How is CRO different from SaaS? (Interview With Growth expert Frederic Linfjard) -

Apr 5, 2022

Is conversion rate optimization for SaaS and software different than conventional A/B testing in Ecommerce?

It's all about getting people to click"buy" or click the "buy" click (like the E-commerce site)? Or is there more to this?

I had a conversation with the growth expert (and the current director for Growth for Planday) Frederic Linfjard -- and wanted to know what he thinks about these questions.

You'll notice that CRO in SaaS goes well beyond "red button vs. blue button."

Here are some of the examples from our conversion

"Conversion rate optimization isn't about either the red or blue button. It's about increasing the overall life-time value of the client."

"Traffic Traffic, traffic -- that's what software companies concentrate on. Then they stop testing after signing up for trial or purchasing. Then they don't really see how many times they've churned after one month or are they actually staying?

"You can increase your revenues by about the same amount, even with the same number of visitors and by focusing in retaining employees for to stay for a longer period of time. It's been my experience that people overlook this opportunity in software companies ."

This is the complete audio recording:

Nathan Collier   Nathan Collier is the Director of Content and Community for .