How do you reduce and eliminate the risk of fraud with respect to electronic payments before 2023

Aug 5, 2023

The risk of being vulnerable to fraud while paying is part of every company. The right payment option is beneficial to businesses because they can provide their customers with a pleasant, reliable experience as well as entices your customers to shop with you in the future. If you pick a flawed method of payment, it may cause a lot of damage to your company. Today there is a lot of fraud. But a reliable platform to process payments will help reduce risks, protect the customers you serve and make sure your business is secure. One of the best benefits is the ability of a comprehensive platform to help merchants deal with fraud with ease and without hassle.

What exactly is fraud in transactions?

An unauthorised payment occurs in the case of an transaction that the cardholder did not have the authority to approve the transaction. The fraudulent payments typically are done using stolen credit card information in the form of identity fraud. Fraud often results in the destruction of the property and financial properties of the vendor, or both.

Fraud can be caused by numerous methods that include stolen credit card details that are stolen account details, frauds like the phishing scam. We can see the effects of these in dispute over the payment (also called chargebacks) which can be costly and can cause issues for companies of any size. Methods used to commit fraud can be diverse, and they tend to alter as our security systems become better. In this article, we'll look at different types of fraudulent usage for credit cards.

Fraud involving pay is rising.

In the State of Online Fraud report of Stripe they found that the amount of fraud is increasing substantially from the time of the onset of Covid 19 pandemic: 64 percent of most senior business executives said it's more difficult for them to stop fraud. 40% of companies saw an increase in the amount of attack attempts in comparison to the previous year.

Payment losses through online payment systems are predicted to exceed $343 billion in 2023-2027 in accordance with Juniper Research. There isn't whether your company could be at risk, it's just a matter of the consequences should it happen. Facing inevitable adversity and dangers, it's essential to defend your business with effective fraud prevention strategies.

Why is this increased fraudulent activity? Online shopping is becoming more popular.

Stripe discovered that by 2021, companies that use their platform made 60% more transactions than in the year 2020. The increase in transactions created more ways for criminals to engage in fraud.

The most common types of fraud in the payment industry

Testing cards, carding or other attack

When a card's validity is verified, as a result of a crime is attempted by the criminal to purchase goods that carry the card's number stolen to see if the information could be used by using several cards. This allows thieves to quickly find out if stolen information could be used for more substantial amounts. This is a typical scenario the case when credit card numbers are bought through criminals in the aftermath of an incident which has compromised information.

Most transactions on test cards are from a foreign country that have billing and delivery addresses that are not compatible with the IP address of the user's place of residence.

The process of denying or refunding fraudulent transactions will stop fraudulent actions that may occur when managing these transactions. The fraudulent charges could be investigated and reverted in the event that they're not refunded.

Stolen credit cards

The fraudulent use of stolen credit card happens when consumers are able to purchase items using stolen credit card details. This happens because the addresses for billing and shipping might differ due to the fact that the fraudster would like to have the item delivered, not the person who purchased it.

This kind of scam not to be obvious because of the numerous motives for customers to require multiple addresses, such as travelling and living in a different location. If there are any suspicious circumstances the purchase might need to be scrutinized manually in order to determine if it is suitable for your organization and also for the average buyer.

What are the risks of fraud in the payment industry?

Revenue loss and customer confidence are the top two issues for fraud risk in the payment industry However, the adverse impact on companies from fraud comes with more severe penalties. There are huge fines for violations of laws or shutting down.

Revenue loss from disputes over payment

Carts that were abandoned because due to fraud

Stripe discovered that "the more fraud that companies attempt to halt and end the more likely to stop legitimate purchases, aswell aswhich can reduce the rate of payments being converted." These preventative measures can be removed when consumers make purchases.

If there are a lot options to verify the authenticity of your users, and you're sending them to a website that prompts them to input the details of their credit card customers could be disappointed with the experience, and may choose to cancel their purchase.

Responsibilities of merchants in the event of fraud

Merchants are responsible for transactions that they conduct through their websites and in their retail stores. They are required to determine when they can either decide whether or not to approve of the transaction.

Costs incurred due to fraud can be challenged or reversed, which can result in the issuance of bills for the fraudulent transaction. The most effective way to avoid the issuance of such charges is through denial or reimbursing fraud-related transactions. It is also essential to address disputes about chargebacks using genuine fees and prove there was not fraud.

Five ways to reduce the chance of committing fraud

The five strategies include the tools or solutions that may be designed in-house, or acquired from a third-party. In-house risk management could be the best solution for companies with larger scales that have the capacity to implement the process, while buying tools will aid in managing the transactions of small, busy teams.

Integrate fraud prevention tools

Software that establishes thresholds to prevent fraud may stop or prevent high-risk purchases that meet your requirements. Software for thresholds to detect fraudulent transactions can block any transaction that seems odd, or alert users to any suspicious information, like the location or location of the IP or the name of a customer that is unusual.

An in-house solution can take considerable time and effort to build, however, it may be the most efficient solution for companies that need extensive customisation, and also for those that work with sensitive data. An external solution is quicker to set up, however you could pay per the transaction.

Knowing the severity and extent of your risk for fraud can aid you in deciding what kind of software that is suitable to your company.

The management of risk and the hiring of fraud teams

A team or a single person to conduct a transaction review is an established practice in manually preventing fraud. All transactions that are flagged for review can be examined prior to being approved or rejected in accordance with the guidelines and rules that are set by your business or service company. The manual approval process to approve riskier and valuable transactions may help cut down on cost as well as loss from fraud.

Purchases that seem to be a fraud must be returned, or refunds made. All disputes must be resolved by proving in the event of fraud. A lot of disputes can be solved using evidence that can eliminate the fee as well as preserving the profit. Examples of evidence to prove that the claim is valid include tracker numbers, photos of the delivery, communications with customers or proof of the use. The types of evidence that can be used will depend on the specifics of your business and the nature of your business, but proving acceptance or the use of your product can form a solid basis for protecting against disputes.

Develop fraud prevention processes

Methods in preventing and eliminating the danger of fraud vary for every business. One of the best ways to begin is to conduct an evaluation of risks to assist your team and you to understand the typical person your customer appears like, as well as the kinds of frauds that your business is vulnerable to, as well as the methods the criminals can be able to circumvent your existing fraud prevention methods.

Utilize the findings from your risk assessment to modify your criteria to determine your thresholds for fraud and procedures to handle the situation.

Select a single-stop payment method

For small and medium-sized businesses, a system that is integrated can be the ideal option to cut costs as well as your time spent working.

What are the key features to look for in a payments system which is fully integrated

Machine learning

Machine learning models can be taught to make decisions by feeding huge volumes of information about input as well as output. With inputs from the user, the model calculates the likelihood of the output. It then uses this probability to calculate the risk of fraud of each transaction.

Rules that can be customized and can also be risk-filtered

Custom risk filters allow businesses to define limits for their tolerance to risk. These limits could identify suspicious transactions when they match certain criteria. They can be adjusted according to your demands for business. Filters can be set to be suitable on many different factors including:

  • These IP addresses have been authorised by a certain server or region
  • Blocked IP addresses are suspected of being associated with criminal activity
  • Regular, reliable transactions with exactly the same address.
  • Verification of shipping address
  • Quantity or volume of transaction

The flexibility to modify rules permits flexibility in businesses. If an apparel retailer could flag large-scale purchases or construction companies may be concerned with billing and shipping information.


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