How Laurel Parmet went from Staff Picks to feature films

Aug 2, 2023

"I know everyone says, 'Just do it. You just have to make the film. It's not real," she adds. "Self-doubt is very significant and really just such an energy suck. It's the time you're spending wondering, "Ah, I can't do this it, I'll never succeed. It's possible to be using that, I could be using that to create." We got a opportunity to talk with Laurel to find out more about her creative process as well as the evolution of her creativity. Read on for the full interview.

 What's your favorite advice that you've ever received?

Laurel: I think the best advice I've ever gotten is that when in doubt, always go back to what is interesting and meaningful for me as the storyteller. It's possible to get kind of caught up with the industry and, at the end of the day, I'm doing this because I am passionate about telling stories, and that's kind of my North Star.

 How do you find the source of inspiration?

Lauren The truth is I draw inspiration for my work from locations. When I write something, it really helps me to be physically present in the area, regardless of where the story is being written. The next one I'm working on is going to be place it on the Oregon coast since I was in the area for a visit and fell in love and was like, "I need to write an action film for this area."

 What did you think of stepping onto the stage for your very first event?

Laurel: It was an extremely long and difficult process to reach this point. Making the story and getting it into a good place, raising the money, finding your team. The process should take long time because good things take a long time, and great scripts require an extended time to create, I think.

Day one on set of "The Starling Girl" I had the impression that I was going to be jittery and think I didn't know what I was doing, but honestly it was such a joy that I felt completely at ease and knew this is the job I was meant to do. The experience was like riding a bike. It was like I could get back to the work with ease, and just loved it.

 What motivates you to keep going?

Laura: First and foremost that's job. I love being on set as it's my favourite place to be. So, just having that mental image of "Oh I'll make it there." I think is what keeps me focused. And I love the process of collaboration, I always want to feel I'm making things with my buddies I find it so enjoyable.

 Can you describe your Staff Pick experience?

The Laurel : Staff Picks, that was very much everyone's aim when I started creating short films and participating in festivals. You feel like you're getting noticed by the people who appreciate your work. You're getting into this world that so many filmmakers belong to, which I respect.

 How do you use in your job?

Laura : I use for all things. Recently, we used the platform while we cut "The Starling Girl," uploading edits to share with everyone. It's the highest quality streaming platform I've come across, and this is what I use.