"How many are you allowing the substandard treatment?" What is the method by which Jessica Wilson teaches her audience to assert their rights |

Mar 23, 2022

Find out how self-advocacy trainer Jessica Wilson uses to sell coaching, tell her story and encourage people to advocate confidently for themselves.

On July 17, 2020, Jessica Wilson was diagnosed with stage 3 inflammation breast cancer. She was just 32 years old without a family history or breast cancer gene.

"I visit my oncologist's office for my first visit, and realize that he's not a person with the same drive to keep my life as I do," Jessica remembers. "He showed up to my appointment 40 minutes late -- no explanation, no apology."

"Immediately my brain switches into self-preservation mode. If you don't seem to consider whether I will live or die, and my treatment lies in your own hands ... that's when I must make an adjustment. I began speaking out immediately in front of anyone who would listen -- to my referring doctor, to the breast surgeon, to everyone and everyone else. "Hey, this isn't working for me.'"

The doctor was always pushing for the standard treatment. "Maybe the condition I'm experiencing is not standard," Jessica thought. "Maybe I need to think outside of this box."

After a while, Jessica switched doctors and hospitals to locate a medical team that listened to her. "I am convinced that if I stayed there, I would not have been alive now. It's not a regret at all," she says.

The story sparked an inquiry for Jessica: Who else is experiencing this?

"Having been through this experience and observing it, I got the realization: How many people are out here accepting such low standards of treatment, whether because they don't know any other way or because they're afraid or don't know what is best"

Jessica was aware that there must others out there with similar issues, many of whom might not possess the confidence or the knowledge to stand up on their own in the manner she had.

She wanted to share the lessons she had learned through her own experiences:

There is no reason to be hesitant in not taking a treatment or test you're not interested in, even when your physician suggests that there's no alternative.

Inform your physician if you need more time to talk through or contemplate some issue.

Do not be scared to ask a lot of questions -- as many as you need to understand what your doctor is explaining to you.

"I looked around and realized, obviously I've had to advocate for myself," Jessica explains. "When you look at the world in general, there's a need to represent yourself wherever you go."

The idea was narrowed down to the three areas where she believes self-advocacy will have most impact: Medical, employment, and personal relationships.

With those foci in mind, Jessica launched her coaching company, Advocacy Alley.

Presently, Jessica helps members of the marginalized communities to gain confidence and advocate for themselves in every part of their lives. Also, she's popularly known as Jess the IE as an "industrial engineer by trade and the guru of intuition by love".

"I work in finance for an important home improvement store as well as doing it on my own. Because one I love and one that is more of a passion. I am passionate about making the processes, people and technology more effective. Also, I'm passionate about helping people get the care they deserve."

Keep reading to learn about how Jessica made use of her enthusiasm for process improvement -- and her website -- to launch her coaching business, write her story, and empower other people to stand up for themselves.

21 Questions That Every Patient Must Have Their Doctor Ask

Jessica is a successful industrial engineer. She's an intuitive thinker and complex problem solver. She has a passion for process improvement and knows the power of creating an efficient strategy.

So, with the help of a business coach, precisely the way she went about it.

"I have all of these things in my possession. How can I tie them together into a tidy bow, which I could then package? Here's the impact that I'd like to achieve. What steps will I need to complete to get there?"

"How do you navigate that delicate area of "I don't want to appear disrespectful, but I also must be assertive"?" Jessica describes.

"This is me. This body. That's what I'm prepared to accept. That's what I'd like an opinion from a different source. The process started there after which I've put together this item -- how can I make it available to the general public?"

Giving away free tools is an an excellent way for new creators to start building their businesses.

In order to reach that market, Jessica needed a place to host her digital download.

"This might be a good fit for me. I think this is something I could grow into."

"I appreciated the price difference ... I wasn't required to go through the highest level to ensure it meet my requirements. I was impressed by the versatility of everything, and [the interface was extremely friendly to use. I did the 14-day test, and I thought, 'Ooh, this is a completely empty page. The possibilities are limitless.'"

In the beginning, Jessica used to host her free downloads and information about her one-on-one coaching services. While she was developing Advocacy Alley, she built her website on , too.

"Over time, it's continued to grow to where the entirety of my website ispages for landing and sales pages," Jessica describes.

"The blog is mainly to follow my breast cancer journey, because I'm not sure where to find folks like me, that are diagnosed at the age of 30- just completely young, having just started your own family." Jessica shares. "What thoughts are going through our minds?"

Jessica uses the course builder of's to set up her blog and share new posts. "The courses feature is powerful enough to provide me with the features I require. I'd like post my posts with the possibility of users to make comments," she says.

Every blog post has been designed to be a learning opportunity . The readers can browse through Jessica's blog posts directly on her website by previewing the lessons and can sign up to leave feedback and get regular updates.

The versatility of the all-in-one platform means that Jessica can create all of the web-based features she wants.

"There might not be a document that on paper literally will be what I'm seeking However, I've been able to manipulate the system to work for me and satisfy my requirements for all things," Jessica shares.

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"I wanted to get training courses available as I wanted to reach as many people as that is possible."

The course is geared toward people who have recently been diagnosed with a condition and are trying to identify the next stepsand without falling down an endless Google rabbit hole of worst-case scenarios.

"I decided that I needed to create a program for people who want to be anchored to ensure that their minds don't get lost, no matter what their diagnosis might be," Jessica explains. "Sometimes there's nothing to anchor to, something to help guide your steps to ensure that you don't slide."

While she plans to continue providing one-on-one coaching sessions, the online course allows Jessica expand her influence and help more clients.

"I knew I wanted to get courses out there because I wanted to impact the most people feasible. I am able to only handle hundreds of individuals one-on-one, and only manage so many things.
It's something that an infinite amount of individuals can participate in at any time -- whether I'm immediately available to work one-on-one or not -- and in reality, get the same type of impact."

Hospitals may sponsor courses for a specific amount of patients, or employ Jessica to be a consultant and collaborate with her directly. "That means I will have the most impact."

Establishing an audience "If you're uncomfortable then you're not growing."

"While you're still working to build your email list it's not enough to just send emails to individuals," she says. "I also have to still remain active and noticeable on the social networks."

At first, putting herself out there on social media didn't come from the inside.

"Being a creator has forced me to stand on camera, and to stand on the front of the camera. And initially, of course it can be a bit unsettling and uncomfortable. However, if you're uncomfortable it's not a sign that you're growing.
So I forced myself to be live without anyone watching, with the one person who was watching -- it didn't matter. This was more an exercise for me. If I could do it once, then I can repeat it over and over. This was basically making myself comfortable in my own skin."

The author explains the process of coming up with ideas to say is easy -- but creating regularly and posting them on an already packed schedule is difficult.

"There are a myriad of things I'd like share. I'm not sure I've encountered any roadblocks with creating material to offer to the public," she shares.

"If you're trying to build your following, people need to see you very often. In order to avoid the issue, I tried to come up with ways to batch posts ... Instead of being so long-winded Let's break [a blog post] up into three posts. So I'll have three of five posts for this week."

"You can make your own image posts, you can use Instagram to do Reels and be funny and be serious. You could also make Reels as well as be serious ... just anything to try to diversify how folks can potentially find your profile," she recommends.

Jessica's tips for creatives who are just starting out: "Follow your passion, and the money will come."

"Mindset is the key. If you believe that you'll never become prosperous, you will never ever be. There will be great days where you're all the way enthused, and there will times when you're thinking, "I do not want to. Both are acceptable."

"Take one day to do absolutely nothing related to your work and observe whether you feel more refreshed afterward," she recommends.

If you're a creative only beginning to get started , Jessica encourages you to start small and take it one step at a time.

"Don't think about getting the most beautiful and stunning website set up at first. Just worry about those individual pages for each item. Make sure that these pages areconstructed first. As the product line expands, when you expand, and as your company expands, you can add additional pages."

Presently, Jessica offers one-on-one coaching and free materials, as well as an online training course designed for both individuals and health professionals, as well as three social media platforms that are active -- and she's just getting started.

Keep in mind that the journey of creation is a race rather than a sprint.

"You aren't required to become a millionaire overnight. Find your passion and money will follow."