How to Block Websites using Chrome (r)

Apr 13, 2022
how to block a website on chrome

Do you want to know how to block a site on Google Chrome so that you and other users are unable to connect to it?


We need to block distractions!

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Blocking Websites with Chrome (Desktop)

The easiest way to block websites in the computer version of Chrome is by using an extension. There's a myriad of choices to pick from however the BlockSite extension is one of the most current and currently has over 1,000,000 users who use it.

block site extension
Website Blocker for Chrome extension

Click then "Add to the Chrome Button" and confirm the request with "Add extension" when you are asked for installing.

add block site extension
Installing the BlockSite extension

After you've installed the extension, it'll request you to grant permission to save any information you access You can refuse.

blocksite add new blocked site
Include sites on your list of blocked sites

If you attempt to connect to Reddit towards the end of the day while you're working You'll notice this choice pop up instead.

block site visit site attempt
Site visits blocked on page

Instead of endless subreddits, the wrath of a puppy may encourage you to return to your work.

How to block websites with Incognito Mode

As a default the extension setting doesn't get used in the incognito mode as well, and BlockSite isn't an exception.

Make sure that you do not block websites with the Chrome incognito feature as well as, visit the extensions settings. If you have already closed the browser, you should be able see the BlockSite extension in your toolbar.

block sites settings
BlockSites configurations

From there, navigate to the page for settings, then click to the "Enable Incognito Mode" button. Incognito Mode" button at the very highest point on the page.

blocksite enable in incognito mode
BlockSite is a feature that can be activated while in the incognito configuration.

Now, even when you attempt to visit the websites blocked in private mode, you will not be able to connect.

How do you protect your password on blocked sites (For Parental Controls & Office Computers)

To access this feature, navigate to the BlockSite detail page. Next, click on the password protection tab. Then, select the option that is first, then add your email address as and the desired password.

blocksite password protection
Password protection is now added to BlockSite

After you've registered and signed in After that every Chrome user must sign in for changes.

How do you block a website for Chrome Temporarily

However, in order to use it, you'll need the extension to be pinged. If you're not able to see the icon on the toolbar, then you'll need to join it by pressing the puzzle piece and the pin will be placed on BlockSite.

pin blocksite extension chrome
The BlockSite extension can be pinged to Chrome. BlockSite extension extension to Chrome

After that, you can click the BlockSite icon in your toolbar. Then, go through the Work Mode tab, and select the "Get started" button.

blocksite work mode
Work mode

Then, you can add the websites that you wish to stop from being blocked to a list and proceed after you've completed the list.

work mode blocked sites
BlockSite is a tool that can be used to integrate sites to its operating mode.

Next, you can decide on the break as well as the work time. The default is based on the Pomodoro Technique time frame , which takes 25 minutes. It is coupled with a 5-minute break. You can also select to set it for a working time of 8 hours.

work mode timer start
Work mode timer start

How can you prevent a web page from Google Without an Extension

Do you not want to install the Chrome extension to block websites? It is possible to block all websites making use of two different options:

  1. Block sites at an router-level. It will prevent your children (or staff members) from accessing distracting websites using any WiFi-connected device.

1. Blocking websites Editing the Hosts File

For Windows it's possible to disable websites on Chrome as well as any other web browsers using the infamous as"hosts file" "hosts fichier".

It's located in the following folder: C:\Windows\system32\drivers\etc

windows file explorer
Windows file explorer

Click CTRL+S, or save manually from the menu to save the document (do not save your file with .txt extension).

If you encounter a message that doesn't let you save your changes You may need to alter the permissions on your file. To change permissions, you must right-click the file, then select the "Properties" link within the dropdown menu.

windows host file permissions
Hosts file permissions can be found within Windows

You must grant your user complete control permissions and select apply. The user should be able to edit the content of the file, and then save the file without problem.

Be sure that you save your file once further to ensure you're success. After you've saved the file, it's time to take a moment to honestly share your thoughts.

Open up Chrome and try to connect to one of the blocked websites.

netflix blocked by host file
Netflix was unable to stream due to a host file

If you've followed the rules that you've been following, you won't be able to connect to the websites listed in this list with any web browser. You won't be able to start loading the page.

If you're one of the macOS customers, the scenario isn't much different. The best thing you can do is take these steps.

sudo nano /etc/hosts

Then, you'll be able to shift your mouse to the end of the line, and include all the websites you'd like to block using this structure:

2. Blocking websites with Your Router (Mac & Windows)

If your router offers the option of blocking websites that are on your network, you can utilize it to block certain sites on Chrome as well as other browsers. It will also prevent websites from being blocked on any wifi-connected device that has internet connectivity, such as mobile phones and tablets also.

First thing to do is find the router's IP address in order to be capable of accessing the configurations.

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For locating your router's IP address Mac PCs, visit the System Preferences by clicking upon the Mac icon. Then, you can open the Network window.

mac network router
Network configurations for Macs

Here, you will need choose the right connection either wifi or ethernet, as well as the information about the IP address in the Status.

apple network wifi
IP address

Copy and paste the address in your browser, allowing the router to connect.

Do you have a Windows Computer, instead? Find out how to discover the IP address of your router.

If you're running Windows devices, it's possible to open Command Prompt by searching for "cmd" followed by pressing Enter.

windows cmd
Windows Command prompt

Once you've opened it up then type "ipconfig" and then press enter. It will reveal your router's IP address in "default gateway".

Default gateway
The default gateway

Copy and paste this address into the browser you use to connect to your router.

The next step is alter the settings of your router.

To do this, you need to have the administrator login information for your router. If you haven't changed the password, you can find it on the package or the paperwork your router was shipped with.

Copy and paste the address within Chrome. After that, you'll be asked to log in as an administrator.

router login prompt
A router login prompt

The steps that follow depend on the router you use. In particular, Netgear routers have blocked sites' settings under the Security tab.

netgear routes security
Security settings for the router

In this section, you'll be you can navigate to a "Block Sites" section and block websites by the keywords or domain names.

Block sites with your router settings
It is possible to block certain websites using the router's settings

Type a domain name into the field, click to select to click the Add Keyword button, and it will stop the site from your router.

How do you block a website in Chrome (Mobile)

Contrary to desktop computers there's not a specific method for the various mobile devices. The iPhone provides better privacy settings, which implies there's no need for applications to block specific websites.

So, we've got a section for Android phones as well as one section that is dedicated to iPhones.

How do you block sites for Android

The most effective method for blocking websites on an Android phone is to use the BlockSite application. It is the first step to locate the application and download the application from the Google Play Store.

blocksite android app
BlockSite Android app

Then, you need to modify your accessibility settings to ensure you can grant access to the app (the app will guide you through the process). Most phones have you will discover BlockSite. BlockSite section near the end of the menu.

blocksite app accessibility
BlockSite app accessibility

Once you've completed that process then you're ready to start blocking websites on your phone.

Click the plus sign to stop your first site from being blocked.

blocksite app block first site
You can block the first website you access

Choose a key word, or domain name. Then select the app or website that you wish to disable.

blocksite app search
Blocking sites by adding them to the list.

Once you've selected the site, tap Done to save your selections.

blocksite app block new site
Blocking a brand new website in Google (mobile)

You've blocked the first page you visit on Android.

If you attempt to access the blocked website and you'll be greeted with the same puppy with a furious expression as you do on your desktop computer.

blocksite app blocked site visit
Block message from site

How can you block certain websites for iOS

If you're on one of the newer iPhone models, you do not have to download the application that blocks websites. This can be done via your iPhone settings.

After that, go to the general phone settings screen then scroll to the bottom, then select"screen time" Screen Time link.

iphone settings screen time
Screen time is a feature that's available on the iphone

After that, scroll down until the bottom, and then tap the "Content & privacy restrictions" button.

iphone settings content and privacy
Settings on the iPhone Privacy, content and settings

Then, go through the settings for content restrictions until you find the "Web Content" tab. Tap it.

iphone content restrictions
Restriction on content available for iOS

You are here pick from the following options:

  • Access to the Internet without restriction
  • Limited Adult Websites
  • Websites that are allowed to appear on the list.

Select the "Limit websites for adults" option and you can start adding specific websites which you wish to exclude from.

iphone settings web content
The restriction of access to websites via iOS

Once you've added the websites to your wish list you won't be able to start loading them up regardless of whether you're connected via your home WiFi or your data plan.

How do you block notifications in Chrome Browser

Blocking websites is half the tale here, as notifications could also hinder (and ruin) the effectiveness of your work. Therefore, let's take an in-depth look at ways to block them from Google Chrome.

For a message to stop there is no need to install an extension or to modify any document or OS setting.

block notifications
Block notifications in Google Chrome.

Once you have done that, click on "Site settings" then click on the notification tab.

chrome settings notifications
Google settings - Notifications

It is now possible to block websites completely from asking permission to send notifications or block individual sites by URL.

chrome settings notifications settings
Block all notifications sent by websites Block notifications from websites

Blocking Notifications for Chrome Mobile

Chrome for mobile devices Chrome that's available on iOS (iPhones as well as iPad) has notifications turned off on auto-pilot, which means that there are no settings for notifications or editable settings. them.

On Android It's also easier to deactivate notifications than your desktop. Here's how to do it.

Open up Chrome, click the More button on the right Scroll down then tap on the Settings button.

chrome mobile settings
Chrome mobile settings

After that, scroll down until you click on Notifications.

chrome mobile settings notifications
Notifications settings

Here, you are able to turn off any app notification (including all notifications on the web) with a single tap.

chrome mobile app notifications
Notifications can be disabled or activated by using Chrome

If you would like to disable the notifications coming from certain websites You can go down to the sites section. Tap the icon beside the site in question.

chrome mobile site notifications
Blocking notifications from specific websites


Your job is contingent on the work you can deliver instead of your time at your workstation.

It is crucial to make yourself more comfortable and keep your interruptions to the absolute minimum. By following the steps provided in this tutorial, you can easily disable websites on Chrome or any other device that you wish to. No longer will you be plagued by distracting sites on your smartphone, laptop tablet or desktop.

It's now your turn to think about how you keep distractions from ruining your work flow? What apps do you use? Please share your experiences in the comments section!

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