Five steps to build an online, illustrated course

Apr 15, 2023


This step-bystep guide will assist you to design an online course on illustration using CreativeMindClass the free software that is used by top illustrators.

      - Start creating your online illustration course

The process of creating an online course to illustrate, regardless of whether you're still learning to teach or you're an experienced teacher the task can seem daunting. From the initial idea, through research and the creation of the videos to the point that you're ready to start the course there are a lot of aspects to be considered. A plan in place is to the success of your course because it helps organize all aspects to allow students to have memorable experience for your learners.

In this video tutorial, we'll walk you through the five important methods to design the most efficient online course that illustrate...

1. Course designs for online courses You can create a space which you create your own online course

2. Topic of the course: Choose your subject and students that you'll teach.

3. The plan of the course It is important to plan each course you'll have to take

4. Content delivery Make video clips, downloadable files and also exercises

5. Website for your course Persuade your students to purchase using images and text

     1. Online course plan

Choose a site for the online class you'd like to complete

In the past, classes on the internet could be dispersed across social media and payment sites and other websites along with messages, emails as well as laptop data. The online central course brings all these into one place that's easy to find. The course will change over the length of the. course, but generally includes:

  • Introduction
  • Examples of Work
  • Materials
  • Inspiration
  • Planing
  • Class Project
  • Summary
Online Course Plan

     How do I get it into CreativeMindClass    

  1. Choose My Classin the main menu in order to initiate it.
  2. Select the Add Class button to add the class.

     2. Topics for the course

Determine who and what you'll be instructing.

Beginning your online course in the realm of illustration can be overwhelming because it is necessary to create products that people will be interested to buy. However, a thorough knowledge of the subject will ensure that you succeed.

The Topic of the course is a straightforward and efficient method to create the right course targeted to the appropriate group of students. Illustration is your specialty. the best. are a skilled, knowledgeable and experienced professional that your target audience are willing to spend money on. Now is the opportunity to study this topic more deeply and explain the information in a manner that is understandable.

You must then start the class page.

The tab for the Class page is inside the class. Click the Class page tab to open it. You can then start adding the course's name and description.

First, open the Class page

     What is the best way to obtain it inside CreativeMindClass    

  1. Select the Class tab to start it. tab to display it.

Define what you will teach

What types of work do you create? What are you most passionate about? Do other people seek advice from you about? Which topics would you like to learn more about? It will allow you to come to an area you feel most comfortable and makes creating your own course more simple.

     The name of your course    

Simple, attractive and focused on the benefits of your product can help customers make an informed decision. It attracts their attention and makes them put down their scrolls and declare "Yes I'm gonna buy the book!". Make use of powerful words that trigger emotion and make them want to read then click and purchase.

Name your course

What's it? It's part of CreativeMindClass

  1. Select the name of the classto identify your class. For example "Surrealistic illustration with the intention of telling a story".

Come up with a arrangement (and identify people who are willing to sign it)

What are the lessons that people can learn? Are you more inclined to concentrate on editing or filming? What is the ideal public for this show? What are the particular problems you will be tackling? Are there competitors who provide similar courses? If you're trying to develop the idea, it's important to identify someone sufficiently motivated to invest money on the opportunity to learn about it.

Craft an offer (and find people who will buy it)

What is it? Within CreativeMindClass

  1. Use the form for the description of courseto create the class description for making clearyour services.

The class is over. The topic is finished!

When your subject is selected, you'll have the ability to create a convincing and real-world proposition to your illustration online course. Keep in mind that you have the ability to design multiple classes to explore the diverse areas of your class, and to examine them.

The next thing to do is make a plan to follow so that you won't miss a thing during the filming process...

     3. The outline of the course

You should create every lesson plan you'll require.

Making the decision to design an entire online program in the form of illustrations could be confusing. The process of sorting through a myriad of materials could lead to confusion when deciding what needs to be part of the online course. A well-organized plan of instructions can help ensure that it is easy to complete the instruction.

A outline for the course can be used as an overview of the different videos you'd like to make as you create the video. The outline usually includes a description of the particular lessons, as well as notes about specifics of the content as well as the learning objectives, so that you won't miss a single aspect.

 Lessons list

     For the first lesson, open the lessons by launching the Lessons    

There's a Lessons tab within the course. Select the Lessons tab, then click on it to launch it and start creating your lesson plans.

First, open the Lessons

     What am I required to do to work in CreativeMindClass    

1. Just click to start the LESSONS Tab and then click to open it.

After that, note down the things you're creating about.

First, you must record the most crucial topics as well as the elements you wish to talk about. This can be as simple as opening yourself by introducing yourself, presenting your best work materials overview as well as hands-on work projects that finish the project, revising it and then ending. Do not go into details but. What can you learn in 3-10 minute video lessons?

List the things you're covering

What do I need to do in CreativeMindClass

  1. Click the "Add LESSON link to create a new lesson.
  2. In Lesson page tab, type LESSON TITLE. In this case this case, it might be "Introduction".
  3. Start teaching 10-20 lessons in your classroom. For example: "Materials", "Inspiration", "Class project", "Conclusion"etc.

     Listing the learning outcomes    

It's at the heart of your outline for the course. It's where you record every aspect of each lesson that you intend to write down. Think about specific learning outcomes as well as specific information to address your students' needs or make note of gaps that aren't being solved by competitors.

List the individual learning outcomes

What can you do inside CreativeMindClass

  1. Check out"Inspiration" lesson "Inspiration" class.
  2. Type LESSON DESCRIPTION to create your lesson outline. Examples: "Explain the inspiration that prompted your drawing, review some of your illustrations and ideas, sources of inspiration, strategies to draw inspiration, activities to find a source for inspiration".

     HTML1 The transition from chaos into organized    

You may have written the outline for your class, and are you are now finding it to be complex or unclear enough. If you're overwhelmed by things which need to be dealt with then you might want to consider splitting the course up into segments. Eliminate classes that don't have a clearly defined objective for the learning. You must be disciplined when you are in the classroom to ensure that your lesson does not turn into a long-lasting practice.

Go from messy to organized

What exactly is it? within CreativeMindClass

  1. Select the "Add Section"button to create a section.
  2. Write the title of your segment. In this case, for example, you could write "Let's start" section for "Introduction" and "Inspiration" lessons.
  3. You can add additional sections to your classes.

Refer to it at the time of filming for video.

In the past, you printed out a schedule of the things you should be aware of during filming. Today, a list of tasks can easily be accessed through smartphones or laptops. You can make notes of every lesson or alter your schedule as required.

The end course outline!

Now that your course outline has been completed, you'll have the ability to design a plan for recording your video.

Then, we'll talk about how you can organize and present your material...

     4. Content delivery

Make videos, download files and exercises.

Once you've got a plan for your course you can think about what is the best way to teach every aspect of your online course.

Videos provide engaging and entertainment that provides an excellent learning experience to students that are online. The most effective way to communicate learning results is to mix different multimedia such as screen recordings, videos and slideshows, in addition to audio worksheets, and exercises.

Look at your lessons list. Which is the most effective method for presenting the goals throughout the lesson?

     First, start with the lessons.    

Lessons are displayed in the classroom. Click on the Lessons tab to launch it start adding media to each lesson.

First, open the Lessons

     HTML1 How do I make it work with CreativeMindClass    

1. Click on "LESSONS" tab to launch it.

     Incorporate a video into each lesson    

Videos can be the most enjoyable method of sharing your information. It can take many formats, including presentations and screen recordings that include audio. This does not mean you have to be glued to your camera for every hour of the day.

Create videos from home using the knowledge you have at your hands. Once you're done recording and editing your videos There are a variety of low-quality 16:9 formats of video that which you could upload. Remember the superior standard of the footage. It must have a resolution of 1080p.

Add a video to each lesson

What's it? in CreativeMindClass

  1. In the LESSON You can select your VIDEOlesson type.
  2. You can upload a video on your personal computer.
  3. Make sure you include an instructional video to each lesson.

     Uploading a download file    

Downloadable files can be great additions to your class. The content is fun exciting, interactive and engaging. The students also place your photo at their pulpits and workstations. After you've uploaded an additional image to the classroom, students can download it, print it and then fill it in, or change the image.

It is possible to create videos using worksheets, as well as other files as native files. There is a way to make files that can be downloaded making use of software such as Procreate Pages/Word, Google Slides, Prezi, Photoshop or Canva. The ability to make downloadable files available in conjunction as assignments lets students add their work to an assignment and receive comments.

After you've prepared the files for download, you'll have images of high resolution or native editable files that you are able to upload.

Add a downloadable file

What do I need to do within CreativeMindClass

  1. Go to the tab for LESSONS - Content
  2. Click DOWNLOADABLE FILE to save your document.

     Make an activity for the already existing lesson    

The exercises can be an effective technique to aid students in fulfilling their objectives of learning. They encourage students to discover by performing. Participation in the learning process is usually comprised of tasks which can be completed and provide teacher comments.

Imagine the environment of learning your students will be able to enjoy in order to aid them in reaching their objectives. Look at your Lessons list. Which lessons could have engaging and engaging activities to assist students with their learning? Are there lessons that could contain homework assignments? What brainstorming exercises could be included? What will be the task of your class?

Add an exercise to a lesson

     HTML1 What exactly is it? Within CreativeMindClass

  1. Go to the tab titled Content.
  2. Click on the EXERCISE button to create exercises for your class.

Students must share their works and ask for your comments

Illustration courses online requires an assignment to be completed for the class or in an instruction. If you're planning an exercise where your students have an opportunity to apply the techniques they acquired during the course, add them to CreativeMindClass where you can give an assessment.

Students can share their photographies and get your feedback

What exactly is it? It's part of CreativeMindClass

  1. Select the tab titled Content-of-Lesson
  2. Simply click on the word "EXERCISE" to make an exercise.
  3. Type TITLE. Examples "Mixing words with everything in the universe".
  4. Type Description. In this case "In this game we'll create images with random phrases. It will stimulate your imagination, and be enjoyable to mix things which don't have the same look. If you're satisfied, post your creation in the comment part of the course. Receive comments". Upload Exercise
  5. Once your student has submitted their homework, go to the studentto provide your feedback.

     Create an online community to promote your course    

The feedback from your students as well as actions will be the very first phase in creating a welcoming community for your online course. There is a way to end there or take your students learning to the next stage. This can help you grow your business and expand the reach of your brand.

What do you need to do to get students? What type of content do you typically post to social networks? Do you have suggestions about composition, technology or even software? One great method to keep your students engaged and motivated to finish your course is to post daily updates with ideas for end of the course work.

Build an online community around your course

     How do I get it to CreativeMindClass    

  1. Simply click My Postsin the main menu, to start the process.
  2. Hit to click the Add Post button to create a new post.

     You've finished preparing the contents!

If your course is complete, it's now a successful online course. The only thing you need is a space.

After that, we'll make copies of the photos for you to upload the images to your course's site...

     5. Course website

Convince your customers to purchase through text and pictures.

After you've filmed your video lessons and are certain that you've made a great lesson. It's time to put together and promote your video lessons. The most simple techniques to achieve this is to build an online site (sometimes called a sales page or the website landing).

A web site that is straightforward and focuses on the benefits it offers will help in the promotion of those who want to take. What is it that makes someone select the course you offer instead of other courses? This is a question that lies in the value you provide to your customer. Pages that convert well generally have appealing copywriting and images that demonstrate the greatest benefits before completing with a simple call-to-action.

     The first time, to begin visit the web site    

Go to the website to open the website, then make your headline, photo and copy.

First, open the Website

     What exactly is it? inside CreativeMindClass

  1. Click on Websitein Menu Main Menu to begin it.

     Get your reader's attention    

Your site should be easy to understand what you wish to communicate prior to moment a prospective customer clicks on to move on.

The first thing they first notice is the headline. The headline will explain what they can expect from your online illustration program. It clearly highlights the advantages that your online course offers.

It should be short precise, sharp and clear. The most effective way to keep the headline shorter is to add an accompanying headline. It's as simple to add a paragraph a sentence, or creating an extra paragraph that is a support to the original sentence.

Grab the visitor's attention

What's it? It is in CreativeMindClass

  1. Choose to click the edit button within the Welcome section.
  2. Write an HEADLINE. Examples: "How to create fantasitic, dreamy drawings".
  3. Utilize your sub-headline. Like "Discover your imagination and design an image which has a compelling appeal".

     Add inspiring visuals    

Upload the picture of your hero (or video clip of the background) on the top part of your website's course page to make sure that your users are aware of the content your course provides.

What do these images of the heroes tell us about the benefits of your course? Put students who are interested in your course in a classroom to show what they can expect from your program. If your course is focused on creating illustrations for your books or other publications, collages can be made and even make videos with background images that show an illustration of the final lesson. Illustrations must be sharp as well as sharp, and must be of top quality.

Add inspiring visuals

What is the exact meaning? In CreativeMindClass

  1. Click the Edit button that is located within the Welcome section.
  2. Click to add a HERO photo, BACKGROUND VIDEO or an animationto include your images.

Begin your subject

Give some information on the lesson you're illustrating.

What's the issue? What is the timeline? How many lessons can you give? Are you able to give bonus material? What assignment is assigned to the class? Who will the students in the class be?

This helps those who come to your site easily understand what they're being offered.

Introduce your course

     How do I get it to CreativeMindClass    

  1. Choose the on the Edit button located in section called Overview. section.
  2. Header of the Header of the Header. Example: "3 Classes".
  3. Create the PARAGRAPH. Examples "Enjoy taking three classes. Explore your creative side ".

     Highlight benefits

An explanation that is clear of benefits can convince others. Add more details about your class, experiences and worth.

What are they going to learn? What is the skill set they'll develop? How will this course help students? What are the most significant adjustments they're expected to undergo? What can you do to address the issues?

One of the best methods to highlight benefits is to highlight benefits in a straightforward, easy to read heading. After that, you can create a subheader which supports the primary claim. Then, in the next paragraph it is necessary to create a summary of the major outcomes of your study and write down the things you've learned.

One effective method to draw attention to the benefits of using attractive illustrations or photos. BErxfnhsvRhYXZaTNQb

How do I get it within CreativeMindClass

  1. Hit to edit the Edit button within the Benefits section.
  2. Type HEADER. For example: "Unlock your creative potential".
  3. Utilize the SUB-HEADER. Example: "Discover".
  4. Type PARAGRAPH. Example "Learn how to convey your thoughts through an illustration. Help us discover your creative side and then translate it in an illustration. Begin to dream, imagine and sing ".
  5. Click the SECTION Imageand upload your photo. ADVICE: Pay attention to three major benefits. Text should be concise and easy to hold the attention of readers. Eliminate anything that is difficult to comprehend.

You can provide a "try before you buy"

Anyone who is browsing through the page of a course would want to know what's included in. It's an exciting experience and gives potential students the chance to see the possibilities of an education program. This can assist them in making the ideal choice for their needs and interest. demands.

Make the most stunning promo trailer to draw the attention of potential students, and boost your revenue. In order to create a promo trailer, you need to create a unique and captivating video, which lasts between 30 to 60 minutes.

Give a taste of your course

What exactly is it? It is in CreativeMindClass

  1. Select My Classin main menu to start the class.
  2. On the Class Click on the the class tab. The page will be open.
  3. Select VIDEO TRAILERto send your video to an advertising.

Use it to distribute your message to an audience

Congratulations! After you've finished the course's website, the online course's design has been completed. It's an exciting time following all the hard labor.

Another kind of project is in the process of being launched! Now is the time to showcase the work you've done with your target public. Create a hyperlink on your blog, website or blog as well as social media or email address Then, begin your promotion campaign. One tip is to ensure that prior to when you present the class in your class, you must make certain that the class is every lesson, as well as exercises have been published.

Share it with your audience

What is the exact meaning? in CreativeMindClass

  1. Click on to the Settings menuin the menu bar near the highest of the menu. This will give you the option to access it.
  2. Copy CreativeMindClass Page URL.
  3. It is important to discuss the lessons with your pupils.

You're all done!

This guide should aid you with organizing your classroom and provide you with the space to let you design an amazing educational experience for your pupils.

If you're planning to launch a brand new course online in illustration you can use this Illustration Course Template below to begin setting it up in only two minutes.

Create your online illustration course. Today.

Start at no cost with our template.

Create your online photography course. Today.

      - Start creating your illustration course

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Create a course using exercise videos, video as well as feedback using a stand-alone platform. Join today for enthralling classes online and sell worldwide. Create your own class and completely cost-free! No credit card is needed

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