How do I Setup GA4 for WordPress (Free and Paid) Methods

Sep 23, 2023

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If you've been thinking about the best way to set up GA4 for WordPress for your company's website, then you're at the right place. In this thorough guide, the growth manager Curt Noble shows you how to get it done fast, and easily. It's even free.

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This isn't the typical GA4 guide or blog. We're not going to spend long talking about what GA4 is used, as well as the reasons it's a pain.

I'd like to tell you the procedure to install GA4 along with providing all the details you require to complete the process so that you can do it as quickly as you can.

There's been lots of articles written on the topic of migrating to Universal Analytics (UA) to GA4. This is why, in this blog, I'll demonstrate to how to carry out an fresh install of GA4 on your website commercial website.

If you're only getting started with WordPress and want to track your users' behavior and evaluate performance, bookmark this blog post.

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Each Website has its own GA4 Tracking Needs

Every website has unique need to track data. It's not feasible to address every GA4 tracking scenario. Therefore, I'm planning to stay with the basics to the extent that I can.

That means if you are looking to find out how many tacos they've eaten before signing to sign up to join membership in the Taco Tuesday Premium Recipe Membership... then you're at the wrong spot.

We are not likely to will outline that technology for tracking data.

However, stay with us because it's necessary to begin anyway. Your first task is to create GA4 account. GA4 account using Google and then set up your data streaming.

Doesn't sound like good fun, doesn't it?

What is the most effective Membership plugin? for GA4 Reporting

Woman doing GA4 reporting

Each of the techniques described in this article can be used on any WordPress website. Let's face it. Some WordPress themes, and even plugins are better with GA4. This is particularly true for membership websites.

The main benefit of GA4 GA4 integration GA4 GA4 is its versatility with regards to hooks that are available and API access. It's also the easiest integration plugin for membership.

All the important Google Analytics plugins have integrated with . This guide will show how these integrations make your life simpler.

So, let me right out declare that. If you don't have GA4  then you're likely need the assistance from an Google Analytics specialist to completely install GA4 to your WordPress site for membership.

cta character

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How Do You Set-Up Google Analytics GA4 on Your WordPress Member Website

Follow these steps for how to set up GA4 on WordPress

This article provides four different ways of setting up GA4 in WordPressfor your site for membership or business online. They range from simpleto absolutely free and include the straightforwardmethod that comes with an additional cost.

I'm sure that any of these methods will be the ideal choice depending on your scenario. All four options have the same beginning point. It is important to start there before proceeding to the next step.

Create a Google Analytics Account

If you're not yet on the verge of enrolling in any Google products (like Gmail or Google Drive) or want to use an additional account to use Google Analytics, you'll first be required to set up an account with a Google account.

If you're seeking to set up an your account, sign-up for an account on Google Analytics. Google Analytics webpage.

Create a new GA4 property

After you've signed up for your Google Analytics account and logging into your account, you'll have to set up an account with GA4. GA4 accounts.

Since a Google Analytics account can be utilized to analyze and monitor various websites, you're capable of creating different properties in this site for keeping the data different.

When you're signed into Google Analytics, click on the Admin option in the lower left corner. Select the option to create a brand the property a new one..

Create Property in Google Analytics.

On the Create Property screen on your Create property screen, the only thing you need to do is provide some essential information concerning your site. Within the Business Objectives options you can select multiple goals.

These settings decide which reports are available straight out of the gate in GA4. You don't have to fret about it. You are able to modify your GA4 reports by using the GUI at a later time.

Add property details in Google Analytics.

If you arrive at the Data Collection options, choose Webfrom the choices. Here you can set up the GA4 Data stream.

The Data Stream is where GA4 gathers the information about all events that occur on your website.

You must enter your website's URL. give the data stream you are using a name. I would suggest adding "GA4" in the title of your stream. This will help you identify it as GA4. GA4 data stream later on in this blog post.

Setting up GA4 Events to Collect through WordPress

GA4 collects what are called default events. It is your choice to determine which you value most in the events that matter to you.

I recommend selecting the increased measure option. This way, GA4 is told GA4 to track a few additional events that are of a normal kind, such as scroll depth, clicks that go outbound or on the web, as well as other events.

If you choose the gear icon that is to the left, you'll be able to choose and select the events you wish to monitor. One of the best options is to keep them all within your control.

There's a chance that you'll find a huge omission - there's any purchase or buy-in event listed on the calendar! Weird, right?

Further details on that to be revealed in the near future.

Set up data stream in Google Analytics.

Step One is Done!

The task wasn't too difficult, was it?

It's now an fully functioning GA4 Web property and data stream. However, it's still in the waiting room for the data to come in (kind as my son in the dining room sitting with his bowl awaiting somebody to pour out Cap'n Crunch). Cap'n Crunch).

Then, let's look at four ways to put cereal in the bowl. Errr... I mean insert the GA4 events into the stream of data.

Allowing GA4 to be used on any WordPress site

It's all done. It's all set. GA4 data stream set up and is ready to be in a position to receive web-based event. You'll need to add some code to WordPress to permit the data stream to be incorporated into.

Like I mentioned earlier, there are numerous options to do this. It's up to you to determine which best suits your needs in the context of your needs.

Below are a few points to take into consideration when you are deciding what is the most effective way to implement GA4 on your WordPress site:

  • How confident are you in analysing data using your GA4 reporting interface?
  • Are you selling lessons, memberships, or downloads via your website?
  • Are you conscious of Google Tag Manager?
  • Are you also running advertising or social media traffic you need to track?
  • Are you part of or affiliate programme? Do you have links you wish to promote?

There's probably more to be thinking about. This is a fantastic checklist to get started. Each of the four strategies that follow, I'll provide scenarios that show how each technique could be acceptable.

We're moving on!

Method 1 Method #1 Install GA4 on WordPress for freewith Google Site Kit plugin

This method can be completely cost-free. But it may not be the ideal choice for your WordPress website. This option is suitable for WordPress sites that are membership-based and don't sell any items.

The reason for this is Google Site Kit has a significant limitation in relation to tracking the e-commerce industry as it lacks the capability.

The only thing it does is configure Google applications and tools.

Are you thinking of using track affiliate links or the traffic from social networks like Facebook and Twitter (X) at some point in the not too distant time? Avoid the free option.

If you are considering scaling by a certain amount, this will cause your options a bit limited. This being said Here are the methods to follow.

Install Google Site Kit, the Google Site Kit plugin

Install Google Site Kit plugin.

On to the Add Plugins Page, you need to look up the keyword Site Kit in Google. After that, install and allow the plugin to be activated.

Add plugins in WordPress.

When the plugin is enabled it's time to begin the setup process. In the first step, you'll need to sign in to the same Google account that you used to create GA4 as a GA4 property earlier.

Join the GA4 data stream to WordPress with Google Site Kit

As I said earlier, Site Kit can be used Site Kit to connect to numerous other Google applications and tools. This is however, an option.

Right now, let's just join Google Analytics by selecting it in the menu options and then launching the process of setting it up.

You'll then need to select your account, property as well as the data stream. Be sure to choose the GA4 data stream you've established.

You can also allow Google Site Kit to develop a GA4 data stream for you, in case you do not have one yet. There are a few options. The reason I would recommend making the data stream separate.

You must activate the option to place the Google Analytics 4 Code on your site. This is the way GA4 can collect events from analytics on your WordPress website.

It's that simple. Google Analytics 4 is now installed on your WordPress site.

There is a small delay in the data gathering. So, you may not get the data in your GA4 report for some time.

Confirm that GA4 data is moving

It is possible to check that your data's movement is on the right track through the Real Time report in GA4.

Go to your Google Analytics account, and select Reportson in the left menu. Select on Real Time..

If you don't see any information here, there's an opportunity that there's no one has visited your website at present. That's okay. Go to your site in another browser tab.

In a short time it will be possible to see the sessions of users appear in real-time reports.

Method 2 2. Include GA4 in WordPress website for membership with Google Tag Manager for free (kind of)

The next approach to the addition of GA4 to WordPress uses GTM, which is a no-cost Google Tag Manager (GTM) solution.

Even though GTM is free however it may require assistance from an specialist in analytics for the setup. This is a good option for people who have previous experience with GTM.

GTM lets you set yourself events. When using GA4 You'll have to design a number of events using Tag Manager. Therefore, put on your seatbelts.

In order to set up ecommerce tracking by using GTM on the WordPress member-only site it is likely that you will require extra code. You'll also require the code to transfer your transactions data to Google Analytics' data layer. Google Analytics data layer.

Understanding the Layer of Data Layer

The layer of data is the central concept when you work together with GTM and Google Analytics (GA4). It serves to act as a bridge between your web site and GTM.

Additionally, it lets you provide custom-designed data to GA4, Google Ads, and various other third-party service providers.

The principal function for the layers' data is to segregate the data from the presentation layer (your information). Instead of coding data directly into tags or scripts on your site it is possible to transfer your data onto the data layer.

After it's there, GTM can read the information and then make use of it to fill triggers, tags and variables.

What a Data Layer Does for You to make Your Life More Easy

  • FlexibilityIt allows you to insert, modify, or remove data without changing the site's code. This could be especially useful to marketers who might not be able to directly access the site's source code.
  • Consistency by putting all the data into one central place, it guarantees consistent data collected across various devices and platforms.
  • Advanced Tracking The data layer can be used to create the development of more sophisticated tracking apps like the capturing of information generated by dynamic web pages, or even single-page apps.
  • Security - By controlling which data is entered to the data layer, and also how the data is accessible, you can make sure that data you input isn't intentionally leaking to software of third party.

After you've gotten the concept of the data layer, now let's install GTM installed!

Install a Google Tag Manager Plugin

There's an array of plugins that allow you to integrate GTM for your WordPress site. As there is a widespread GTM implementation the majority of them will perform the same purpose.

In the end, the Site Kit from Google plugin will also set up a GTM container to suit your needs!

Click METHOD 1 for instructions on how to set up this Google Site Kit plugin. You can then select to include Google Tag Manager.

Configuring the GA4 Tag in Google Tag Manager

After having GTM setup and set-up You're now ready to begin deploying your very the first tag!

Notice: Google recently migrated the older GA4 Configuration Tag to the worldwide Google Tag. This means that you've probably come across instructions that referenced a GA4 Configuration tag within GTM, it's not present anymore.

When you sign in to GTM after you've been logged in to the GTM workspace and click on"Add Tag button, you are able to create an additional tag. Then give the tag a title in the lower left.

I would suggest using the example of "Google Tag" for GA4". This could help you recall that the tag controls GA4's implementation. GA4 implementation.

After that, you can go into the Section for Tag Configuration for the creation of a new type of tag. There's an option to select Google Analytics. On the next screen, there are a variety of Google Analytics alternatives. It is imperative to select Google Tag here.

" decoding="async" width="1024" height="453" src="" alt="Google Analytics Tag Configuration Area. ">

These GA4 Events will be set up later. First step is to make sure that Google Analytics to start. Google Analytics code firing.

When you've installed the proper Google Tag, you'll be required to enter the Google Analytics Measurement ID.

The tag ID determines what Google decides to use to transmit data from your website. Here's how you locate your GA4 measurement ID.

The next step is to inform Google Tag Manager where you would like this tag to appear on your WordPress website. The GTM container is displayed on every page of your site. That means you may select to include an GA4 tag on each webpage and also.

In the Triggering panel choose the option Initialization - All Pages.

Uploading Your GA4 Tag to the WordPress Membership Website

The only thing you need to accomplish is to back up your tag configuration, and then post the modifications to the container you have created.

You'll then find the Submitbutton in the upper righthand section of the GTM Workspace.

This morning, GA4 is collecting the basic event information that you have through your website.

All the software is there to push default event data onto the data layer.

Events that you had created previously using the GA4 choices for stream data will now be monitored.

But, there's a definite absence of tracking for ecommerce. We'll take care of this...

How To Track Your Membership's sales revenue in GA4

Do you remember all the discussion regarding the data layer? For tracking member sales, or any other information then you need to insert that data to the data layer.

This requires some extra programming. You'll also need to refer to this document. Google Documentation.

There are two parts to this method.

The first step is to send the transaction information in your data layer upon an effective sale. This is a code sample which will trigger the "purchase" instance:

window.dataLayer = window.dataLayer || []; window.dataLayer.push( 'event': 'purchase', 'currency': 'USD', // use your currency 'value': 100.00, // total transaction value 'transaction_id': 'T12345', // unique transaction ID 'items': [ // array of purchased item objects 'item_id': 'SKU12345', 'item_name': 'Product Name', 'price': 50.00, 'quantity': 2 // ... other purchased items ] ); 

The next step is to create an event tag inside GTM for collecting and sending the transaction data in GA4 reports. The event tags set up in GTM are like this:

  • Create a tag using the tag's type of 'GA4 Event'.
  • For the title of the event, enter "purchase".
  • The parameters of the event are described to the same parameters as before:
  • currency converts to currencyThe|The|} Data Layer Variable
  • value to an alue|A|} Data Layer Variable
  • Transaction ID to ransaction_id|A|} Data Layer Variable
  • Items to itemsthe|The|the} Data Layer Variable
  • Make a trigger in this tag, to trigger the web page which confirms an order, or after a successful transaction.

Isn't it time to find an easier method?

Making use of GTM to add GA4 monitoring on the WordPress site is quite a undertaking.

The method I've described above will give you the basics of analytics tracking, along with e-commerce revenue reporting.

However, you'll need to set up every other data point that needs to be monitored. Then, think about the possibility of what can happen in the event that Google "flips your script" over you.

In particular, the change from GA3 (Universal Analytics) to GA4 has caused some uncertainty among owners of sites and marketers.

If you're responsible for the full tracking strategy with GTM You're required to pay close attention to any changes. For many businesses, this can be a long-term post.

Do you think there is an easier way to solve the problem? There is. There are two additional options to do this, using premium plugins.

What can you do to save money and Time to set up GA4 on WordPress Membership Sites and Online Business

Phew! We made it through the difficult part. If you've gone through the other two methods for creating GA4 on WordPress there's a chance you're thinking this is above the amount you earn. It's not. Two of the options below could be described by the term "stupid-easy".

I've spent more than 10 years working on web analytics systems.

I've worked on projects that span from the free Google Analytics Legacy versions, to advanced solutions like Web Trends and Omniture SiteCatalyst (both in the lead-up to and immediately following the acquisition of Adobe purchase).

and I've also worked with data platform for clients to provide solutions for customers like Tealium for the deployment of analytics codes. I was working with data layers long before they became cool.

I am confident when I say, the following two plugins provide the most efficient method of installing GA4 for WordPress.

METHOD 3 Method #3: The "almost cost-free" way to add GA4 to WordPress with the help of WPCode Pro

When I was in college I had a discount card known as the "Starving Student Card." It offered me discounts for Big Juan Burritos when I was at Taco Time. And I think there also discounted other things. The point is that it's not really important.

It is important to label this"Starting Student" method "Starving Student" technique to integrate GA4 into your web site to allow membership.

This is a great option for budgeting, even for a college student on a limited budget. How?

Sign up for WPCode and install it. Pro

There's also a cost-free version known as WPCode Lite. However, since you're using GA4 as a part of a membership website and you'll require certain key options that only come with premium.

In particular, you'll need conversion pixels as well as Advanced Locations for eCommercefeatures.

Plus! You can also use WPCode Pro to add your social media tracking pixels.

There are many millions of WordPress websites using WPCode. At 4.9 points, it's quite likely to be the top-rated plugin that is available.

First first, to register with WPCode Pro. (If you're wanting to make it available on one website and you're looking to use the Basic Plan, it provides all you need for GA4.)

Then, follow the steps to install and activate the plugin for Your WordPress website. WPCode Pro can be integrated with, and will auto-detect the plugin. This is a major time saver.

Setting up WPCode Pro to implement GA4 on your WordPress Membership Website

There is no need to install any extra scripts or code. WPCode Pro will set up and transfer ecommerce information to the layer that stores data.

Also, it's not required to install anything with Google Tag Manager. In actual fact, WPCode completely eliminates the requirement to set up Google Tag Manager on your WordPress website.

The only thing you'll have to tell WPCode Pro your GA4 measurement ID (in the blurred-out field below). The program will handle everything else. You must decide which occasions of conversion you wish to monitor. I would recommend keeping track of all open occasions.

This is all there is to it. Then you can integrate GA4 to your website for membership. The membership registrations you sign up for are tracked, and data will be transmitted to GA4. GA4 report.

In this post I'll show you how to find your data on membership conversion from GA4 reports. Let me first offer another simple and stupid answer for the people seeking a solution!

Method 4 The most effective and cheapest method to include solid GA4 tracking features to WordPress membership sites is to use MonsterInsights

The only drawback to using WPCode (above) is to do with its fact that WPCode sends every bit of data directly to the GA4 account. For access to the information that you've got, you'll need to login to your GA4 account and find your way around that user interface.

Initial reports have been released. The all-new GA4 user interface looks very well... garbage as per people who use it.

This is the reason why MonsterInsights is my preferred solution to complete a large-scale GA4 install. With MonsterInsights you'll be able to do the following, quickly:

  • fully-scale GA4 tracking, as well as E-commerce with no worries about the fact that you are not tracking or tag things you may think of in the future.
  • access all your data right in your WordPress admin This means that you do not need to fumble with the horrible GA4 user interface to discover crucial insights from your information
  • Link tracking inbound This will make it evident the number of people actually using the links that you've added to your blog posts
  • Affiliate link tracking See which affiliate link is getting the most clicks.
  • EU compliance with EU conformance It is possible to sleep in your bed without worrying of a substantial amount by the EU when you break law on data privacy.
  • Tracking of registered users Check out how your paid customers are using your site differently from other users
  • Author monitoring Follow each blog's performance from the writer
  • Zero-Code Implementation There aren't any extra costs for setting up your tracking code and event setup

That's just a quick summary. There's an array of features that makes it a breeze to afford.

The no-coding aspect will pay immediate dividends. The system doesn't need an engineer in analytics or a specialist using MonsterInsights.

Register and download MonsterInsights Pro for less than an Chipotle Burrito Every Month

The setup wizard also makes the installation process quick and easy.

The wizard is extensive and extremely easy to use. This is why I don't detail each procedure.

But, you can find a entire step-by-step instruction for the complete process of setting up, for those who require of it. If you're in the process of adding to adding an add-on, ensure you set up the MonsterInsights eCommerce extension.

It's all there really is in this setup.

Your WordPress Membership website should be completely operational and set up with GA4 monitoring. MonsterInsights is the one who has created the data layer for you as well as the GA4 events that you choose to track during the initial configuration.

In the above paragraph, I've mentioned that you do not have access to your GA4 account to access the data. MonsterInsights shows your data inside the admin section of WordPress.

Viewing Your GA4 Data on the WordPress admin

To access your GA4 data to access your GA4 data within MonsterInsights there's the entire details in the widget displayed on your dashboard.

In addition, you can get access to the entire suite of reports by clicking the Insights button on the left navigation.

Viewing Your Data in Google Analytics

From all of the possibilities Out of all the options one of them is MonsterInsights. It will display your analytics directly in WordPress. To use the other alternatives it is necessary to sign in to the Google Analytics account and navigate to GA4's GA4 site.

The photo is the product of the sandbox that I played around in during this tutorial. There's plenty of information to show. If you're planning to get into GA4 and explore a bit you should consider using GA4's test account. GA4 Test account.

The final thought

Congrats! Congratulations! You've successfully achieved Google Google Analytics set up on your WordPress site to be a member of your online business.

You can now gain a greater understanding of the people who visit your website and what they're doing with the contents you've created, and how effective your site is in converting visitors into members.

If you're seeking more details regarding Google Analytics, we've published an article on how to utilize the service to optimize your site's performance for users.

The course can also be purchased for free available on Google Analytics. Google Analytics website for people who want to maximize the potential of this program.

     Do you have any questions regarding the use of Google Analytics for your site for membership? If so please, make a comment using the comment box below.

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