How to Create a Blog (And earn money from it) 2022

May 12, 2022

Blogs can be described as opinions. everyone's got one. And for good reason!

A well-designed blog full of helpful content is one of the most effective advertising methods available. It shows potential customers you're an expert in your field and builds your online reputation. It also shows potential customers that you're a media Centric SaaS Companies like Hubspot that maintain useful, active blogs often have higher traffic levels than other major media publications in their industries. That's massive.

In this post, we'll break down why blogs are such an important strategy to build brand recognition prior to diving into the specifics of starting a blog. We'll then go over the core strategies bloggers use in order to earn money for their blogs and provide you with the steps to transform your blog into an effective source of passive income. (Because anyone doesn't think about that!)

We'll dive right in to take you from being a novice to blogger superstar. There are a few shortcuts to follow, if you're eager to skip ahead to a specific area:

The advantages of blogging

from allowing your site to rank better in search results, and to helping build your brand's bond with the public -- there are many motives why each creator and company needs blogs.

  Enhancing the traffic on your site  

We won't go deep into terminology, but this technique is known as inbound marketing. It's when you write about something the people actually are looking for, and, along the way, they'll discover your brand. It also means that you don't require advertising to be seen. (That's outsidebound marketing!)

Conway later explains that by making a statement on controversial issues within his field, he got the "huge growth in the number of visitors" and also increased his number of readers to over 20,000 readers per month. He now collaborates alongside a group of freelancers who create amazing material. This is a model that you could emulate, no matter what the field you work in.

  Getting discovered via social media  

Blog posts aren't just great for driving traffic to your website -- it can be utilized to be used on social media. This will help you increase the reach of your brand and get leads you couldn't find elsewhere. This is better shown rather than explained. We'll take a look at an illustration.

If you are a seller of lint rollers, and you write an article on your blog about the best strategies to get rid of cat hair off couches. In-depth you describe every way to remove the pet out of where you recline. (Meow.) The post you wrote and the work you've put into it constitute your foundation.

For a little more step, you could start an Twitter thread in which you break down the strategies you use to remove hair in under 280 characters. It's less lengthy, digestible, and gets you access to a new target audience. Additionally, you can make an Instagram-based carousel which gives your five best tips for getting cat hair off couches. If you're up for a challenge then you can even create a TikTok showing how to make a professional lint roll.

Suddenly, that blog post isn't simply a single piece of text. It's an entire mini content marketing strategy, with components that can be spun off to help promote your brand's image on different social channels. The blog post itself is where you should spend the most time. After you've finished writing it, you'd be missing out by not spending one or two hours creating it for your social media.

See this article on Instagram

    A blog post that is shared with (@)

  Building your online reputation  

It is also a great means to improve your online profile and make yourself known as an expert in your field. A good online brand is beneficial to solo entrepreneurs as well as large corporations The content you create today can be influential for many years to come.

Put simply: people would rather buy from companies who help them rather than unnamed corporate giants. Businesses would prefer to hire consultants who are willing to give up some worth upfront rather than hiring consultants that don't provide any evidence that they will deliver on what they promise.

A consistent, top-quality blog is how you give away that value and prove your value.

  Long-term business creation  

A major benefit of blogging is its ability to generate long-term business for your company. Once you've created a blog piece, you're the sole author of it (and it's there for all time). You can update and republish important articles every year to ensure they're ranked well as well as people continue finding your company through your blog on their own.

Best of all, your blog content will make your first impressions on people. If a client or customer contacts you to you for the first time they'll have an impression of who you are based on the blog articles. It's not necessary to introduce yourself, and you'll be able be focused on solving the problems of your customers and building relations with them.

Check out this post on Instagram

    A blog post that is shared with (@)

How do I create a profitable blog by 2022

So now that you know why blogs are so popular, let's get into the nitty gritty details regarding how to create your own successful blog. Because blogging has changed significant amount since the beginning in the days of LiveJournal and TypePad and is expected to be effective by 2022, you have to develop a sound plan and strategy for your blog right at the beginning.

  1. Pick your niche

Before you start your blog, it's important select the primary subject you'll be focusing the content you write about. That's your niche.

However, if you select a highly specific niche, nobody will ever discover you. It's possible that you're the largest fish in the pond -- however, if there's no one else fishing in the pond and you don't think that it's likely to see much business impact.

Imagine that you're a tailor who enjoys making quilted copies of album covers from the 1960s and 1970s. There's a chance that there's some people that want to view your Trout Mask Replica quilt. But if you're trying to attract new customers for your company, you may consider writing a blog on making. This is a broad topic that has more customers seeking this type of information.

Luckily, there are a couple of steps to take to discover a niche that is profitable -- one that's not very crowded or that people are searching for. This is how to do it:

  Consider your interests, skills, and business  

The search for the perfect blog topic should begin by re-evaluating your own self. Consider the following questions. You can also write down some brief notes while you're at it:

  • What are you passionate about? do? And what could you talk about for hours?
  • What knowledge or knowledge could you share or pass on to your peers?
  • In the field you're drawn to, what angles haven't been covered to death yet?

The majority of the time you're in business, or have real-life hobbies will be the subject that your blog should be focusing on. This is a place where you're already a subject-matter expert.

Caring about your niche is absolutely crucial, because it will take time to grow the readership of your blog. If you're not interested in the niche you've chosen for your blog, you'll run into an unending crisis, and then abandon it before hitting the year one mark. (And that won't feel good -- believe me. )

Now that you've got your own niche, it's time to do some very basic research to learn what topics consumers are seeking in your niche. This is a much simpler task, and won't take as much soul-searching.

Start by going to Google Trends -- the easiest and most cost-free method of measuring search volumes (a.k.a. how many times people search for the phrase on Google every month). Next, you should think of key keywords that are relevant to your niche. If your niche is photography, you could try terms like "learning photography,"" "best camera for beginner" and perhaps "photography." Enter the keywords in Google Trends, and you'll get a view of the volume of searches over the course of.

And that's it, really. What the Google Trends research procedure does is it tells you which routes people are using to reach your niche online. The research process can reveal trends in your niche too, and indicate whether your area of expertise is growing or shrinking.

This phase can assist you gut-check whether your niche is the one that is right for you. If you're afraid about your market being competitive to stand out, then stick around -- that's a problem you can solve.

  Find another sub-niche that you may be the owner of  

The niche you choose for your blog could be something that's already really popular, like photographs, finance, or healthy eating. However, if you consider what niches within it remain unexplored it is possible to create a healthy sub-niche that you can be a part of.

If, for instance, you're a photographer, you might want to narrow down the over-crowded field of photography to the sub-niche in studio photography. You can let someone else write about landscapes with long exposures. You can concentrate on lighting, arranging indoor photo shoots, and the must-have equipment for studios.

So you'll appear as an expert at a certain profession. (Which is gonna help your business stand out, also. And isn't that the whole reason?)

  2. Select a name for your blog

Once you've picked your niche (or sub-niche! ), it's time to choose a name for your blog. The name you choose is what users will look for and will remember, therefore it's important to choose something simple, memorable, as well as true to your branding.

When picking your name it is important to think about the target audience, the subjects you'll be writing about, and also what your voice sounds like.

In the light of that background now you're ready to choose names. There are many different ways to name strategies to name your blog

  Make use of your name  

Creative director Nathan Allebach uses his last name for the title of his blog and communications firm. This method has helped those who have read about his experience with Steak-Umm discover his company and become new clients.

However the other hand, this strategy of naming may not work for teams, or blogs that are focused on industry. And if you have the same name as John Smith, you may not be ranking well in Google. (But hey, that's what middle names are used for isn't it? )

  Get a dictionary  

If the blog you're writing about is in an industry or field, using your own title could lead to a pigeonhole of your blog. You may want to go with a name that reflects the sort of content you're blogging about.

It's not easy, but you should grab your nearest tome (or It's going to be taking certain industry terms you've thought of previously then plug them into the search engine and look for synonyms or related words to be able to use as the starting point for your blog title.

A name such as The Camera Blog feels generic, so take the term "camera" and enter that into the online dictionary. It will give you related terms such as "lens," "mirror" and "35mm" -which suddenly seems more intriguing.

They can be easily flipped to a brand new name suitable for your blogsuch as Lens Tracker or 35mm Mayhem, or Mirrorless Magic. Any person searching for photos can easily identify what your blog's about, and it won't vanish into the abyss of badly-named blogs.

  Create a blog's name generator  

Another option to name your blog is to plug some words into a blog naming generator. Choose a couple of terms which are relevant to your field, then use a tool for naming like BlogTyrant's do the hard work. (This tool can also check which domain names are available. )

There's no more convincing example of the strength names generators have than future EGOT winner Childish Gambino. He got his stage name from an Wu-Tang Clan name generator in the 2000s, and is still rocking it a decade later. (It's in existence. You can search for "Donald Glover" here, if you're curious. )

It's no shame in letting an automated system help you think of ideas. So long as you get an original, good name, it doesn't matter how you got the name.

  3. Create your blog's hosting

In order to start your website, you'll have to set up hosting. In layman's terms, this involves purchasing your domain as well as the address the blog's readers use for your blog's content.

Be sure to select a reputable hosting service. If you go with a bottom-of-the-barrel, extra-cheap hosting provider, your blog may see performance issues, such as lag time while loading. It's possible that you don't notice, but Google's search algorithm certainly will, which means you'll risk being left out of Google's search results.

However, hosting doesn't cost much. Indeed, many hosting services will charge just a few coffees each month and keep your blog up and running around the clock.

Our Top five recommendations for hosting companies include (in no particular order):

  1.         Hostinger
  2.         Bluehost
  3.         GreenGeeks
  4.         DreamHost
  5.         Nexcess

  4. Create your blog using a CMS

Now that you own your domain and you're now ready to start building your own blog using the form of a Content Management System, also known as CMS. CMS.

CMS platforms allow you to build your own website without having to write code. The CMS is where you'll go to create new pages, post articles, and update old information in the near future. If you're a blogger selecting an CMS is similar to choosing a significant other -- make sure you pick it carefully.

The most popular CMS system is WordPress which is an open source classic that is used by companies of any size. There are plenty of excellent CMS options on the market, however. We've compiled our top recommendations to help you get started:

  5. Make and share the content

When you've got your CMS in place, your next step will be creating and publishing your content. Content creation is a topic on its own, and we could write you an entire book (or make you cry) on the process to decide which content to publish.

Always want to consider these inquiries:

  1. Who are my ideal customers?
  2. What is it that they are interested in -- and what problems do they face?
  3. What can I teach them?

This approach will stop you from veering outside your area of expertise, from creating non-branded articles, or even covering topics that somebody else has already written about. And it'll help you find intriguing, untold stories to make real for your readers. I wish you all the best in your writing!

  6. Advertise your blog

Once you've put your content available The next thing to do is to make it more visible.

The most effective strategy that we'd recommend is repurposing blog content for your social media accounts. Transform a long-form blog post into an Instagram carousel on Instagram, or an in-depth thread on Twitter. Start your iPhone and take your own TikTok that describes the main points of the article. Then, redirect people to your website for the full story.

This kills two birds by one stone. This helps solve the "what should I do on Instagram" dilemma, as well as it brings people back to your original blog post.

Besides content repurposing as well, we recommend that your website be searchable. This involves a little bit of SEO investigation, but it's an interesting rabbit trail worth going down. All you need to do is conduct the necessary keyword research, discover high-ranking terms, and weave these into your content.

This tells Google that your content answers problems that people are searching for, and it'll take your organic traffic to the next level.

Making money from blogging: Four strategies

You've created your blog and are running. Congrats! People are finding your content and they seem to be truly enjoying the posts you're putting up.

What is the best way to earn money off all this material?

It's crucial to comprehend how content creators make money:

  • If you sell your content and earn money directly from users. In the case of content that is locked behind paywalls, or incorporated in an online class, you're selling your product.
  • When you're marketing the idea of awareness to an audience, you're using a third-party to meet their needs in marketing. Consider your "word that we get from sponsors" section of your preferred podcast or links on your favourite recipe blogs which lead you into Amazon products. These are examples of selling your viewers.

  1. Advertise your blog

Setting up Google AdSense (Google's advertising toolkit) for your blog is a great way to turn the clicks your blog is earning into cold, hard direct transfers to your bank account.

How does it work? The blog you have created is accessible to the Google's advertising network and permit ads to be shown on your blog. The impressions and clicks make up a monthly AdSense payout.

AdSense is free to join, the eligibility criteria are minimal, and your advertising income can scale as your blog does, too.

There's many kinds of AdSense advertisements, such as:

  • Image ads: Graphic ads which are available in a variety of dimensions.
  • Text ads: Adverts that are text-only which can show any or multiple offers.
  • Rich media advertisements comprise of video, HTML and flash advertisements.
  • GIF advertisements: animated image advertisements.

That means that if discover that a particular ad can distract from your blog content, you can swap it for something that's more discreet. If you're looking to rack up the massive sums of money by selling lots of ads you can find ads that allow you to do this too.

  2. Sign up to an affiliate network

Affiliate marketing is an effective method to make money from your blog. The affiliate link you provide to items, and when an individual who came to your blog purchases and you earn a delicious commission.

You'll need to market the products your viewers are truly attracted to. The audience that reads your home cooking blog probably doesn't want to buy moisturizing products... but they'd surely be intrigued by Crockpot suggestions. Select the correct products and you'll be turning advertising to cookware made of cast iron into gold.

From our own experience, we know that there's a ton of misinformation available regarding affiliate networks. We're concerned, so we've compiled a list of eight reliable affiliate programs that you can join today:

  1.         Instagram Affiliate
  2.         FlexOffers
  3.         AWIN (prev. Affiliate Window)    
  4.         Amazon Associates Program
  5.         CJ Affiliate
  6.         Affiliaxe
  7.         Affiliate Program
  8.         ShareASale
  9.         Udemy Affiliates Program

  3. Create sponsored posts

Sponsored posts are another great method to convert blog traffic into passive income -- especially when you have a loyal public. As a part of a per-post cost, you'll incorporate ads for products of the company in your blog's posts.

The result is an opportunity for both sides to win. For you, the benefit is money. Your sponsor will get an authentic, third-party piece of content that promotes their products (without it looking like an empty product placement).

Posts sponsored by sponsors can come in a variety of formats that include:

  • Posts created by sponsors that you post
  • Written by you on behalf of a product or service sponsored by a sponsor
  • Links to sponsors' site or product pages
  • A list that includes positive coverage for a sponsor's product
  • An announcement of a new product which provides a discount of a certain amount to blog readers

It's vital to point out that most of the time it is possible to be asked to create content for sponsored companies. It's not a good idea to pursue advertisers, and in reality this can make you appear desperate. Focus on creating high-quality content that is distinctive in your niche And, over time, they'll find you.

  4. Offer online classes

Online courses are the fastest and most scalable way to drive revenue from your blog. Blog posts are an excellent opportunity to let people know about your personal or business brand, but assembling your expertise into easy-to-digest courses is even more valuable. (And, it can be extremely lucrative!)

What's more, once you've developed a course it's completed. There may be a need to revise the your course's content from time to time, but it's still an asset will be available to your blog's readers for the rest of time. When your blog grows into a go-to within your niche, your bank account could shoot up. (No, really--we've seen this happen a number of times. )

Check out this post on Instagram

    A shared post by (@)

  So, what's next?  

Once you've figured out the steps to begin your blog, you're probably seeking ways to transform your blog into a money-making machine. We've already said that the fastest, most effective method of monetizing your blog and earn the foundation for passive income is by developing courses.

Here's where the power comes to. We help you generate revenue from your blog through repurposing your content into self-guided online classes and membership sites. Our user-friendly course design platform aids educators, coaches and digital content creators build interactive, customized e-Learning experiences and grow sustainable online companies.

Start for no cost and receive the course design along with marketing, sales, and marketing tools you need to take your business up a notch. (No tech skills required! )