Five steps to create your email database from scratch •

Jun 7, 2022

Marketing via email remains among the most effective ways to grow your business. How do you get started all over again? This is how you can build an email list that is from nothing to a profitable.

You've launched your business, and you're looking to spread your message out. However, you're not certain where to begin. Should you put your budget on Facebook advertisements or create your own blog?

There's a better answer: build an email list.

But it might feel daunting to create the process of creating an email list completely from scratch. In this post we'll provide successful and proven marketing methods for developing a powerful list.

What are the reasons you must build an email list

If you're a small-business owner and entrepreneur, you've got an benefit that companies cannot be able to compete against that is you.

It's much simpler for a customer to build an emotional connection with a person rather than an anonymous company.

It's also better than email marketing- your voice and story land directly in your subscriber's email inbox. It's no wonder that email is the primary source of 80% of all customers' purchase and retention within small-scale businesses marketing.

In addition, when you have social media that are a ship made of paper that must keep up with the changes of changing algorithms. When you use email marketing, you control the weather, the ocean, and your ship.

It's great news that your list of email addresses doesn't need to be huge for it to have impact.

In the example above that Phil Frost's customer had 45 contacts who were on his list of email recipients . This might seem tiny however, it brought in an estimated $1,000 in business through an easy three-part email sequence.

The secret to this success is that the list wasn't an unorganized group made up of relatives and friends. The list was comprised of interested subscribers.

Also, it's better to have a small but powerful list rather instead of a large number of subscribers who aren't interested.

But before you start attracting the subscribers you want, you'll need an avenue to grow your list, a.k.a. an email marketing provider.

Step 1: Choose an email marketing service

If you've already signed up to an email service like Mailchimp and ConvertKit  you're free to skip to the next step. If not, keep reading.

For building a list you'll need an email service that's easy to use and is compatible with your online company. For example, if you own an online store You want to provide a seamless purchasing experience.

If you are looking for an easy experience to help you design no-fuss sales funnels, give it a go .

Here are a few of the key characteristics:

Drag-and-drop free website builders.

Unlimited email subscribers and unlimited subscribers.

Automated sequences of emails.

Include capture forms on any page.

Segmentation by lead magnet or previous purchases.

's free plan comes with a website, online community, one digital download, as well as a product for coaching. Get your free account now! .

Creating an email on is deliberately clutter-free. You don't need to wrestle with templates, just get typing.

If you want to make your email messages text-based to provide a greater reading experience across gadgets. 50 percent of emails are read on mobile devices which is why this is important to take into consideration.

It is also possible to add pictures, text, or GIFs to your email. Simply drag and drop your pictures into your email as I have done here.

The email, when viewed as a test email, looks similar to this.

The email has limitations. It is for instance, it's not possible to do A/B testing. A/B tests are when you discover which of your email performs better for example, with the subject line being different.

But A/B testing is only useful if you already have massive email lists already, so it's not an essential feature for building yours.

Your choice of the email provider you choose to use is personal to you and your business. If you decide to go with one, check that it provides the option of email capture, as this is essential in the following step.

Step 2: Capture emails from your site

If you want to grow your email list, consider the process of signing up simple.

You can do this by a variety of ways. You can use the traditional method of including sign-up link on your email signature , or your the business card.

Or, you could make the most of the options that are offered by your email service provider. Examples include opt-in forms or email capture pages pop-up forms, and even landing pages that are specifically designed for you.

If you're using it , here's how to easily build landing pages as well as section for email capture on your website.

Insert an email capture section.

Email capture is the broad word used to describe a part of your website that collects email addresses. It is used to encourage users to provide their email addresses and receive emails from your company.

This section of Nora Conrad 's homepage features an email capture area. It's a good job at making the newsletter look appealing through focusing on its value.

Nora customized the button instead of using the conventional "submit". The button is in line with her personal style and conveys that her messages are entertaining and relevant.

To convince as quickly as Nora is able to, you must be crystal transparent about the things that subscribers are committing to. For example, Nora is upfront about the frequency of her emails (once every month) and the contents (tips and ramblings, or information, tips).

Create an email capture on . Choose "Edit site" on your dashboard, then select"Newsletter" "Newsletter" option from the menu on the left.

Customize the email capture area according to your preferences, which includes the message of the button. Modify the color and include an image for the background (if desired, just ensure that your branding remains consistent).

After you've setup this section, you can add this section in one click to every page on your site.

You can also download the embed code version in HTML which you could copy and paste to every other site you visit for example, your WordPress blog.

Naturally, you could go a step further if you're looking to persuade those who visit your website to join -- and that's by building a dedicated landing page.

Make an online landing page

Make sure your newsletter gets the attention it deserves by building the perfect landing page specifically for the newsletter.

There's no harm in creating multiple landing pages. Businesses with at least 30 landing pages are able to generate 7 times the leads than those that don't.

Additionally, creating an landing page using one call-to-action (CTA) for example, the subscription to a newsletter, increases your conversion rates by 1.6 percent .

The landing page you choose to use is likely be different based on the topic the newsletter is about. Theskimm's newsletter is a weekly summary of news events and news, which is why they have their landing page minimal.

On the right, there's an example of a typical email. The image gives the reader an idea of the type of newsletter they'll receive. If they scroll down, they can read past issues of the magazine.

The reason for this is that their offer is straightforward and doesn't require much copy for understanding.

Alexandra Franzen 's newsletters are more different from week to and her landing page goes for an entirely different and less visually appealing style.

Alexandra is a social proof expert including how many subscribers she's got to how the newsletter's been reviewed and praised over the years. Then, she discusses the newsletter's content.

In essence, the design and length of your landing page will be determined by the content of your email. If your content is simple to read quickly, try to keep the content brief. If images, extracts or social proof can help to convince the reader, use that approach.

You can create as many landing pages as you want in . Let me show you.

In your dashboard, choose "Edit site".

After that, click on the three lines that are in the left upper corner (hamburger menu). It opens an editor. Select "New page".

This will lead you to a blank screen -- you just need to click a plus sign to add elements to it. You'll be able to open a sidebar to the left.

It will begin by adding an area for columns to create an appearance similar to Skimm's style (minimal).

The first column I've included text and in the second one, an image from Unsplash .

I used this first section to provide a preview of the publication and also to provide the social proof.

In order to capture their email So, I create a newsletter element.

After this, I could add various other elements like additional testimonials, an introduction video or even a photo gallery of past newsletter issues.

One great option is to add your bio, just in case the visitors on your page don't know what you're about. Select"bio" from the "Bio" section for this.

When you're satisfied with your landing page make it available for publication. It's that simple.

Here's the gist:

Create an easy way for customers to sign-up for your email newsletter whenever they are on your website. Make use of email sign-up forms as well as a dedicated landing page to boost your chance of making conversions.

If you're trying to convince the person to take action There are ways to sweetening the deal.

Step 3: Create Lead magnets

Lead magnets may take a range of shapes based on the needs of your company. It can be anything from checklists and templates , to bonuses podcast episodes or ebooks.

It doesn't have to be massive in their size to perform. Video and short-form text perform better as lead magnets in comparison to their more lengthy counterparts.

So bigger doesn't necessarily mean superior, although it does depend on the audience you're targeting and your business. In the case of an author, a no-cost ebook can appeal to readers even if it's several hundred pages long.

In order for lead magnets to be effective, they need to be placed in the right spot between your expertise and the needs of your target audience.

Another way to decipher your ideas is to plot them on your Passion/Profit matrix .

If you're enthusiastic regarding a lead generation concept and you think it'll become popular among your potential customers because they're already spending money elsewhere Place your lead magnet in the upper left corner. That quadrant is the area where your top lead generation ideas live.

This is the perfect place Monique Malcolm found with her primary magnet, the Brilliant Idea Guide.

It's the perfect lead-in attraction for her target crowd of solopreneurs. This will provide them with immediate benefits in the beginning steps in business.

As for Monique the strategy is an effective list-building strategy to send out her newsletter.

When you sign-up, Monique asks visitors to sign a consent form before they are added to her mailing list. This is important in order to ensure that you are compliant with various rules regarding email such as GDPR and CAN-SPAM. .

It also means that everyone who is on your list of email addresses actively is eager to join in. This is a win-win for everyone.

No matter how many people that you receive to your website Make sure that your lead magnet is relevant and relevant to the audience you are targeting.

If you can do this, the subsequent step should be effortless.

Step 4: Get users to social media

You're now ready to gather emails on your website with the help of some useful and attractive lead magnets. What's the best way for your visitors to locate you?

Social media can be a good base for identifying your ideal audience. It can be a challenge to figure out the right social media channels to focus on.

Two ways to try this week.

Create a thread on Twitter.

However, with such a highly-competitive timeline, you might be trying to figure out how you can be different from others.

Twitter threads are a great method to increase curiosity, tell stories, and draw a lot of notice. They receive the most views, with 63% more clicks and 54% more engagements than tweets with hyperlinks.

For instance, take Brittany Berger 's Twitter thread, which is intriguing from the very first tweet. It is mustwant to know more about Cardi B's winning collaboration strategy.

The thread ends with Brittany's call for action and a blog post on the topic. After you've gone through the thread, you're ready to explore the topic further to find out the strategy.

The blog also has the CTA that allows you to download her lead magnet: a Content Marketing Strategy worksheet. After having been awed by her style of writing and downloads, it's a no-brainer for her audience.

The information in her thread on Twitter was repurposed from her blog post. Like Brittany, you could select the key elements from your lead magnet and build your own Twitter thread.

Remember that you'll require this to be done several times if the followers aren't engaged and robust (because you're still in the early stages), and relevant hashtags are crucial.

Hashtagify is an efficient tool for locating related hashtags, but it's one of many options. We favor it because it has a convenient visualization of hashtags that are related, as shown below:

If your target audience is more on LinkedIn than Twitter Here's another strategy to consider.

Make a LinkedIn Slide

LinkedIn is among the leading social media sites for sharing information. Unsurprisingly for a professional network One of the most effective types of posts that can be shared on LinkedIn is slides.

An LinkedIn slide, which is also referred to as a carousel post is when a series of slides is uploaded as a PDF. It is more effective than other types of posts due to the fact that they are interactive (the user needs to click each slide).

This is how Kasey Jones uses the format to announce her new newsletter, including its content.

Using this format draws notice to announcements that might otherwise remain unnoticed.

You could also use it to show excerpts from your lead magnet and get your prospects to click and download it. And, with an application such as Canva  which allows you to design your lead magnet in a matter of seconds. Below is a template for free for you to start.

Whatever platform you choose What is important is to not share a link without contextual information. Set the scene and tailor it to your customers and their pain points.

The process of attracting subscribers is vital, however the next step is just as important.

5. Nurture your guests with a welcoming sequence

Gaining an audience is one thing; keeping them there is another.

Send welcome emails to make your readers want to return.

Welcome emails have an incredible 91.43 percent open rate  which means they're the perfect opportunity to create the best impression on your recipients.

In the same way as Moment , you could use this opportunity to give new subscribers discounts.

Giving your subscribers discounts or bonus material is a solid approach. It'll endear you to them and, hopefully, discourage unsubscribes.

Welcome emails are also an opportunity to set the tone of your email newsletter. Mark Manson 's first email does a great job sharing content of high quality and establishing his dry sense of humor.

One of the main functions of a welcome message is to ensure that you're in the right place. After having read the email from Mark, you know whether it's the right fit for you or not.

If your welcome email is standalone or a sequence It's an excellent idea to automate them. Your subscribers will be more engaged during the initial 48 hours after signing up  and that's the reason scheduling them can be an excellent option.

It is possible to do this by visiting the "Email" section of your dashboard. Then, click"Create Campaign" and then click "Create" button, and then select "New campaign".

Modify the email message by selecting what will trigger your email(s) into being sent. As an example, they could sign up for your newsletter or download an lead magnet.

You can then begin writing your campaign, whether it's a single email or a series of.

Drag images or GIFs inside the body of your email, if would like, or make your emails solely text-based. When each email is in active mode then you can begin your email campaign.


Make sure your readers know that they made the right decision by giving you your email address. They're likely to remain and will help to make your newsletter successful as it should be.

The creation of email lists has become easy (or more simple, in any case)

Starting from scratch with your email lists offers a wonderful opportunity to approach things in the correct method. Instead of trying thousands of different tactics, concentrate on our five steps for a structured and mindful way of doing things.

The most important steps include:

Pick an email marketing service that meets your needs.

Create a simple way for the reader to join your newsletter. Provide different options for sign-up forms like mail capture forms as well as landing pages.

Create lead magnets that are valuable to your target audience, e.g., case study or cheat sheets.

You can attract subscribers by sharing your lead magnet and newsletter on social networks. Particularly, you should make Twitter threads that include relevant hashtags or LinkedIn slides.

Make your new customers feel loved by sending them a welcome email.

Building your newsletter is more of a marathon than an event, so don't get discouraged if you don't see immediately improvements. Make sure you're attracting readers who are of high quality as well as your efforts will be rewarded.