How to choose an appropriate course subject CreativeMindClass Blog - The CreativeMindClass Blog

Mar 16, 2022

There is so much to offer to the table. Learn what you have that makes you distinct and special, cultivate this, and then use it when to decide on the subject of your class. That's what it's all about. Make it known, and let it then be observed by the world around you.

 Find your true voice

This is the most crucial tip to find your authentic vocal voice.your authentic self. You have a voice that defines you as you are. Your job is to locate it, and re-connect with it.

It's simple. Sitting still, listening to your body helps you discover that voice. It's there. You're connected to it. In the silence which answers. It is there that messages, impulses, can make their voices heard.

four tips on how to choose a course topic

 4 tips on how to choose a course one that is authentic to your personality

Ask yourself what makes you the most enthusiastic right now in your job.  
  Do you think it is the discovery of yourself that has made you most happy over your job right now? Maybe you've realized that you're very connected to nature? Incorporate that into your class topic. Your positivity makes others feel happy too.

What did you master recently?  
  Concentrate on your most recent aha moments, your fresh abilities, and the discoveries you've made. Do not worry about the simplest theories, details, and fundamentals if you're not excited about them now regardless of whether everyone else includes them in their classes.

Ask yourself what you'll bring to the party that is distinctive to you.  
  Be aware of what you think people expect from you. There are so many influences who tell you to do this, you should do that. What you need to do is to hear your own natural voice and connect with the source of your energy. It is your responsibility to find it and locate it by observing your own stillness.

Reconnect with the basics of your motivations, and why are you attempting to educate at all in the first place.  
  Is it the connection with other people that drives you most? Do you feel like giving back to your creative community? Let that feeling influence your decision-making process for the subject of your class. A vibrant and connected community around your online courses can make others people's lives better.

TIP: Do not teach topics below your level of proficiency.  
  Learning skills you're not excited about is dull. If you are a beginner educator, you can teach the fundamentals, however if you are an experienced teacher , you shouldn't select the easy areas to teach, even if they "sell well". Choose something interesting and challenging for you at the current moment. It is possible to add more essentials later but do not make it your main focus.

If you're trying to portray yourself as an individual, you'll never feel satisfied with the outcomes you get. It's not true to you. When you discover your voice, there's a comfort to it. It's easy to fall in as it feels like the home you've always wanted.

Choosing a course topic is 80% of your teaching success

 Choosing a course topic is the 80% of teacher's success

Starting is never easy. We procrastinate. It's like going to the refrigerator to open it, take an inspection, then coming back without food (or eating a meal), looking at IG 10 times before starting the next task. That's normal.

It helps to divide tasks into smaller chunks and start with something easy. Selecting a subject helps to begin and finish a tangible and satisfying goal. After this, all other parts will become much easier.

 Hands-on: Kickstart your course topic

  Brainstorm. It's fun!

Begin with a basic method of brainstorming that you are familiar with extremely well. Write down everything you think of quickly and without judgement. There will be a good listing of topics for your class with your favorite topic within them.

  Create a high-level course structure

Make something actual and tangible, and you can complete it in a short time! Sketch the high-level section arrangement for your class. Your class will have an introduction, right? Then you are able to prepare the Introduction! Are your students going to require certain resources? It is possible to include the Material overview or the Material Overview, and you'll get the picture.

 Make it concrete

You are able to put these sections into the lesson section on this page. Since your space for teaching isn't yet published, so you can play around a bit. Only you can see the lesson structure now, and you can always change your lesson plan in the future!

Upload some of your works or type some text, use videos you have on your smartphone - get imaginative and enjoy yourself. The possibilities are endless - just to witness your class starting getting shaping into a beautiful reality.

This is an example of the structure of lessons you could put together in five minute. Add a sample class followed by a couple of segments and lessons. That's it!

Sample Class
A quick example for lessons

Add the lessons structure to your teaching space.