How do I change the size of videos on YouTube?

Mar 23, 2024

Videos are available in many dimensions and shapes. And while each video dimensions may differ, they're also all unique and appropriate for any scenario. Today let's take a look not only at size of videos, but explain how to utilize these diverse video sizes for your various requirements. Are you looking to modify the dimensions of a video? We'll show you how.

Below are the simplest methods to increase the size of your videos as well as four online resizers that'll do the job with a smidge of.

 How do you resize a video with 5 easy steps

Before diving too deep, let's quickly look over the basics for resizing videos. In simple terms, you'll require some sort of application or software. (Unfortunately it's not possible to reach the computer's screen to stretch or shrink a video file.)

In the meantime Here are the essential five steps of video resizing.

  1. Choose and find your video file
  2. Open it in your application of choice
  3. Choose a different dimension ratio and
  4. Choose your compression settings (if provided)
  5. Compress and export

While that sounds straightforward but there are a few issues to be covered before you master resizing your videos by yourself.

Why/when do you need to resize a video? Why does video file size play a role?

There are many reasons why you might need to alter the size of a video our day and age. For anyone who works on any kind of internet-based function, whether it be with the social media platform or with media networks, video sizes are crucial.

A general rule of thumb is to simply choose an image that's the right size for your requirements. That's what I mean by you don't want to have files that are way too large to meet your requirements (which will consume your bandwidth and cause delays). You also shouldn't have videos that are too small to meet your requirements (which may result in poor image quality that could reflect poorly on the image of your business or brand).

When you've been able to swiftly and effectively alter the sizes of videos it's going to be a cinch to pick the right sizes for the right demands.

If, for instance, you want to post an HD video to your page you can be sure to export with the highest quality setting. However, if you want to publish a portion of the video on your Instagram or on TikTok You'll be able change the size (and most likely, reformat) the video into something smaller, which still looks amazing, and it won't take long to upload.

Resize a video using an aspect ratio

One method which you can resize an image is to change the video's aspect ratio. What exactly is an aspect ratio is that you might ask? Simply put, aspect ratio is the correlation between the width and the size of the video. There are times when you find aspect ratios referred to as 1:1 or 16:9 as an example.

But, given the variety of dimensions, altering aspect ratios can be an effective method of resizing the video, while also adapting it to a specific screen format.

For example, if you were to take the 16:9 format of a video is displayed on certain social ads, and convert it to a 1x1 box-style video for the use of Instagram, you would most definitely be scaling the video to make it appear smaller.

Modifying the video's orientation

Another method to resize a video is to simply alter a video's orientation. It could be as simple as shifting a film from landscape to vertical (or reverse), this process will usually include a resizing of the entire video.

Video clips that are cropped to make them larger

If you're looking for one of the most simple ways to alter the size of your video, it's worth considering cutting it down as well. There are numerous apps that can help you with cropping a video, with some even integrated into the smartphone you're using if it's an iPhone and Android.

Compression 101

We've already talked about some methods of resizing a video by cutting it or making changes to the aspect ratio, orientation, the real way that you're going to want to alter the size of your video in most situations is through compression.

What exactly is compression? And how do they work? The mechanics behind compression are somewhat complicated... suffice to say that a good compressor needs a certain algorithm to magically make an enormous file smaller. If you choose an appropriate program, the outcomes can be spectacular.

How to resize video when you export files

Another tip you can consider when looking to resize a video is to more attentively review the export options available to you. In the case of many video editing programs and softwares (as as well as many basic file editors and video editors) you'll usually be given some options on what and where to save the video.

Many of us opt to stick with the default export options generally If you stop and think about your choices, you could have more size options than you realize.

In this case, choosing to save a video in a Quicktime file instead of JPEG can make a big difference. Also, many video editing softwares such as Premiere Pro for example will give you options for exporting on different platforms, such as YouTube, Facebook or even along with different resolution options.

It is also possible to read about 's compression guidelines as well as recommendations on file sizes.

4 helpful online video resizers

We'll now look into some of the many helpful and simple-to-use video resizers on the market. A few of these will be premium editing programs that need a purchase or subscription, but we'll also give a few options for free as well.

 How do I resize a video files in Adobe Premiere

Premiere Pro is one of the best video editing softwares that exist It's primarily employed for editing video and effects, it's also a great tool for simply resizing a video when needed. These are the steps you should adhere to:

  1. Open Premiere Pro.
  2. Import your desired video file or clip(s).
  3. Make a video sequence, then drop your videos onto your timeline.
  4. Right-click on the clip, and then select "Set the Frame Size".
  5. Change the size of the frame as you'd prefer in the sequence settings (or within the export).

 Resize videos within Final Cut Pro

Similar to that, Final Cut Pro is another well-known video editing program which you can utilize to alter the size of a video. In the case of many NLEs, you'll have plenty of possibilities to change and tinker with your video sizes, however make sure you check the export settings so that you can choose the optimal file size.

  1. Open in Final Cut Pro
  2. Select a clip in your timeline
  3. Bring the clip up in the eyes of viewers.
  4. Utilize Transform effect to select the right size. Transform effect to select the right size
  5. Make your file size selections within the export

 Resize videos by using EZGIF

The next step is to look at the best free options, EZGIF is a great and easy way to change the size of a video without downloading any apps or software. Simply by visiting the site, and then clicking the "Resize" option, you will be able to quickly upload and resize the video. Below are the steps.

  1. Visit
  2. Click on the "Resize" tab.
  3. Video clips you upload
  4. Choose the desired height and wide
  5. Select on the "Save" button to save the file.

 How to resize video in VLC Media Player

Another quick and popular option to resize videos is VLC Media Player. VLC Media Player is a free open-source option which will allow you to convert video quickly. You can get VLC Media Player here prior to following the steps in the following steps.

  1. Open VLC Media Player
  2. Choose File, then choose your clip
  3. Select"Convert," then select the "Convert" option, then select your resolution, codec and resolution.
  4. Be sure to consider the location you'd like to save the file in
  5. Convert your video and save it as a new file.

There are several alternatives that are both paid and free to consider, but there are many other fast scaling apps and websites accessible to you on the internet. A simple Google search will provide you with lots of options to explore and research to find which one is best to meet your requirements.


    How do I change the size of a video manually?    

The ability to manually adjust the size of an image by employing any free or paid video editing application, program or web site.                     What is the best way to resize the video I have on my phone?

It is possible to resize videos on your phone by employing an app such as Adobe Premiere Rush or any other editing software for video.                     What is the best way to change the size of a video for Android?

It is possible to alter the camera record settings in your Android or use any software for editing videos to export your video file as an alternative size.                     How can I change the size of the video to fit on Instagram?    

Along with resizing, you can use any video editing applications to crop, edit or alter the size of a video you want to publish on Instagram.

The long and short of video scaling

Resize your video doesn't have to be scary!

Actually, video clips can be compressed, resized or changed more frequently than one would think during their everyday usage. If you're unsure of what size your video should have or whether you have to convert one, you could always share or post a video in its original format initially.

Only if and when you receive an error warning or some other message saying that the video is required to be a different size should you follow through with resizing a video manually.