people who see video advertisements are 64 to 85 percent more likely make a purchase. Integrating video into your website should be a no brainer in terms of increasing conversion rates.

Embedding videos vs hyperlinking or uploading videos

Perspective: once you realize how powerful video could be for your analytics You're now ready to include an video on your site. You have three options:

  • The video can be uploaded directly to your site
  • Links to the video
  • embed the video

So, how do you decide which method you should use? Uploading the video directly can make your site slower. It's no secret that slow site speed can spike the rate at which people visit your website -- you don't want to do this.

If you embed videos on your site the viewers are required to leave your site to watch the video in a new tab. This leads visitors away from your page and defeats what the point of video is for extending the time on your website.

The way to embed a video can be the most beneficial combination of both. It's the Hannah Montana theme song* If you embed a video, the video player appears on your website like it was posted, however you don't have to worry about the speed of the speed of your website since it's hosted elsewhere (like in the case of). It's the perfect option to bring users to your website -- and keep them there.

The benefits don't stop there, however. Below are some more reasons to embed videos on your site:

  • SEO. Embedding video offers you the opportunity to optimize the title of your video, its description, and transcription.
  • Bandwidth and storage limitations. Because your video is hosted on another site there is no need to worry about it eating up the bandwidth or storage.
  • Video quality. If you host your video on platforms like YouTube, each video is designed to give optimal viewing based on the user's internet connection.

How can I embed videos

Learning the best way to embed videos is easy. The only thing you need to complete is to follow the instructions below , and you'll soon be on your way to embedding your first video. As a shortcut go through the tutorial video below to familiarize yourself with the procedure.

Step-by-step: How do you embed your YouTube video?

  1.     Share or embed the link

Hit embed on your video settings or hit the Share button (the tiny paper airplane) on the video player itself.

how to embed a  video
  1.     Paste the embed code on your site

Then, click the embed code icon , and paste or copy the code to your website.

  1.     To share your videos straight from

If you are directly embedding your video on a social media platform then you may use buttons for social media as a shortcut for embedding videos on your preferred platforms. Make sure to copy and paste the updated embed code for them to go into effect.

  1.     Modify the video player to your liking

Prior to embedding your video ensure that you have customized the player for your video by clicking "Player" at the top right-hand side of the video clip page. This lets you determine the type of video that the audience on your website views

To get them, go to the "Embed" area of your settings for video. Here, you can customize the embedded player and create a preset for convenience. After that, press the "Embed Code" button in the top right hand corner, and copy or paste to the destination you want.

How to embed YouTube videos?

In order to learn how embed video content from YouTube begin by going towards the YouTube play page. Click the Share button, then clicking Embed. All you have be doing is to duplicate and paste the code.

In order to personalize the embedded YouTube video, it is possible to change the displaying/covering player controls or have your video start from a certain time code. To customize further, you can incorporate autoplay, color language, looping, as well as additional parameters inside the embed.

How do I embed the video on Facebook? Facebook video

Embedding an Facebook video is extremely easy. When you see a video you want to upload, the only thing you need to do is tap the three dots on the upper right-hand corner, and then press "Embed".

You may also incorporate the whole post when you click on the check box. Doing this allows you to upload the video to your website along with its corresponding caption.

How to add videos to the Shopify site

The first step for the process of adding videos to your Shopify website is to take the embed code from your video. This can be done on any site the video is coming via (like , YouTube, Facebook and so on. ).

Then, sign into the Shopify administrator dashboard, then navigate to the website you would like the video to live on.

When you're on the correct page, choose the rich text editor. Then select the video icon on the toolbar. The window will appear, with a place to insert an embed-code. After you've copied the embed code, simply click "Insert video" and you're done!

Add video directly to Shopify by using

Shopify is a partner with which makes it easy to add videos to your website. When you're creating pages on your Shopify site, you'll need to paste the URL of the video you'd like to add and paste it directly into the page creator. Simply pasting the link will instantly embed the video into your website.

How can I embed videos within WordPress

In terms of embedding videos in WordPress, you have three choices: Use the embed code, copy and paste the URL, or install an add-on for a particular video-sharing platform

Option 1: Make use of the embed code

Utilize the embed code if you'd like to change the way your video is displayed or your video's hosted on a platform WordPress's auto embed function doesn't work on.

In order to embed the code on your WordPress site, you must go to the Text editor, where you can modify the HTML on the page.

Locate the place in your HTML in which you would like your video to go and place your cursor in that spot. Next, copy your embed code, and then paste it into that spot. Press Publish to save your work and check the preview on your page to make sure your video is active and placed in the right spot on your site.

Option 2: Copy/Paste

When you're on a web-based video hosting service like YouTube  that, you won't require the full embed code. All you need to copy the embedding URL from and past it into your Visual editor in WordPress- no coding necessary!

Option 3: Video platform plug-in

WordPress can also allow customers to install plug-ins directly into the platform which make embedding videos easier. A few of these options include , YouTube and Dailymotion.

How do you add a video to Wix website

Learning how to embed videos on the Wix website follows a process similar to the process used by WordPress. If your video platform is compatible with Wix it is possible to use the URL of your video. If not, you'll have make use of the embed code for your video.

Option 1: Apply the Embed Code

Begin by copying the video's embed code. After that, launch the Wix Editor and then click "More" to find the HTML Iframe. Insert your embed code in the iframeand click "Save" Then, your video should now be live.

Option 2: Copy/Paste

For the Copy/Paste method Open your Wix Editor, press the "+" icon, and select "Video." You'll then choose the video hosting platform in the section called "Single Videos Player." After that, you can click "Change the Video" and copy your video's URL. You can alter the controls and playback by changing the toggles, and you can add your own description to the "What's in the video?" field.

Wix allows you to alter the size and position of your video. All you have do is drag and drop. Make sure to press "Save" prior to exiting the Editor.

How to embed a video in Squarespace

Adding a video to Squarespace uses a procedure that is like the other platforms. It is possible to add an embed code or URL.

Get started with the builder for websites and then adding a block which can handle video. After that, you can either copy and paste the URL or click the embed icon and paste the embed code.

Options for customizing your video on Squarespace are not as extensive. You can edit the description and title of the video as well as add your own thumbnail by not checking the "Use Thumbnail" circle. When you're making use of the embed code option then you'll be able to make use of the advanced display settings that are provided by your host and set autoplay to on.

Videos of various types to include on your site

Having a diverse range of videos that are embedded into your website as well as social networks can help you effectively increase customer interaction. Here are some examples of video content you could create with the intent to embed into your business's website.

Videos about our company and the 'about us' videos

Product explainer videos

The distribution of product explanation videos, video clips that show a user through the directions for or specifications for the product are a vital part of every digital marketing plan. Concise and clear, these product explainer videos allow viewers to absorb the information about the product or service in a snap.

FAQ videos

FAQ videos answer any questions customers might ask about the product or service you offer and seek to provide immediate answers. Creating a FAQ video is an effective way to connect with your customers and build confidence in your company's reputation.

Case studies, testimonials and other case studies

A video that features customer reviews or experiences regarding your company is a great way to get your customers involved in the marketing. You can try this strategy today with one of 's stunning testimonial templates.

Event trailer videos

Are you hosting an interesting webinar that you'd like to share? Speaking at a conference you'd like your customers or colleagues to learn about? Try your hand at creating an event trailer video that will make your audience enthusiastic about your event

It's time to begin making

Embedding video to your site is easy once you are aware of the proper steps to follow for the specific platforms that you're working with. Taking the time to embed some videos on your website will bring customers to your website, and will keep them there, improving the chance that they'll purchase purchases.

Now that you understand how to embed videos on your site (and the ins and outs of embedding the video on other platforms that are popular) now is the time you start making professional-quality videos!