How To Create A Content Calendar using Google Sheets - WordPress Membership Plugin - Membership Sites

Jul 20, 2023

How To Create A Content Calendar within Google Sheets

                        The right schedule can keep your blog content flowing smoothly. You don't have to shell out for a fancy software for managing your project. It's possible to create the ideal content calendar using a free program you likely already have in use, Google Sheets. Read on to see how it's done.          

How to create a content calendar in Google Sheets

Welcome to the thrilling realm of content marketing when deadlines come closer than a cheetah sprinting on an energy beverage.

Imagine trying to navigate this intensely fast-paced setting without a map, an idea of where you are going, or even an idea of where you're going. Sounds daunting, doesn't it?

It's just what it's as it is to manage and curate content without a content timetable.

Content schedules are a visual timeline detailing what you're going to post, where it's going to be published, as well as the exact timeframe for it's release.

But it's more than just an efficient organizer. It's at the core of your content strategy, making sure your goals for marketing stay on track and your audience stays active.

Gripped audience eating popcorn

Stay tuned as we share our top tips, and how to create a schedule of content in Google Sheets, that'll keep your entire team focused and on schedule!

The benefits of using the Content Calendar

There are several reasons why you should plan for the future with a planned schedule:

Help Your Team Streamline Their Process

A content calendar consolidates the most important information needed by your creative team as well as any other external contributors.

It describes:

  • What must be done,
  • Deadlines,
  • Other important specifics (such in the form of references and keywords)
  • And the person responsible for each task.

This clarity can significantly decrease confusion, last-minute rushes, and mistakes in communication.

When everyone is clear about their roles, they are able to concentrate on delivering their best job. Now, that's a perfect formula for efficiency!

Strategically organized Content

With a content schedule, you're not just posting content and wishing for the best. Each piece of content has an objective and is part of your overall content strategy.

It ensures that your content serves a reason and is consistent with themes and is in line the brand's message. Also, you can make sure that each type of content or topic receives their fair share of the spotlight, ensuring nothing gets overlooked.

Schedule Content Prior to Time

Give yourself the gift of time with a content calendar

You're up late, the deadline is nearing and you're scrambling to create a blog post or think of an intriguing headline for your social media posting. If this is a scenario you've experienced then you'll need the help of a calendar for content!

By implementing a content calendar such stress-inducing scenarios are averted.

It is possible to plan your HTML0 content for weeks, or even months ahead, which gives you plenty of time to find information, conduct research and produce more compelling interactive, engaging content.

Furthermore, it permits users to organize content around crucial dates or times that are important to your business or industry.

Diversify Content

A content schedule provides an easy outline of the content landscape.

It is easy to determine if you're maintaining a good variety of different types of content including blog articles, social media updates, podcasts, or videos. Colors are a great way to check this visually.

Content Calendar Example

This ensures your content stays fresh and interesting, meaning the audience isn't bored of the same material.

Just a few benefits of taking the time to prepare your content in advance.

The creation of a successful Content Schedule

Let's go through a step-by-step guidance to guide you in advancing your strategy to success.

Step 1: Understand Your Content Marketing Goals

There's no reason to make content solely to make it look good. If you desire to make the most of the value of your content, then it is essential to establish your objectives and determine the direction you're heading.

Determine "Why" as well as "Who"


What is the motivation behind your production of content?

Arrow hitting target blue yellow leadership aiming achievement goal target


When you've established your objectives Now is the time to get intimately familiar with another crucial component of your content strategy the audience you want to reach.

This is the audience that you want to reach via your material. As you gain a better understanding of their needs, interests as well as challenges and challenges, the greater your chance of creating content that genuinely connects with them.

Make Use of This Information Every Time You Make Content

Your content marketing goals and the audience you want to reach should be top of mind each when you think of or design new information.

These elements will dictate the kind of content and the subjects you'll cover, and even which channels you'll use to share your content.

Step 2: Planning Your Content Strategy

Now that we've nailed down the fundamentals of your content strategy with regards to objectives and target audience, let's dive into the fun part making a plan for the content plan.

Here is the point where creativity and strategy meet and your content plan begins to form. Take a sip of your preferred beverage, slip on your artistic hat, and let's start!

Finding Ideas to Create Content

Begin to brainstorm your ideas for content. If we refer to"content," we're referring to any kind of content.

  • Blog posts,
  • Social media posts,
  • Newsletters,
  • Podcasts,
  • Webinars,
  • Videos,
  • Infographics
  • Quotes
  • Customer testimonials
  • Demos

Do not be shy! Consider every type of media your customers consume, and the factors that drive them to purchase.

As an example, suppose you're an online education platform targeting professionals seeking career advancement and you're hoping to provide them with the latest abilities and skills despite their busy schedules.

Your content schedule could include quick tutorial videos, easy-to-follow learning guides, and inspiring success stories to be shared on platforms where career-focused individuals are most likely to engage, like LinkedIn and Twitter.

TIP I: Utilize ChatGPT for Content Ideas

All are looking for methods to integrate ChatGPT in order to improve their efficiency And this is a fantastic way to do just that.
          Utilizing the power of ChatGPT is great for brainstorming concepts. It's it's an AI machine language model, it's adept at providing numerous and innovative suggestions you might not think of.

Start by outlining the content purpose and audience (as you did in step 1), then engage in ChatGPT like the course of a conversation.

Here is how to create an ideal prompt:

1. Your company's mission and market

"We're an emerging company that specializes in natural skincare products that target health-conscious consumers aged 20-35.

2. Your goal should be explained.

We're going to launch a brand new collection of cruelty-free, vegan face serums and our goal is to boost the sales on our website by spreading the unique benefits of our products.

3. Contact ChatGPT about content suggestions you'd like to see it develop

Do you have compelling content suggestions or methods that highlight the positives of our products and persuade our audience members to purchases?."

Here's the output GPT-4 created with this prompt:

You can then get it to offer you blog title suggestions and blog outline suggestions, or provide questions to the interactive quizzes you are creating.

Interaction is the key - the more specific you are with your requests are, the more specific and valuable the replies.

Tip II: Find Keywords to use in SEO (Search Engine) Optimization (SEO)

Keywords are actually the key to SEO when it comes to web-based content. Utilizing powerful keywords can be the difference between getting lost among the web-based content sea and appearing on the results for your preferred customers.

This is also an interesting analysis of the way your customer searches for products like yours on the internet. Through keywords, you'll have the power to create content that addresses their queries or fulfills their needs.

SEMrush or Google Keyword Planner can be great ways to find these precious gems. Embed these keywords into the content of your site to improve your SEO and push your site higher on the ladder of search results.

SEMrush homepage 2023

Step 3: Make an Master Content Calendar In Google Sheets

Once you've got an concept of what kind of content you'll offer, the next step is to determine when and where to unleash it.

Perhaps you've got a real-time video lined up for your site and an email newsletter queued up, a event for your company, and perhaps a gathering for your social media for the same month.

In addition, you should consider your regular blog posts and your social media posts on a daily basis.

Your posting timeline is entirely yours to decide, however be aware that the consistency of your posts is essential to allow each of your social media channels to truly thrive.

This is when a master calendar is essential. The aim of an effective master calendar is to provide an overview of your content plan and to establish a timetable for publishing every piece of content.

Here's how to do it:

From Your Google Drive account select New in the upper left corner of your screen, then move your cursor over the arrow next to , and click on from a template

Scroll to the bottom and choose Then select the Annual Calendar. Scroll down and select Annual. This will generate an annual calendar that is based on the year currently in.

Click on the Customize Your Calendartab option to select from a variety of types. Once you're done, you are able to delete this tab in order so that you can make room to store useful data.

Then click on the tab for the month that you would like to edit.

Enter the type of content you want to deliver on that day and then color the content to make it obvious at a glance which kind of content you have scheduled for that day. This will ensure you have the right mix of content.

Content Calendar in Google Sheets

Individual Content Calendars

When your overall monthly plan has been established, now is the time to work out the specifics:

Who is the person who wrote it? How long do you need to format and edit the post? Who is responsible for social media content and what are they going to post? We've got plans for this also!

But, here's how to create a blog schedule within Google Sheets:

  • Click to the (+) icon at the right-hand corner of your Google Sheet to add a new tab.
  • Click the tab to move it next to the appropriate month.
  • Make a             Blog Schedule            sections that have columns
  • Publication Date
  • Blog Post Topic/Title
  • Writer
  • Deadline (give yourself plenty of time to revise and format your blog post prior to the publishing date)
  • Keywords
  • More information
  • Based on the design of your blog, you could include additional columns, such as "Blog Category" (long-form, informationgraphic, short, etc. ).
  • Copy and paste this information from your master calendar.
  • The task can be assigned to a different content writer by right-clicking on the cell and pressing Comment.
  • @tag an individual on the team, or type in the entire email address of the person who assigned them.
  • Ensure each contributor has access the calendar.
blog content calendar and social media calendar

Now, onto social media schedules.

You may either make a new tab or, for a more centralized blog you can enter the details beneath your blog's schedule.

In all schedules for social media, you should include:

  • Social Media Platform
  • Post Time
  • Day
  • Content

For a more comprehensive schedule, consider incorporating relevant hashtags, links pictures, images or even the actual content for your post.

In addition to your blog's schedule it is possible to assign an author, and include a column indicating if it's already queued within your social media management software (like Hootsuite and Buffer).

In Conclusion

In addition to helping you plan the content strategy you want to implement in order to ensure that all the goals of your marketing are in line, a content schedule serves as your trusty companion to navigate the constantly changing market of content marketing.

With Google Sheets as your platform making a schedule of content is as easy as it's efficient.

From master calendars, to comprehensive schedules for your blog and social media, you've got all the devices you need to simplify your workflow and diversify your content keep on top of your game.

Why wait? Begin to harness the potential of a planned content calendar today, and see your content marketing efforts thrive.

Be aware that success in content marketing doesn't depend on who is loudest or most raucous however, it's about who thinks the smartest. And with your new content schedule You're already on the right track. Now, let's get planning!

           Do you currently use an agenda calendar? Have any suggestions to share with the Community of Members? Please share them by leaving a comment below.

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