How do you create a Blog Outline (plus templates)

Nov 23, 2023

We'll discuss ways to turn your blog from good to outstanding. All it takes is an easy, but powerful instrument: the outline of your blog. Consider it your key weapon to cut into the jumble of ideas and laying out an organized, engaging route for your viewers.

In this article I'll guide you through the steps of creating an outline for your blog that organizes your thoughts and makes your content shine. You'll be surprised to learn that It's not just you on this journey--I've got handly blog outlines for you right here, just keep scrolling.

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What is a blog outline?

A blog outline is your roadmap to crafting a compelling article. It's a simple yet essential document that lays out the angle and structure of your post. Think of it as your blueprint for clear and efficient writing, keeping your focus and in the right direction. A well-written outline usually includes these key elements:

  • Your topic: What's the main topic of your article?
  • Your perspective: What are your thoughts on this issue? What's your unique perspective?
  • Your structure: What elements will you include to support your angle?

You might also consider adding the working title in the outline. Some writers prefer to finalize their headlines once they have completed the post, ensuring their title is aptly capturing the essence of their article.

    What is the reason you require an outline for your blog    

Blogs, whether it's for personal expression or for an organization can be about creating an impact. If your writing is muddled or your messages aren't clearly defined the message you are trying to convey will be unclear, and the readers will move on.

An outline is the place where it comes in. This tool will help you clarify your thoughts before you begin typing. It will save the time of rewriting endlessly and elevating the level of work you produce.

  • The blank page problem can be overcome Everyone has had to deal with the dreaded blank page, that moment of paralysis where the temptation to delay is suddenly more attractive. However, with a thorough outline, the blank paper becomes much less intimidating.
  • In a meeting with your editor or clients: As a person who has relied on the detailed outline numerous times, I confirm their importance. They go beyond what an outline of content can provide and provide a more clear picture of the direction that your article is heading and the elements that are included or not along with the overall flow.

    How often should you utilize an outline for your blog?    

Simply put, you must always. However, here are some particular scenarios:

  • Long-form content: Especially for articles around 1,000 words or greater.
  • Complex topics: When your topic requires a lot of research to ensure precise coverage.
  • Delegating writing tasks: To ensure that the contributors are aware of the purpose behind the content.

The goal is to streamline your thought process and increase the effectiveness of your writing. However, it's not a strict rule. Examples include personal essays or short news blurbs don't necessarily require an outline. Be sure to use your discretion and figure out which style is best for you. writing style.

How to write an outline for a blog in just 8 steps

Crafting a blog outline doesn't have to be a challenge. Break it down into smaller steps in order to organize your thoughts and structuring your posts. Let's dive into these steps:

    Select your subject    

First things first: what is your blog about? Selecting a topic will be the basis of the blog's outline. Come up with ideas for your niche, focusing on the burning issues you're eager to address. Note down your possible ideas and choose one that resonates with you and your audience.

    Select the content format you want to use.    

How do you envision your blog taking? It could be a "how-to" guide, a listicle or an opinion piece a review, or a report? The structure is usually obvious depending on the topic. In the case of a subject such as "how to start blogs" naturally lends itself to a"how-to" format. If you're not sure what format to choose, take a cue by what's ranked on Google for related topics. Remember, there's no one-size-fits-all style of presentation. It's up to you.

    Figure out your angle    

The process of identifying your distinctive angle is like uncovering a hidden gem that sets your content from the rest. This is where your subject meets the unique viewpoint of yours, forming the way you tackle your topic. This angle isn't just about what you're saying--it's about giving your readers a reason to care.

In the case of speaking about a well-known tourist spot such as "The unknown trails in [Destination]" or "The most popular local restaurants in [Destination" or "The best local eateries in [Destination]" transcend the realm of facts and invite the reader into an experience. It's about making your content interesting and memorable.

    Determine your format    

Selecting the best format for your blog article can make all the difference. Every format is tailored to certain kind of content as well as audience preferences. Here are some powerful blog post formats and when to utilize these formats:

  • How-to articles: Ideal when explaining processes step-by-step.
  • List posts: Great for posting a collection of ideas or tips.
  • What exactly are posts? Ideal for short explanations or clarifications.
  • Case study articles: Use these for topics with a lot of detail that require an in-depth analysis.
  • Survey post: Good for presenting gathered data in a less comprehensive manner.
  • the X and. the Y post: Suitable for comparing products or services.
  • Introduction to HTML0 blog posts: Excellent for teaching newcomers about technical subjects.

    Evaluate the SERPs    

Understanding the landscape of Search engine results pages (SERPs) is essential. Examine the most popular blogs to assess:

  • Readability How easy is it to take in the information?
  • Relevance What speed do they answer the keyword-related question?
  • Alignment of search intent  Does the meta description tags and title tags align with the intent of a user's search?

Make use of the inverted pyramid technique to organize your content, beginning with the broadest content and moving to more specific. Additionally, check out the People Also Ask (PAA) boxes on Google for pertinent questions you could address in your content.

    Nail down the specific subpoints that you'll need to make in every section    

Once you have your major points laid out, it's time to detail the topics you'll be covering in each. Write down a couple of bullet points in each section. Focus on supporting your arguments. Include elements like:

  • A brief explanation of your argument
  • Case studies, examples and other information
  • Expert quotes from potential experts and data citations

This stage is ideal for research purposes and reaching out for expert opinions or even quotes.

    Plan out your introduction and concluding    

The introduction you write should grab your reader and entice them to read the entire piece. Use the Problem-Agitate-Solve (PAS) formula for your intro:

  • Problem: Identify a challenge your reader faces.
  • Agitate: Deeper dive into the issue and emphasize its implications.
  • Provide a solution: Present your article as a potential solution.

In your final paragraph write down the way you'll wrap your arguments and provide readers with a key takeaway or call-to-action.

    Get Your Information    

When the foundation for your blog post is in place, it's time to fortify it with specific details and data. Integrating credible data enhances your Expertise and Authority and Credibility (E-E-A-T) and ensures the content is able to stand up to scrutiny by readers.

    Understanding E-E-A-T    

E-E-A is a system Google utilizes to evaluate the authenticity and quality of a website's content. Although not directly a ranking factor, it can influence how content surfaces for readers. The inclusion of your own information can strengthen your argument and increase credibility among readers as well as search engines.

    Sourcing data    

The internet is an abundant source of data, but some of the information isn't reliable. It's important to focus on trusted websites like .gov, .org, .edu, and platforms like Statista. When outlining, use bullet points that include hyperlinks to the sources you've used for easy access.

    Doing research on your subject    

The research process is essential to determine the best way to approach. Here are a few effective methods to collect data:

  • Google Search: The go-to method for most bloggers.
  • Google Scholar: Ideal for finding scholarly papers and academic research.
  • National Institutes of Health: A reliable source for health-related information.
  • Real books: Don't overlook the importance of data contained within physical books and e-books.
  • Competitive Analysis: Review similar themes covered by other bloggers to gain insights.
  • First-Hand Information: In-person confirmations or quotes by industry professionals can greatly improve the legitimacy of your web page and impact.

Having these facts and data integrated in your outline will ensure that they're not lost and also helps keep the attention of your post.

What to avoid while making an outline

Remember, outlines are not the ideal stage for perfectionists. Here's what you should be wary of:

  • Obsessing over grammar: Don't get involved in grammar at the outlining stage.
  • Infusing brand voice: Keep the brand voice integration for the writing stage itself.
  • Focusing on SEO Keywords: Avoid getting overwhelmed by SEO at this point.
  • Thinking too much about the finer details: An outline is all about direction, not the finer details.

The primary purpose of an outline is to help give your project a clear path and avoid that blinking cursor scenario. Spend time on the finer particulars once you're sure of the direction your project will be following.

Blog post templates to save you time

It is likely that you have observed that many blog posts follow similar patterns. However, the reality is that most of the posts you read are variations of one or two important models. So, there's no need to create a new template each time. Choose a template that fits your style, and away you go! Here are four most common templates:

    The list post    

List posts, also called listicles can be described as exactly the same as they sound: lists. They can include tips, tools, techniques, myths, mistakes--essentially, anything that works as a list. These posts are ideal for non-sequential information that does not require an order.

A template example for the list post

  • Title (H1) The title is attractive and a good indicator of the content
  • Introduction: Briefly describe your topic as well as the importance of your listing
  • List Item 1 (H2) The description is used in conjunction with the discussion
  • List 2. (H2) The description is used in conjunction with the discussion
  • (Continue to add other list items if needed [Continue with additional list items as needed
  • Finalization: Close the loop with a possible call-to-action

    The step-by-step guide    

A step-by-step guide is perfect for explaining processes that must be performed in a certain arrangement. This type of format is ideal in 'how-to' information.

Example template for a step-by-step instruction:

  • Description (H1) Reflating the task or process
  • Introduction: Overview of the topics that the guide will be covering
  • 1. (H2): Detailed explanation of the initial step
  • Step 2. (H2) The detailed description of the second step
  • [Continue with additional steps as needed[Continue with additional steps as necessary
  • Conclusion The summary and the possible future steps, or other information

    The expanded definition    

The expanded definitions explore the significance of concepts and explore the concept further. This type of format is most effective when understanding the concept is essential to follow your article.

Template example for an expanded definition:

  • title (H1): Focused on the idea being defined
  • Introduction: Brief overview of the concept
  • Definition (H2) An easy and simple definition
  • Extrapolated Explaination (H2): Broader discussion of the concept
  • Application Real World (H2) Exemples of the concept in action
  • Conclusion: Recap, and maybe a larger perspective or additional resources

  The beginner's guide  

A beginner's guide offers an in-depth introduction to a topic tailored for those unfamiliar with the topic. Select this style when creating an educational resource instead of a practical guide.

A template example to use for a beginner's guide:

  • Description (H1): Clearly indicating that it's a beginner's guide
  • Introduction: Set the scene for how beginners will be learning
  • Basic Concepts (H2): Outline of the fundamental concepts or abilities
  • Step-by-Step Instructions (H2) (H2): If appropriate basic steps for getting started
  • Common Challenges and Solutions (H2) The goal is to identify possible obstacles and ways to conquer them
  • Further Resources (H2) Information on additional topics or advanced topics for continued learning
  • Conclusion: Encourage readers to summarize the key learnings

Strategies for writing an outline

The process of writing from an outline can seem daunting at first especially if it's new to you. But don't worry, here are a few tips that will aid you in turning your outline into a compelling blog post.

    Do not begin by introducing the paragraph, or the conclusion    

Contrary to what you might believe, your introduction should come toward the end of your writing. While writing your piece, you'll find yourself filling in gaps and create metaphors or similes that are able to refine and develop. When you write your introduction later you'll be able to incorporate all of these components together seamlessly, creating a more cohesive and engaging piece from start to end.

    Stick to the outline of your document until you can't.    

An outline serves as a guide and not a rigid straitjacket. The purpose of an outline is to help keep your content current and focused on what is important to the people who read it. If you find yourself overwhelmed or disoriented, it's likely that your viewers may feel similar. Do not be afraid to alter your outline, rearrange sections or return to your drawing board when needed. Your goal is to ensure your content remains engaging and on point.

    Make sure you keep both your reader and you interested    

Your passion (or lack thereof) regarding the topic is evident when you write. If you're feeling disengaged take a look at your own questions such as, "What fascinated me about this subject originally?" or "Is there any expert's opinion that has rekindled my fascination?" Finding what excites your interest in the topic can help keep your enthusiasm going and help ensure that your work captivates your readers to the very final.

It's wrapped up

Keep in mind that the ideal blog post starts with an outline.


    What's the point of having an outline for my blog?    

An outline of your blog can help to organize your thoughts. It makes sure your blog posts are coherent and interesting, as well as saving time by preventing aimless writing.

    Can you provide tips for brainstorming ideas for my blog outline?    

Absolutely! Start by identifying your audience's interests, exploring the latest trends within your field, and asking questions that the readers of your blog might be asking. Make use of tools such as mind maps to help expand and connect ideas.

    How do I make use of subheadings and bullet points effectively within my outline?    

Subheadings break your content into smaller sections that make it easier for readers to follow. Bullet points are helpful in presenting key ideas or steps clearly and concisely manner. Make use of them to arrange your writing and to highlight key details.