How do you make your Coaching Course Available Online

Feb 18, 2024

What do you need to think of in order in order to make an online version of your application that can be scaled without losing touch with your clients?

To answer this query, we talked to Jeanine Blackwell who is the author of the Creator six Figure Courses Virtual Bootcamp, as part of the Coach to Course series.

Jeanine has helped thousands of professionals, entrepreneurs and experts to discover their talents and show their skills in the public eye through online training classes. In an interview, she discussed methods for taking the information created in the individual coaching program and make it available on the internet in a format.

Check out the video below for a hear all the details of Jeanine's tips for how you can get the coaching programs you'd like on the web!

You can limit your attention

The coaches are well aware of the changes that can be created when you work one-on-one with your clients. What's the most effective way to create similar results with the model of one-to-many like the online courses?

One of the main obstacles faced by instructors when they design an online course that is popular is that they are not enough specific about the content of their classes. It's usually due to a desire to aid numerous students, but also due to a desire to impart all they've learned.

If you go too broad, it will result in your course getting hidden among the maze of. In the same way, creating a course that is all-encompassing will likely create a course that will be too long and difficult for any student to take on.

If you need help to overcome the obstacle, here are two points to keep in mind to narrow your focus.

Focus on who you would like to touch. Think about who you could offer the most value for and try to ensure you're as precise as possibly can.

   Then, narrow your search by the outcomes. Next, think about what your targeted group needs to know and be able to achieve and how you can you can help them reach the goals you wish to reach.

Based on the responses to the above questions, you will be able to create an offer that speaks specifically to these two angles. As a result, you will be able to draw focus to the right people much faster.

Develop a results-driven online coaching program

To ensure that your program is able to transform your customers, you must be focused on what you would like to achieve for them.

When you're planning the development of your course it is simple to get caught in the list of suggestions you've got for ideas to aid students in the course. The fact is that adding more information doesn't always mean the quality of your course.

In reality, the quicker you can move your client towards their goals, the faster. For determining which element of data in your plan, ask you: is this essential in enabling them to reach their objective?

Focus on the end result. Define the core capabilities they require. Create all your material around those elements.

The best online content formats that create amazing learning experience

It's not a secret that individuals differ in their approaches to learning. As you create your coaching online programs It is recommended to utilize different types of content to keep your students engaged.

For you to provide transformative learning experiences, your course must include elements that encourage students to transform their passive learning into active. With the help of activities or other assignments to participate in it you are able to link to every kind of student throughout your curriculum.

A good exercise to identify what approach to take while creating the materials that you are making is to picture yourself lecturing at a conference. If you're addressing more than a thousand people who are in attendance How would you organize your course to teach everyone in one go? What can you do to illustrate the ideas you're teaching?

The thoughts that came to mind in the scenario can be adapted to be addressed through an online course. The benefits of learning online is more than just watching videos or completing exercises. You must be prepared to think out of the box and think outside of the square. Below are a few different methods you can employ to accomplish your goals.

  • Make notes on the actions and observations you observe in a journal.
  • Make communities that have discussions. Students are encouraged to discuss the ideas they've learned as well as jump in to help with the discussions.
  • Design touch points into your syllabus to permit reflection and to identify what are the main points of your course.

To see examples of the method Jeanine helps her clients with her method of limiting their focus and finding suitable kinds of content, take a watch of the following video!

Avoiding Pitfalls in your own course

It's too general

This subject was covered earlier. It is important to reiterate this because it's the most common error course creators make. The more generic your content is, the more difficult it is to convince people to buy the program.

"Do take care not to give into the belief that the bigger your net is, the higher number of people will be able to join to the conversation. People are drawn to things that are directly pertinent to them. This is not commonplace ads However, people tend to draw attention to things they personally relate to."
" Jeanine Blackwell

Marketing plan, launch or launch

Having no launch plan can make you unhappy with the outcomes of the online coaching course. The course is created and putting the information on your website is not going to do much if no one knows about the course. In order to create a course that is popular, it is essential to have an effective plan for launching which explains the reason why users should be interacting directly with you immediately.

"Make sure that you plan an event focusing on triggers that will inspire people to take action."
-- Jeanine Blackwell

Once and done mindset

Don't think that the launch of your online course is an exam that has to be passed immediately. Every step that you make when creating your first online course right through to the it's time to try out the waters. It is important to seek your students' feedback during the course. Also, you can learn from the things you can improve so that you can make your material more attractive to your target audience.

"You do not need to know everything you need before you launch your company. Customers will let you know of what they'd like to hear. If you are able to hear feedback that's favorable It is possible to incorporate it into your course in the same day! Don't worry with getting it right on the first attempt."
--- Jeanine Blackwell

Connect with Jeanine at

Want to learn more about growing your coaching business with online classes? Download the Coach Blueprint here for an outline in creating your first coaching online course.

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