Five essential steps for creating an online Illustration course

Apr 15, 2023


This step-by-step tutorial can guide you through the steps to make an online illustration course using CreativeMindClass it is a program that is free to download and used by most renowned artists.

      - Start creating your online illustration course

The process of creating an online course in illustration regardless of whether you're brand novice or are a veteran, it's not easy. From conceiving how to create videos, planning them and making them to launch, there are numerous aspects to think about. A method in place is to ensure success since it helps to control each step, allowing you to concentrate on providing a memorable education experience for your pupils.

In this post, we'll share with you five essential methods to create an online class that's lucrative...

1. Online course plan Set up a place to develop your online course

2. Topics for the course Determine the subjects and subject matter, as well as who you'll be instructing.

3. Outline of the class: Create a plan for each class that you'll be required

4. Content delivery Create videos downloadable files, exercises

5. Your website for your course Convince customers to make a purchase with the help of text as well as photos

     1. Online course plan

Create a space for your online course

In the past, an online class could be shared across social media platforms as well as social network messages and emails together with laptop folders. An online central course integrates every element in the same place. The content will vary depending on the course online, generally, however, the content will include:

  • Introduction
  • Work Examples
  • Materials
  • Inspiration
  • The process of planning
  • Class Project
  • Summary
Online Course Plan

How do I get it in CreativeMindClass

  1. Choose My Classin the main menu, then click to start it.
  2. Click the the Add Course link to make the class.

     2. The course's topic

Choose the subjects you'll discuss and who you'll be instructing.

Beginning your online course with illustration could be stressful since you need to come up with something your customers will be able to buy. The topic of your course should be planned to help ensure your success.

An Topic for your course is an easy but effective idea for creating an appropriate course for the appropriate individuals. Illustration is your thing. are knowledgeable as well as skills which the target market will be willing to apply. This is the perfect opportunity to study the subject more closely and put it in perspective.

For a start, visit the webpage of the course.

The Class page can be found as located under the tab for category. Select the tab for Class Page to display it. Once you have it open, start adding your course's name as well as description.

First, open the Class page

What's it? inside CreativeMindClass

  1. Select on the class tab to open the class webpage. tab to view it.

     What do you want to convey    

What types of drawings are you working on? What are the things you love about these drawings? How do other people come to you for advice about? What do you want to gain knowledge about? It will allow you to discover a subject you're is the most appropriate for you and makes your classes duration much easier to manage.

Make sure you give your course a name

A clear, catchy and benefit-focused headline will assist readers to make an informed choice. It draws their attention and makes them turn their attention away from the screen and say, "Yes, I want to buy the item!". Make use of powerful words and phrases to generate feelings, and then the response is likely to make them scroll click, and then buy.

Name your course

What exactly is it? inside CreativeMindClass

  1. Write the title of your courseto mark your course. For example it could have the form "Surrealistic illustration with the goal of telling the tale".

     HTML0 Create a contract (and look for people willing to accept it)    

What lessons can we draw from the experiences of others? Do you want to focus in editing or filming? Do you have potential viewers for this particular program? What specific high-pain problems do you address? Do you have competitors that offer similar services? While you are working on the idea, it's important to find someone who is willing to invest money in order to study the idea.

Craft an offer (and find people who will buy it)

     What does it mean to CreativeMindClass    

  1. Use the form for a CLASS DESCRIPTIONto prepare your offer on HTML1.your offer.

HTML0 The HTML0 course is the concluding part of the course subject!

When your course is completed then you're able to make a compelling and appealing concept of an online illustration class. Be aware that you're able create multiple classes to explore various topics in your course and analyze the results.

After that, we'll come up with an action plan that will ensure you don't lose a single aspect during the production of the film...

     3. The course's plan

Create each lesson plan you'll require.

The entire course in illustration can seem daunting. Finding the right material could lead to confusion while making the decision which content should be included in the online course. But, having a clearly established outline of the class is a sure way to ensure that you are able to manage the task.

The outline of your course will be a outline of your course. It may be a checklist of the videos you'd like when you record the course. The outline typically includes the specific courses, along with notes about details of the content and the learning outcomes to ensure that you do not miss any information.

 Lessons list

     Start with the Lessons    

The Lessons tab in the tab called Class. Go to the Lessons tab, then start experimenting with your lesson plan.

First, open the Lessons

How do you accomplish this within CreativeMindClass

1. Click on the tab LESSONS tab to show it.

Your sources should be listed to write about.

The first step is to identify the most important topics and questions you intend to address. It could be as simple as introductions. It could also include a description of the most impressive aspects of your work, material overview, hands-on project and presenting your work, along with editing and ending. Do not go into details yet. What could you be learning in three to ten minutes of instruction on video?

List the things you're covering

What's it? It is in CreativeMindClass

  1. Select for the Add LESSON choice to create the latest lesson.
  2. In Lesson page tab, type LESSON TITLE. In this instance, it could refer to "Introduction".
  3. Add 10-20 lessons to your course. Examples include "Materials", "Inspiration", "Class project", "Conclusion"etc.

     The learning outcomes are listed.    

The very core of your class. It is the place where you write down all essential elements of every course you plan to write down. Create a list of the specifically defined learning objectives and the materials you employ to answer the students' requirements. You'll also be able to determine the gaps which aren't being addressed by your competitors.

List the individual learning outcomes

     HTML1 What is it to work in CreativeMindClass    

  1. Look up "Inspiration" the course.
  2. Type LESSON DESCRIPTION to create your lesson outline. For example: "Explain the inspiration for your artwork, provide examples, examples of inspiration sources techniques to locate the source of sources of inspiration. The exercise is to find the inspiration source ".

     From messy to arranged    

It's possible that you've created an outline for the course but realize the outline isn't long enough or confusing enough. If you're overwhelmed by the information that you need to learn, think about the possibility of breaking down your class into more manageable components. Eliminate lessons that do not provide a clearly-defined learning goal. Be sure to absorb all the lessons to be sure that the lesson does not become a long-running job.

Go from messy to organized

     How do I get it in CreativeMindClass    

  1. Click the "Add Section"button to make a new section.
  2. Type the title of your section. In this case, for example, you could type "Let's start" section for "Introduction" and "Inspiration" lessons.
  3. Include additional sections in your lessons.

Use it to reference the date of recording video

Traditionally you'd print out your checklist of tasks that you had to do during filming. Nowadays, it's now possible to keep an agenda of activities that can be easily accessible via mobile phones or laptops. This lets you check off each lesson or modify it as you require.

This is the final plan of the program!

After your course outline has been written You are now prepared to film your class.

We'll then discuss the best way to store and distribute the content...

     4. Content delivery

Create videos, downloadable files along with exercises.

Once you've got a plan to run your course, now's an ideal time to contemplate the best approach to show each part of your online plan of study.

Video lessons provide a highly interactive entertaining, engaging and enjoyable material that offers a wonderful educational experience to students using the internet. One of the best ways to communicate the results of education is to combine various multimedia like videos, screen recording presentations as well as audio and screen recordings. Handouts are also an excellent technique to aid in the reinforcement of learning and exercises.

Look at your lessons list. What is the most efficient method to deliver the results from every lesson?

Then, you must start to Lessons

There's a section for lessons beneath the class. The Lessons tab is the first one to open, then you'll start adding media into every lesson.

First, open the Lessons

What's it? inside CreativeMindClass

1. Hit on the LESSONS button to show the lesson.

     Include a YouTube video in each lesson    

Videos are the most entertaining approach to presenting information. They can take many formats, including presentations and screens that record audio. It doesn't mean you have to use the camera all day.

Videos can be made with the help of tools you're able to use. When you've completed creating or editing your footage, there are many small, high-quality 16:9 video formats that can be uploaded. Make sure you are aware about the quality of the film. Resolution must be at least 1080p.

Add a video to each lesson

What exactly is it? inside CreativeMindClass

  1. If you're taking part in a LESSON You can select VIDEOlesson Select.
  2. Download videos from your personal computer.
  3. Incorporate a short video into every class.

     Include a download file    

The capability to download files is a fantastic addition to your lesson. They can make your lesson interesting, engaging and fun. Also they leave your brand images on their pulpits or in their tables. If you add an extra file to your lessons your pupils are able to download it, print it out or edit it to complete the document.

It is possible to create videos that contain additional files such as worksheets or native files. Create downloadable files by using software such as Procreate, Pages/Word, Google Slides, Prezi, Photoshop or Canva. Making use of downloaded files in conjunction with an activity allows students bring their own photos into the classroom and collect your feedback.

After you've created the file for download you're now equipped with professional photos as well as native editable documents that you can download.

Add a downloadable file

What's it? inside CreativeMindClass

  1. Click on the tab titled Content
  2. Be sure to click DOWNLOADABLE FILE to upload your document.

     Include an activity into the already existing lesson    

The exercises are a good way to help students achieve the objectives of their education. They are encouraged to enhance their knowledge by taking part in. Participation-based learning generally comprised of a task that can be completed along with the feedback of the instructor.

Imagine the educational environment you'll create to help students achieve in the pursuit of their goals. Look at your Lessons list. What lessons are likely to be interesting and stimulating for your students to master? Which lessons could have homework requirements? What brainstorming activities could be part of the curriculum? What is the assignment to be completed at the conclusion of your class?

Add an exercise to a lesson

     How to do it within CreativeMindClass    

  1. Visit the tab called details on the content of the course
  2. Click "EXERCISE" to create an exercise to teach your students.

     Students should share their projects, then ask for comments    

The course online will require a class or lesson project. If you choose to include such exercises and activities learners can apply the skills they learned in the class and then upload them into CreativeMindClass where you can provide comments.

Students can share their photographies and get your feedback

What's it? It's part of CreativeMindClass

  1. Click on the tab that is titled Content
  2. Click Exercise to do an exercise.
  3. Type TITLE. Examples are "Mixing words and all the world".
  4. Type Description. Example "In this challenge, we'll construct images using random words. This will stimulate your creativity and will be fun to put objects together which aren't exactly the same. If you're satisfied, post your work to the area for comments in the lesson. You will receive comments". ADVANCED EXERCISE
  5. If your student has submitted the work and you want to review the task, visit students' workto provide your feedback.

     Start an online community to help support the course    

Your remarks and the learning activities are the first step to developing the community of learners that take part in the online course. You can end the course at any point or you can move the learners through the next stage. It can aid in growing your company and increase the exposure of your company's name.

What are you required to create to attract students? What type of content do you normally share on social media? Are there any suggestions that you might share on composition, equipment, or even software? Another option to keep your students interested and engaged to complete the course is to post daily that provide an inspiration to the last assignment.

Build an online community around your course

What exactly is it? inside CreativeMindClass

  1. Select My Postsin the menu bar at the top to launch it.
  2. Hit the ADD POST button to start a new post.

     This is the perfect right time to start creating the content!

When your content for the course has been completed, you have an online course that's extremely effective. All you require is a website.

The next step is to make copies of the photos and upload them on your course's website...

     5. The Course's Website

Your customers convince them to purchase by using text and pictures.

You've just recorded your video and you've produced some incredible video. Now is the time to package and market your video. The best way to do this is by creating your own website (sometimes called selling page or online store).

A web page that is straightforward, clear and benefit-focused will make your course more appealing to those attracted by the course. Why should someone pick your program over another? The answer is in the promise you make to your customer. Pages that perform well contain beautiful text and pictures that highlight the main benefits and ending with an easy to-do.

For the first step, navigate to the website.

Go to the website to view your webpage and add your headline, photo, and text.

First, open the Website

What's it? inside CreativeMindClass

  1. Click Websitein main menu to display it.

     Draw noticed by your visitor    

Your site must get your message across quickly before your potential client goes on for the next step.

The first thing they read is your headline. It explains the benefits that a person will gain from your program. The headline highlights the advantages that your pupils will gain by taking the course.

It should be short easy, clear and concise. The easiest way to keep your headlines brief is to add an additional headline. This could be as easy as completing sentences or a second sentence that complements the principal sentence.

Grab the visitor's attention

     What do I need to do working in CreativeMindClass    

  1. Select the "Edit" button inside the the "Welcome" section.
  2. Make sure you write the headline. In this instance, "How to make beautiful, enchanting images".
  3. Make use of your SUB-HEADLINE. Example: "Discover your creativity and sketch an image that is full of enthusiasm".

     Add inspiring visuals    

The hero image (or film footage from the background) on the top of the website for your course in order to help visitors to understand the benefits of the course.

What do the pictures of the hero say about the value of your class? Set up a classroom that shows what they could be expecting from the class. If the class you are teaching, for example, about making drawings for books, you might make an art-collage or background video using your finished photos. The pictures must be big along with crisp and clear. They should also be high-quality.

Add inspiring visuals

What is it? Within CreativeMindClass

  1. Click on the Edit button located in the Welcome section.
  2. Click the HERO image, BACKGROUND VIDEO or an animated videoto upload your own images.

Initiate your class

Give some background information on the course you're demonstrating.

What is the exact definition? What will the time frame be? What is the number of classes you provide? Are you able to provide additional content? What is the assignment for this course? What is the purpose of the class?

The info provided will help people who read the content to understand what they're getting.

Introduce your course

What's it? In CreativeMindClass

  1. Choose the Edit button which can be found in the section called the Overview section.
  2. Type HEADER. Example: "3 classes".
  3. Design a PARAGRAPH. For example "Enjoy three classes. Discover your creativity ".

     Highlight benefits

The clear and concise explanation of benefits can convince others. Include more information about your class, the learning outcome, and the value of it.

What are the skills they'll learn? What does the course offer for a student? What kinds of adjustments will you have to endure? What problems do you need to address?

One way to draw attention to the benefits of an item is to create an attractive simple, concise and short head. You can also add a second subheader to enhances the initial statement. Within every paragraph, compose an outline of your most important learning outcomes. You should create your own benefits you could offer.

An excellent way to emphasize the positives of using photos or pictures that catch the eye. BErxfnhsvRhYXZaTNQb

What's it? inside CreativeMindClass

  1. To edit the information, simply click on the "Edit" button on under the "Benefits" section.
  2. Type Header. For example, "Unlock the creative part of you".
  3. Utilize to use the Sub-Header. In this case you would use the word "Discover".
  4. Use the format Paragraph. For instance "Learn how to communicate your goals in an imaginary picture. We'll help you find the treasure that is hidden, and transform it in an illustration. Be creative, think about it and shout out ".
  5. Click the image in the sectionand Upload the image you wish to utilize. Be sure to keep in mind three key benefits. The content should be brief and easy enough to hold your reader's interest. Make sure to circle back any information that's difficult to follow.

It's possible to offer "try before you purchase"

A person who's looking through the web pages of their class would like to have an idea of what's on the. It's thrilling and offers potential students a peek at the kinds of services they'll be getting from the course. This can assist them in choosing if the course would meet the needs and wants of.

Create a striking promotional trailer that can attract the attention of students who are new to your school, and improve the amount of sales you generate. For a promo trailer, make a unique and captivating video that lasts between 30 and 60 minutes.

Give a taste of your course

     What's it? inside CreativeMindClass

  1. Click My Classin the main menu to start it.
  2. While in the class, you can click the page for class tab to show it.
  3. Click VIDEO TRAINERto upload your promo video.

Send it to your followers

Congratulations! Once you've created the website that will run your online course is now created. This is a moment full of celebration after all your work.

The next phase of your project is set to begin! It is now the right moment to communicate the information to your target audience. You can add the URL to your website and on your social media, email or even your blog. It is then time to begin your campaign to market. Tip: Before sharing the lessons with your followers, make sure that your classes or activities are published.

Share it with your audience

How can I obtain it from CreativeMindClass

  1. Select Optionsin the menu bar, after which click Settings to launch it.
  2. You may copy this address from the CreativeMindClass web address.
  3. Take the course together and teach the class.

You're all done!

I hope this article can help you to become more organized, and also provided you with the necessary room to make the most effective educational environment for your students.

If you're looking to begin an online illustration course You can take advantage of the Illustration course templates Illustration Template below for setting it up in just a few minutes.

Create your online illustration course. Today.

Begin at absolutely no cost by making use of our templates.

Create your online photography course. Today.

      - Start creating your illustration course

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Take advantage of videos and learn together with exercise and feedback through a separate platform Sign up today to create and design online courses and to sell your course worldwide. Create your course distinctive It's cost-free It's not even a credit card required

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CreativeMindClass is an expanding group of educators, creators and students who are part of this Learning Platform that helps build communication skills, teach and collaborate with other people to inspire.

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