How to Create a Personal Image in 2023

Mar 21, 2023

Seth Godin is a branding specialist who is renowned across the globe for his brilliant concepts. Through books such as Purple Cow and Linchpin He has been recognized as a thought leader in the world of both personal and professional branding.

In addition, as a branding expert, Seth made an intentional decision when it comes to his appearance. He wears super bright-colored glasses, all the time. When you look at an internet picture of a man in a beard wearing glasses that have glasses that are yellow or pink You're probably looking at Seth.

Seth's glasses might seem like something uninspiring to begin an article about personal branding. They became an essential element of his incredible personal image.

If you are thinking of creating a personal brand, a lot of us recognize the benefits that might be derived from it. There are people who have great personal brands and they get job opportunities, consulting gigs as well as sponsorship agreements, and a whole lot more.

However, personal branding can be intimidating, particularly when you look around and look at people who appear to have much more to offer than you do.

In this post, we're going to talk about how to build an identity for yourself. No matter who you are and what goals you have, chances are your personal brand will assist you in reaching your goals. Learn how to create your own.

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        In this article...    

    What's a person's brand?

    Some examples of amazing personal brands

    How to build a personal brand

      1. Find your voice

      2. Choose your niche

      3. Choose the platform

      4. Build your profiles

      5. Start talking

      6. Stay consistent

      7. Create your own network

    Building your personal brand in the workplace


What exactly is a person's brand?

A person's personal brand is quite simply - how other people view you. Building a brand for yourself is a conscious method of doing all you can to influence and shape how others perceive your image. One of the things that we humans do is to form opinions about people - for better or for worse. When we cultivate a solid personal brand, it helps to limit the kind of judgements that people make of us. In the age of LinkedIn and other social media increasingly people are presenting this version of ourselves on the internet area.

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Personal branding as connected to careers this is fine. A career-focused personal branding is the way that people perceive you in relation to your profession.

Some examples of amazing personal brands


  • Adriene Mishler is the founder of YouTube channel Yoga with Adriene (10more than a million subscribers), Adriene has built an impressive personal brand on the subject of Yoga and wellness.    
  • Oprah  "You receive the car... you'll get a car ..." Oprah's personal brand is an absolute powerhouse, from her shows to magazines and books We associate Oprah as a source of ideas infused with humanity.      
  • Jay Shetty - Former Monk , now a professional and motivational speaker, Jay has built a personal brand based on the lessons the monk learned from his spiritual education.      

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How to create your personal brand

1. Find your voice

It's not difficult to judge yourself with others. It's simple to log on to LinkedIn and look at the top executives and career influencers who seem to be in a good place and have a higher level of accomplishment than you.

You might be struck by imposter syndrome "What do I have to provide?" Perhaps you're not sure, "That's not for me. "

Really, that's okay. The word "authenticity" gets thrown around a lot, but your personal brand must - at the very least reflect your authentic self. Your brand should reflect of you as a person, a part of your true self. (It isn't necessary to be everything you're. You can keep things for your own personal use. )

The first step of personal branding is figuring out the things you consider to be real and the way you'd like to portray yourself. Obviously, for most of us, this is a professional branding. If you're looking to find clients, jobs investors, customers, or even clients, presenting the side of us that increases our likelihood of being successful is sensible.

Just as you'd probably create your profile on a dating website using the most compatible version of yourself, your personal brand in the workplace should reflect one that reflects your most authentic professional version of yourself.

2. Choose your niche

Oprah is arguably one of the most prominent personal brands around the globe. However, would you want Oprah to help you with your taxes? Would you hire Gary Vee to teach you meditation? Would you hire Tony Robbins to create Facebook ads on behalf of you?

The likelihood is that the answer to each of these is a resounding "no. "

And it teaches us something about personal brand. Personal brands exist in the context of a specific niche or. They are targeted to a particular type of person with specific issues.

Politicians have different personal brands from rockstars - but both have them.

If you are creating a personal brand from scratch It's important to ask yourself the question "Who are you creating it for? "

Who would you like your personal brand to draw? It is possible to create an image.

If the purpose of your personal brand is meant to get you a job, you want to attract potential employers. When you're an owner and you're seeking customers, your personal branding will convince them they are the right candidate to aid them.

Choose a niche that you would like to work in.

3. Choose an appropriate platform

When we think of personal branding, most of us consider it in connection with the idea of a platform.

Sure, your personal brand is more than your social media. Perhaps you're the one who everyone in the office discusses workplace health but has never seen your profile on Facebook.

That's a type of personal branding.

However, the majority of people utilize technology and social media platforms to clarify and leverage their own personal branding.

Social media's strength is the fact that it grants you the ability to influence. There's no limit to how far your brand can expand.

If you are the most well-known person at your company for tax-related issues You could be rewarded with assurance of job security as well as a pay raise. If you are the most well-known tax-related person on LinkedIn it is possible to establish your own tax company and consult.

The key difference lies not so much the content you're putting out as more it's about scale. Online platforms have let us create personal brand identities at a large scale.

Here are a few of the possible platforms to search for:


LinkedIn is where you should look for everything career-related as it's known as a professional network because of a reason. LinkedIn offers thousands of career and business-minded users seeking their next position, employee, investment, or customer.

Here are some of the kinds of people who are creating excellent personal brand names on LinkedIn:


  • Coaches        
  • CEOs        
  • Employers        
  • Marketers        
  • Thought leaders        
  • Investors        


Meta kind of covers two of the most popular social media platforms, Facebook as well as Instagram. However, they're both owned by the same company and much of the back-end stuff works the same.

Both of these platforms have a lot of good things to offer creatives. If you're a brand inspired by something is visual, like drawing plans on paper, painting or designing graphics These could be the platforms for you.

In addition, Facebook and Instagram can perform well for individuals who are sharing ideas and life tips, for example, motivational speakers and coaches.

Both of them are heavily image-based. However, they've made a huge push in video. The algorithm is rewarding the creation of more native videos these days. Therefore, if you're planning to make video, these might be an ideal choice.

However, they do have limitations. Facebook isn't a great place to build groups and the organic reach does not make sense. Facebook requires you to pay to get your followers to join your group.

However, both platforms work with different kinds of personal brand names.

Here are a few personal brands that have a good track record on Meta:


  • Fashion        
  • Fitness        
  • Motivational speech        
  • Career influencers        
  • Wellness        


YouTube is an awesome place for building various types of personal brands. With YouTube's built-in search engine uploading YouTube videos now can yield dividends in the future particularly if you're in a well-designed niche.

Here are some cool personal brands that are being created through YouTube:


  • Teachers        
  • Entertainers        
  • Storytellers        
  • Explorers        


If you're younger than 20 You probably already know that TikTok is on the market for some time. If you're older, you might consider it to be something modern.

But there's no question that TikTok is extremely powerful and creators are beginning to transform from zero to million in a very short period of time.

The singer JVKE started releasing songs on TikTok as part of the pandemic. quickly exploded. Today, his latest song Golden Hour is playing on every radio station.

Here are a few of the most popular personal brands built using TikTok:


  • Musicians        
  • Fashion influencers        
  • Makeup        
  • Performers        
  • Thought leaders        
  • Cat videos          

Your own social network

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One thing we love is that more and greater creators are opting to stay away from traditional platforms and creating their own platform.

With new creator economy platforms, you have control of your voice and brand. You don't belong to them.

This is why we're proud of what we've built at Mighty. Our platform for cultural software it's possible to build an equivalent to your own social media network that brings the community, information, classes as well as commerce.

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4. Build your profiles

If you've decided which one you'd like to become involved on, you are able to make your accounts. The personal brand you choose to use, the location, and the way you represent yourself, all of it will impact how people perceive you.

Don't forget that a personal brand is made up of a lot of things. It's worth putting the best foot forward in the things that you can influence. In the case of your LinkedIn profile, you have the ability to modify your profile description, the appearance of your photos along with your keyword selection, and even your testimonials - you can ask people you've worked with in the past to leave the testimonials.

Develop a unique brand that is in line with the demographic that you'd like to connect with, but - like we said in the introduction is true to what is authentic to you.

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5. Start talking

Every thought leader or influential person you've met in your life has done one important aspect... They began publishing.

In the final analysis Your personal brand does not need to be flawless for you to start. Or, in the phrase that of Zig Ziglar, "You don't have to be great for starting out. However, you must get started to be excellent. "

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Having a great personal brand at some point is simply a matter of getting involved and learning what you can do. If you're building your brand on the internet, it will take some time and effort to determine what is popular with the public, how to master the algorithm, and the best way to make material that draws the attention of those who like it and followers.

If you're interested in mastering your personal branding Don't put it off until you have it all done. Start talking and see how you make your way!

6. Stay consistent

The creation of a strong personal brand takes consistency. After you've identified the topic that you speak about, what you're talking about is to stick with it fairly consistently. This lets those who follow you know what they'll be getting whenever they turn on the channel.

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If someone follows you because of your incredible yoga advice, but your account gets filled with rants, politics, local news, and everything other than yoga They'll probably quit following you.

Another aspect of consistency is more crucial. Keep showing up. Continue to show up. A lot of people plan to build a good personal brand, but then go off the track after just a few months after a few weeks of doing.

The individuals who make the most of their personal branding are the ones who have long-lasting, steady reputations that translate into job offers, clients as well as other wonderful items.

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7. Create your own network

Last but most definitely not final, you should make networking an integral aspect of building your own branding. Reach out and meet the people who are in your community. Spend time getting acquainted with the people you meet. Promote the work of those with content that adds the audience with value.

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The process of creating a strong personal brand is easier in the context of being part of the community.

Your personal brand in the workplace

Much of this article was dedicated to building your personal image online. However, all same principles apply to building your personal brand at work.


  • Discover your unique voice. Figure out what you want to say.      
  • Choose your niche. Become famous by some thing.      
  • Select your chosen choice of platform. If it's an online platform, and your business has probably joined LinkedIn. But you could also consider the company magazine, emails and even having regular gatherings in the breakroom.    
  • Build the profile of your choice. Decide the way you'd like to show yourself and craft that image.      
  • Begin to talk. Don't sit around until you've got it all worked out.      
  • Be consistent. You will be known as the person who is very concerned about x thing (workplace well-being, healthy work/life balance, productivity, etc. )    
  • Make your connections. Meet colleagues from across the workplace and represent your company in the global community.      


We hope this article has provided you with a comprehensive outline of the steps to create a personal brand. In the end, day, building a personal brand isn't rocket science. However, it requires knowing who you would like to be, and then putting yourself out there.

If you're looking to create your own community Come build it with Mighty. Our platform for cultural programming allows you to mix classes, content, community, and commerce. With Spaces that can be customized, you can add in activities like live events live streaming, member profiles as well as discussion boards and chat and messaging. It's a perfect place to grow and monetize your image.