How instructional videos can be a game changer for events |

Jun 27, 2023

It's getting harder and harder to convince people to show up at an in-person or virtual event. If your landing page's promotions, emails, and social media posts don't get participants to sign up in the quantities you want, it may be time to consider ways to use video to generate enthusiasm and interest to your event.

Instructional videos can make it easier for people to comprehend the importance of your occasion. Instead of creating a webpage that outlines your upcoming event, share some punchy videos with the people you want to reach. It can spark people's fascination about topics that are going to be featured at your occasion, give details on the venue as well as answer frequently asked questions and finally, show the worth of your event with visual storytelling.

Although generating interest for your event can be hard, it can be more challenging to keep interest high once the event has gone live. On average, virtual events are rated with a no-show percentage of 35%. In order to encourage attendees to log in and take part in your event, it is necessary to create an effective marketing strategy that excites, educates, and inspires attendees.

In this article this post, we'll discuss ideas and examples of tutorial videos that will help you design event marketing campaigns that are FOMO-inducing.

This article:

What exactly is an instructional video?

Five ideas for pre-event instruction videos

Video clips prior to the event can help set expectations with guests, build the event and help make the event more accessible. Additionally, 47% of marketers believe interactive content is among the most efficient lead-generation tools.

Looking for some inspiration to help you drum up enthusiasm to your next gathering? We've got five ideas on how to create momentum with the help of instructional videos prior to your event.

Event venue walkthrough

Your pre-event instructional videos will create excitement. A walkthrough of the venue for your event video can be a fantastic method to inform attendees of the upcoming program. Also, they can be a way for people who aren't attending to be enticed enough to register for the event.

Brian Cole, the founder and chief executive officer of the creative production company edgefactory says that walksthrough videos for venues are part of a series designed for getting people ready to attend.

"This video can have visuals of the city the meeting is taking place to make attendees excited to travel, some important points to educate and motivate participants, and a call to action to sign up," he says.

"Then we create different videos like explainer videos about how to register for an event, or on how to download and engage in an event app as well as a listing of the top 5 things you need to know prior to attending an occasion."

For example, the British-based marketing event Atomicon shared an ad that gives visitors a taste of the setting, the atmosphere, and things to do. The final message is a call to action to boost conversions.

Live FAQ

Keep receiving the same questions regarding your events? Schedule a live FAQ where guests can pose questions at any time in real time. Share details about what people can expect from the event, why they should go as well as the time it's scheduled to start.

It's easy to create a lively and interesting Q&A with video. After recording your session, you are able to edit your video and then add it to a customizable template, and then upload it to the channel you prefer.

Screen recordings of the program walkthrough

Interactive maps

You must inform guests the location of the main stage? And where the post-party will be held?

If you're organizing a huge in-person event, an interactive map could help the attendees get their bearings prior to arriving on the site.

Video infographic

An animated video infographic instructional video is one way to explain the schedule of your occasion's day-to-day program.

Event organizers could employ animations to inform attendees the ways they can select and book different activities. Or even use an infographic to describe the reason behind the event.

4 ideas for live events video tutorials

Planning an event comes with some unpredictability. Registration online is just two clicks therefore registration is difficult to take for. Though thousands could have registered to attend your online conference however, it's not a guarantee for attendance until kickoff time and login.

Plus, how can you make sure that your attendees stay interested after they've been in your online gathering?

Marketers need to grab the attendees' focus by making sure an event that isn't only a way to learn more about new topics, but also an opportunity for connecting with speakers as well as networking with other participants.

Make sure that your virtual and in-person participants engaged during your gathering with these educational videos.


Demonstration videos are the right alternative when you wish to showcase a product in action. These kinds of videos often make use of original footage to showcase the product's features through testing as well as unboxings. They can also feature someone showing how to use the functions of the item.

When it comes to an event, demonstration videos could appear in a keynote address or as an ad-break.


During the event, speakers could present a recorded tutorial video. The video should help viewers learn a new skill like how to utilize a certain product's features.

It could also include a masterclass presented by a speaker on the method they employed to get a certain final result.

Screen record a how-to video

Screen recordings are becoming increasing feature in marketing campaigns. By 2022, 57 percent of video marketers created screens-recorded films.

There's no reason that they're an easy method to display rather than tell viewers. The key is to edit them effectively so they look professional and not amateur. If your event centers on online technology, then slick screen recordings can help demonstrate the various functions and applications.

Live streamed interactive sessions

Do you want your participants from outside to take part in the live streamed events? Set up live streamed sessions with interactive elements so that everyone is able to participate. If you're planning to host a live session featuring speakers, make sure to include a live poll and live Q&A or networking events to encourage people who are online or in person to take part.

7 ideas for marketing post-event videos

Event content that is of the highest quality can remain relevant even after the event's end. Excellent event-related content created by presenters, topics, and even sessions are able to engage participants for a long time until the next event. Event managers should aim to establish brand recognition through evergreen event content so participants will be eager to attend the next event.

You can go beyond the typical highlight of an event and let your viewers continue to grow with these online video ideas.

Video on key learnings

In the aftermath of your event, provide small snippets to help your attendees keep the most important takeaways from the event or day.

Brian Cole of Edgefactory explains the importance of creating recap videos to help the event to live on long after everyone has gone back home.

"After the event, we provide a highlight of everything that happened at the event, which includes interviews with key speakers at the event, as well as sponsors and sometimes, the team to thank people for coming," he says.

"This helps viewers retain their takeaways from the event. It also reminds them of the value to attending and makes people excited about attending the next one" He adds.

Brian's agency, Edgefactory, recently produced an event highlight film for 2023's Quest SKO IT operations and cybersecurity conference. In the video, the host talks with speakers, attendees and event organizers on why they're attending, their top learnings, and what they've taken from the event.

Event recap video

Video recaps remind people of the benefits from your experience and inspire attendees to be excited for the future.

They're also a great way to reuse your content from events and extending your reach across the social media channels. Videos of recaps could contain many different types of content, such as testimonials or highlights of the event as well as plans for next year.

Lori Hall, co-founder and director of creativity at the Multicultural Marketing Agency Pop'N Creative explains the way a recap video of an event was able to help them increase the reach of an event that was a one-off in partnership together with Hulu and Hulu in New Orleans.

"We created a video recap to walk our virtual consumers through the aspects of their experience and Hulu published a summary of each day on their brand social handles. This allowed them to capture on-site impressions and then upgrade the number of impressions," she says.

"The Rink @ The Hulu Motel had a total social reach of 8.1M and was boosted by celebrities, influencers and VIPs who shared their experience on social media. The Rink @ The Hulu Motel on their social media."

Recordings of speakers

Ever gone to a presentation that you learned something interesting but then forgot it a few days later? It's happened to all of us. In order to help your attendees implement their learnings beyond your conference, aid them through recordings of speakers available on demand.

Include a link your recordings from the speaker in a follow-up email a couple of days after the occasion. Let people know how to find what they're looking for by breaking down the recordings into chapters, and then providing an unwritten transcript.

Semrush's Global Marketing Day, the brand shared recordings from its keynote speakers on their site. Visitors to their site is able to view the videos for absolutely free.

Screenshot from SEMrush event on demand page

Interactive video quiz

Have your next event gamified by giving participants the chance to win cash prizes or bring out their competitive side with an interactive video quiz.

The quiz could take place following a keynote address, following a day of activities or even as asynchronous quiz after the event is complete.

Create personalized videos

Instead of sending out a standard text-based email summing the key points of your event, send a personalized video. Make yourself visible, express gratitude to guests for their attendance and discuss your highlight moments from your event.

Training videos

80% of attendees take part in virtual events for education motivations. Engage them in learning by sharing training videos immediately following the conference. Based on the contents of your keynote speakers' presentations, you could create a sequence of tips that will help you implement best practices as well as key takeaways.

You can also ask your presenters to make short, 10-minute training webinars loosely based on their talk.

Follow-up Q&A

Participants are able to send questions before the Q&A session, or they can ask them live.

Online course bundle

Repurpose your event into an online series of courses. It's a fantastic option to make sure that your event won't be forgotten. Also, it's a means of getting non-attendees involved.

Offer your course bundle as a one-off payment or a subscription. Course videos can also generate brand awareness for your coming events, as well as encourage registrations.

Start creating your own instructional videos today

Instructional videos can help you promote your event at any phase of your marketing campaign. They're a way to generate hype, engage participants, and encourage potential attendees to sign up. The most important thing to make effective instructional videos is to know your target audience and provide content that'll entertain and educate them.

Do you want to take your online event involvement to the to the next level?

Event marketing instructional video FAQ

How can you create an excellent promotional video to promote your occasion?

A good promotional video should serve as a teaser to the event, and create anticipation among prospective attendees. You can build hype for your program by presenting walkthrough videos, sneak previews, and highlights of previous editions. Keep the promotional video short and sweet, so the viewers are left with a desire for to see more.                 What are the advantages of marketing events with video?

Video is one of the most efficient event marketing strategies for helping viewers visualize your occasion. Make use of your video-based marketing strategies to build excitement ahead of the event, motivate attendees, and increase the reach of your event after it will be over.                 What factors should I consider when producing videos for events?

If you're planning to create a film for an event, have an outline. Set clear goals for the event, be it raising awareness, increasing sign-ups or engaging at-home attendees. In order to avoid spending too much, establish an appropriate budget and adhere to it.