How do you stop and control Online Payment Fraud in 2023

Aug 5, 2023

Risks of fraudulent the payment process is a concern for any company. An effective payment method could be of great advantage for businesses since it provides customers with a pleasant and secure experience, and also entices customers to come back to your store. If you choose a poor payment option, it could cause a lot of damage for your business: right now, we're talking about fraud. But, a comprehensive payment system can help you avoid these dangers, safeguard your customers, and keep your business secure. Most importantly, a comprehensive platform can help merchants fight fraud with a minimum of effort or hassle.

What exactly is a fraud in payment?

The possibility of fraud is present for every transaction in which the cardholder was not authorized to make the transaction. The majority of fraud-prone transactions are made by using stolen credit card information and is a form of fraud known as identity theft. Fraud is a common cause to lead to financial or property loss from the buyer, consumers, or both.

Fraud may manifest through a variety of methods including stolen credit card data, stolen account information and the infamous phishing. We witness the effects from these cases in disputes over the payment (also called chargebacks) which are costly and may cause trouble for companies of any size. There are a variety of ways to be fraudulent and continue to change as we enhance our security mechanisms. In this post we'll discuss different kinds of fraudulent use that can be made of credit card.

The quantity of attempts to commit fraud with payment is growing.

The report the State of Online Fraud report of Stripe the research team discovered that the volume of fraud has increased dramatically since the beginning of Covid 19 pandemic: 64 percent of business executives around all over the globe said it has become harder for their businesses to fight the threat of fraud. In addition, 40% of businesses reported an increase in attempted tests compared to prior times.

The loss from online transactions will be $343 billion worldwide between 2023-2027 According to Juniper Research. There's no doubt about how your business has been at risk, only it is a matter of when. Facing inevitable adversity it is best to safeguard your business by implementing effective fraud prevention strategies.

What's the reason for this increase in fraudulent transactions? The growth of e-commerce.

Stripe discovered that in the year 2021, companies that make use of their platform received 60% more payments than they did in the year 2020. The increase in payments offered more chances to commit fraudulent transactions.

The most frequent kinds of frauds in the payment industry

Card testing or carding attacks

If card testing is considered criminal, the culprit will attempt to buy items using the stolen numbers of credit cards in order to determine if the card number can be used, frequently by using various credit cards. The fraudsters can quickly determine whether the data is safe to be used for bigger purchases. Card testing typically happens when the card details are bought by malicious actors following an incident that has caused data breaches.

Card testing purchases are often made from a foreign country that has billing and delivery addresses that do not fall aligned with the client's IP address.

The process of denying or refunding suspicious transactions could help to prevent these kinds of fraud. The fraudulent charges could be contested and refunded if they're not reimbursed.

Stolen credit cards

The most fraudulent way to use stolen cards happens where a consumer is able to make a purchase with stolen credit card details. If that is the case, billing and delivery addresses might differ as the fraudster wants the product delivered to them rather than to the card holder.

It is possible for this type of fraud to be difficult to identify due to the many possible factors that could cause a buyer to require multiple addresses such as moving or residing in a different location. In the event of suspicious conditions, the purchase may require an examination by a manual person to establish if the transaction is appropriate for your company and customer type.

What are the main risk factors of payment fraud?

The loss of revenue as well as the loss of confidence are among the two main worries for security issues in the case of payment fraud. However, the business impact of fraudulent operations can lead to worse consequences. Significant penalties for violating laws and possibly being banned from business.

The loss of revenue is due to disputes about payments

Carts that were abandoned because of the protection against fraud

Stripe noted that "the more fraudulent activity an organization tries to avoid and stop, the more likely they will be to block legitimate charges in addition to reducing the rate of conversion for payments." Prevention measures may often hinder the purchase of a customer.

There are a number of verification steps, or if you send your customers to an open-ended page or another that requires them to enter the information of their credit card, they may be frustrated and abandon their order.

The seller is accountable for any fraud

Merchants are accountable for any transactions they make on their websites and also in their retail stores. This means deciding on when to accept or reject suspicious transactions.

Charges that arise due to fraud can be disputed and reversed, and will be billed as a result. It is possible to avoid the charges of fraud by denial or reimbursing fraudulent transactions. In addition, it's important to respond to chargeback disputes with legitimate charges, proving no fraud occurred.

Five strategies to lessen the possibility of fraudulent payment

Five methods are a set of tools or solutions that can be designed by the business or bought by a third party. In-house risk management could be the ideal solution for businesses that have sufficient resources, while purchased tools can help simplify the administration of transactions for small, busy teams.

Integrate fraud prevention tools

Software that sets fraud thresholds will block high-risk transactions that meet your criteria. The fraud detection tools will block the purchase that isn't normal or alerts you to red flags due to information like IP addresses or a profile of a customer that is unusual.

In-house solutions may take time and expensive development however, they can be a great solution for firms that require extensive customization, or that handle sensitive data. Third-party solutions are quicker to set up, but they could be charged per transaction.

The sensitivity and scope of your fraud risk can help you decide what type of software would be suitable for your company.

Fraud prevention and risk management teams

Selecting a group or an individual to examine transactions is a well-established practice for preventing fraud manually. Transactions that are flagged can be reviewed and then subsequently approved or denied in accordance with the rules and guidelines set in place by your organization or supplier. Manual approvals of high-risk or costly transactions could assist in decreasing your costs and losses due to fraud.

Items that look suspicious are and should not be accepted or returned. All disputes must be addressed by providing evidence available or even accepted when they're fraudulent. Many disputes can be resolved by giving evidence in order to avoid an expense and keep the amount. A few examples of proof which is solid include an ID for tracking and a photo of the delivery, the interaction with the client and evidence of the use. The evidence that you can use depends on the kind of business you operate and the nature of your company, but providing proof of the receipt or use is an excellent basis to protect against disputes.

Develop fraud prevention processes

The processes of preventing and responding to fraud are different for each company. It's helpful to start by conducting risk assessments to help you or your team to understand what your average customer is like, the types of frauds your business could be susceptible to, as well as how fraudsters could use to circumvent your existing methods of preventing fraud.

Make use of the results from the risk assessment you completed to adjust the criteria you use to determine thresholds for fraud, as well as the ways to deal with fraudulent activity.

Select a single-stop payment method

for medium and small companies for small and medium-sized businesses, an all-in-one solution is the best option to save money and your time.

What should you look for in a fully integrated payment solution?

Machine learning

Machine learning models are trained to make decisions using enormous volumes of relevant output as well as input data. Based on inputs provided models estimate the likelihood of each output. It uses that probability to decide on the fraud evaluation of every operation.

Risk filters, rules and customisations

Custom risk filters allow companies to establish the thresholds for risk tolerance that can identify transactions that are suspicious if they match certain standards. They can be adjusted to suit your specific business needs. Filters are set to meet different requirements such as:

  • The IP addresses are approved by specific servers or regions
  • Blocked IP addresses known for fraud
  • Reliable, frequent transactions coming from the same IP address
  • Address verification is required for shipping
  • The value or volume of transactions

Customizable rules give flexibility to various business models. While a retailer of clothing could flag large-scale purchases, an industrial wholesaler could focus on the billing and shipping information.


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