Fine art photography - The CreativeMindClass Blog

Aug 6, 2022

Custom-designed and frequently hand-crafted top hats and masks, crowns, butterfly wings, paintings as backdrops, technique to get the smallest the details that are inspired by vintage noir films of the 30s and 40s. Many hours of preparations and deliberation go into every fine art photograph of the talented Italian artist Giulia Valente.

We have asked Giulia what her secret to producing her high-quality photography. This is her tale.

"I completed my degree from Padua University, with a degree in Music, Art and Theater in the year 2006. I've always been captivated to art. One aspect I like about living in Italy is the fact that art is everywhere, so it's easy to find inspiration.

My style can be called fine art photography: I am able to see the continuity between photography and painting. In many ways photography is like painting's younger sister. Paintings, more than photos is my primary reference when I plan-shoot-retouch a new project."

fine art photography
The Precious Dreams of 2020. Model: Grimilde Malatesta (@grimildemalatesta). Dress and wig: Grimilde Malatesta. Concept, image, stage, makeup: Giulia Valente.

"Giovanni Gastel," the just passed away Italian photographer, once said that you have to trash 10000 good ideas before picking the one that is right for you. I attempt, in my own little way, to apply this principle. Indeed, I've got a journal full of ideas, sketches, notes, and inspirations that are likely to be kept on paper for the rest of my life.

The primary step in working on a new project is planning: pre-production is vital to decide to define and concentrate on the main idea. Then, draw sketches, gather objects or props... It can be a stressful and time-consuming stage because this kind of photography demands a great deal of focus and even an obsession with the fine details, little things that aren't easy to notice, but that will make a huge impact."

fine art photography
The Caterpillar (from "Wonderland" series) The year 2021. Model: Ilaria Fracasso. Dress: Blue Lady Couture. Hat: Bizarre Noir. Photo, concept, styling, set, hair, makeup: Giulia Valente

What were the keys to making your caterpillar photographs?

"In the instance that I was working on for the Caterpillar Project, I tried to define the features that identify the character, that make him identifiable: the blue color as well as the hookah smokes and the wings that he reveals when he transforms into a butterfly, and as well the manner of speaking - which is perhaps a little conceited and careless. Then I tried to put the various elements in a cohesive manner, and combine them with the main look of the picture I had in mind.

In May of 2021, an exhibition of my selected works was launched in the Laboratorio Cardin(Padua, Italy). I'm very happy and grateful for this being my first time exhibiting."

More of the artist's exquisite art photos, which are that are rooted in Italian and Flemish artworks of the The XV and XVI century, you can find them on Instagram and on her Website.

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Pandora: year 2020. Model: Martina Perdon (@martinaperdonn). Concept, photo, set and makeup by Giulia Valente
fine art photography
The White Rabbit (from "Wonderland" series) 20th year. Model: Rossella Perversini (@rossyglossy_mua). Hair and makeupby Rossella Perversini. Mask Hysteriamachine (@hysteriamachine).
fine art photography
Mourning Peacock: Year 2021. Taxidermy peacock from Alberto Michelon @animalfactorstudio. Concept, image, and setting: Giulia Valente

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