How can you get Recurring Visitors to Your Membership Site

Oct 4, 2024

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The process of bringing traffic to your site isn't easy even in the most favorable of occasions. It is therefore essential to take steps that will allow you to connect with visitors once they've left your website. Otherwise, all that effort you put into bringing more traffic to your site will be wasted.

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Methods to encourage visitors to visit again after they've left is the topic we're covering in this article. In the end, regardless of the quality of your membership plan and how enticing your advertising copy is, there's a good chance people who are your first time visitors will not be ready to take the plunge into joining. In most cases, they'll require several visits to make certain that the membership you offer is the most suitable option to them.

How do you get visitors Back to Your Membership Site?

After a user has signed up and becomes members, they'll have the ability to return to your site any time they'd like access to your content. Additionally, you'll be able to notify them via the email address that they used to sign up each whenever you've something interesting to show your visitors.

But, if visitors aren't members by default, you have no means of reaching those who aren't members and encouraging visitors to come back to your site.

The stats say: How many Website Visits are required before a potential Membership Sign-Up?

The numbers may vary, depending upon the source of information and kind of site being examined consumers are reported to visit a website nine times before buying.

Google Analytics Sessions with Transactions

The membership sites differ from eCommerce stores, obviously and even if it requires the potential members to visit two times before they're able to join the club It's worth investing in the effort to facilitate their return for that all-important second, third, or fourth visit.

Let's take a look at ways to achieve this in our guide on how to increase return visits to your WordPress membership site.

Utilize the Reminders feature

A cool aspect of this plugin is its ability to create automated email notifications when certain triggers are met.

As an example, you could improve retention of members by allowing members to be notified automatically that their membership is coming to end or when the payment method they use to pay for it is due to expire.


When it comes to set-and-forget methods to convince prospective new users to return to your website, it can't make a lot more sense than this.

Make use of an enticing lead magnet to build an email list


Promote Your Social Media Profiles

Social Media Icons

Encourage visitors to join you on social media sites is a excellent way to keep a contact with them even after they've left your website.

If you're using Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram There's a high likelihood that some of your followers are using at least one of these platforms. By making it simple as it is for them to follow you via social media platforms increasing the likelihood that they will come back to your page via direct messages or by looking up something you've shared to your followers.

Be sure to show a link to your site's member page in your profile for social media regardless of the platform you select, make sure to post on a regular basis to increase the chances that your posts will be seen by your target audience. The free WordPress plugin, like the Social Icons Widget will allow you to create buttons quickly that connect to your profiles on the major social media networks.

Create a blog on your Website

Feedly App

The more content you publish on your site and the more chances people will come across your website by using search engines such as Google. In addition, posting a regular stream of informative articles provides visitors with a reason to come back and check out what's new in the coming days. People can even sign up for your RSS feed and also follow your blog through an app like Feedly.

Use Blog Comments to attract return visitors

Incorporating a blog into your membership website, and allowing comments to be posted on your blog while taking time to answer visitors can help draw people back to your site. Plugins and services like Comment Reminder Email or Disqus ensure that anyone who leaves a comment is not informed of when the reply was published. Not only does this remind them of your website, but gives them a reason to come back.

Remarketing on Facebook

Another option to reconnect with your customers after the visitors have left your site is through Facebook Remarketing. If you've been to an online shop and see ads for that store on social media later on, you're looking at remarketing, or retargeting, in action.

It is something you can also easily implement on your website. It's not necessary to spend much for the initial setup. Once you start seeing an ROI on your campaigns like increased membership enrollments, it's time to start investing in this form of marketing through social media.

If you'd like to know how you can get started on this kind of marketing look up this tutorial for how to design Facebook remarketing campaigns on WordPress. This guide will get you up and running in no time.

Final Thoughts

We hope these tips will help you keep visitors coming back to your website until they are ready to join your membership program.

In addition to using the tools for reminders, establishing an email list and using social media You can also look over our tips to the best membership site methods to market your audience and how to convert more of your free visitors into paid members.

 Are you ready to implement a system that brings the majority of visitors from one time returning to your site? Let us know by leaving a comment below.

Joe Fylan       Joe is an official WordPress expert who is constantly developing WordPress websites, including sites, on the regular. Joe loves sharing his expertise with fellow users. Find all the latest WordPress information and updates at the website Get Web Tips.