How to Complete the MySQL Performance Tune (4 Important Tips)

Apr 20, 2022
Illustration of tiny people working together to turn a giant red dial.

MySQL is one of the most used database management systems for websites. If you're running an WordPress website, there's a likelihood that your website uses MySQL for its databases. It is therefore essential for you to understand the steps to perform an MySQL optimization of performance.

We'll get started!

Visit Our YouTube Tutorial Video to learn about MySQL Performance Tuning.

What MySQL does and what does it work

MySQL market share numbers.
MySQL market share.

There are a variety of ways to manage databases and MySQL employs "relational" and "client-server" models. What does that mean?

  • Databases that are relational --This kind of database breaks down the information into tables. Thanks to the model of relational databases, it's in a position to join data across multiple tables with "keys" or unique identification numbers.
  • The model of a client-server In this model, your database resides on the server and your website is the client. Users make requests to your website, that in turn query the database.

Find out how you can create MySQL speed up on its own is still useful, however, most likely, your hosting provider isn't able to manage optimization for you. We'll discuss the meaning of optimization.

4 Tips to Completing the MySQL Performance Tune

When you're running WordPress and want to know how to improve the speed of your MySQL run faster the best solution is not to focus on particular configurations. Instead, you'll want to modify your database in line to the use you make of WordPress. Let's discuss what this means.

1. Make sure you keep your Version of MySQL current

The majority of web hosts upgrade MySQL to the most recent version for you automatically. If you're in full control of your server, then you'll need update your database by hand the management system. Because you're running WordPress is likely to be aware of how important it is to keep your operating software up-to-date. There are numerous advantages of MySQL performance tuning, for instance:

  • The most recent versions of MySQL are better optimized and thus faster.

A faster database management program directly will result in less load time. This could mean that you're not aware of which version of MySQL you're using. If you're granted complete access to your server you'll be able to launch it via your command prompt. You can then use the following commands:

mysql with a -v

The parameter -v parameter provides details about what version of MySQL that your server is using. You can compare that information with the latest versions that are available on the official MySQL site to get the latest versions of MySQL accessible. If you're uncomfortable working with the command line then you'll be able to determine what MySQL version is running in the dashboard of your WordPress dashboard.

For the first step, go to the dashboard and then click on the tab Tools >> Website Health. Next, open the Informationtab and then click the Database tab.:

Checking the MySQL version in WordPress through the Tools and Database section.
Verifying the MySQL version in WordPress.

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2. Look through your Database to find orphaned Tables

However, the plethora of tables that are not used can result in an unbalanced database, which can delay processing, depending on the performance of the server. A better option is to clean the database when you remove plugins, so it isn't possible to prevent tables and data from accumulating. There are two different ways you could accomplish this: manually or with an application.

Accessing phpMyAdmin via My under the "Database access" section, with an "Open phpMyAdmin" button.
Accessing phpMyAdmin via My.

When you're in phpMyAdmin and you're in phpMyAdmin, you're able to utilize the software's searchfeature to look up tables of no value that have a connection to specific plugins. One issue is that it can be difficult to figure out which query to use unless the plugin you're trying remove has extensive details.

A screenshot of a database table, highlight entries relating to Yoast SEO.
Looking for entries related to Yoast SEO within your database.

3. Find out which Data MySQL Is Autoloading

Each WordPress database has a range of tables. One table is called "wp_options", which contains data like:

  • Theme settings and plugins
  • The URL of your site, the blog's name, description, and numerous other details

If you go to the WordPress options table by using phpMyAdmin there's a column called autoload. WordPress will look for rows which include a yes entry to autoload, that loads data whenever someone visits your website and visits one of the following pages:

A screenshot of a database table, showing the wp_options rows.
Inspecting the wp_options settings for data autoloading.

From the beginning, WordPress should only autoload critical data. Certain themes and plugins include information to the wp_options which is then configured to load it automatically. As time passes this autoloading process could slow the response time in the event that you've many programs that start at the moment you power on your computer.

4. Clean-up Revisions Texts of Drafts Trashed Posts and Posts

The Advanced Database Cleaner WordPress plugin logo with the text "Clean & Optimize your Database".
This is what we call the Advanced Database Cleaner WordPress plugin.

It is not necessary to install Premium version in order to complete this task (unlike those who deal with abandoned tables). Once you've activated the plugin, you can navigate to the WP Cleaner databasetab and check out the General cleanupsection. You'll be able to see an entire list of temporary content which the plugin can to help you remove from your database.

A screenshot for MySQL performance tuning showing Advanced Database Cleaner plugin with a list of cleanup options for revisions, auto drafts, trashed posts, etc.
Use Advanced Database Cleaner to clean your database.

You can select what tables you want to "clean down" or be empty of, and perform the procedure by hand. The plugin can also allow cleaning tasks to be scheduled for tables that you like and allows you to set them up for regular. The last choice is your best option since this means that you'll only need one thing to handle. However, we recommend that you don't alter the clean-up of the database so that it runs frequently. This means that you'll have access to earlier drafts for the event that you require data.


  1. Make sure you keep your copies of MySQL current.
  2. Make sure you check your database for missing tables.
  3. Find out which data MySQL is autoloading.
  4. Revisions and drafts that need cleaning, deleted in trash, and posts that have been deleted, as well as comments.

Are you able to offer other suggestions to improve the performance of MySQL databases? Share them in the MySQL community via the comments below!

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