Get involved with DevLearn 2023! -

Oct 15, 2023

Are you heading for Las Vegas for the learning tech event that takes place each year? If so, visit the booth 1028 in DevLearnon on the 25th to the 26th of October! We'd love to talk about your concerns personally!

Within the community #DevLearn there are enthusiastic, like-minded professionals who have created a standard for the use of technology in order to improve learning. This comprehensive course contains techniques that, strategies and tools as well as top-of-the-line methods to make certain that you're successful. If you're starting your journey in the field or are an experienced professional, DevLearn is the place for you to network with colleagues and discover the potential of technology to aid in the advancement of learning, as well as. Participate in discussions on the development of learning in the corporate world and the efficiency of learning.

DevLearn 2023 will feature seminars and demonstrations to promote the earlier "Morning Buzz" gatherings and many more. If you're a designer or eLearning Product Manager an eLearning Specialist, or any other person who is involved in the field of online learning, DevLearn has something to give to everyone. Find the complete schedule of speakers as well as the program below..

The detailed and practical training courses provide a new perspective and show you how you can tackle the issues facing your company and make use of the most recent technology to address issues in more effective and creative methods. The networking opportunities offered by DevLearn cannot be evaluated. DevLearn is a basic source of instruction and sharing of information by utilizing peer interactions which are the result of conversations that aren't written.

What is the best way to purchase tickets?

Are you in search of tickets? Check out the DevLearn ticketing website to purchase tickets. The levels of tickets you select will give you access to all the conference sessions, which includes all drinks breaks, the equipment, as well as lunch, and receptions at the Expo.

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