Figure out what's yours and find out what's the other person's

Mar 16, 2022

As an entrepreneur--especially when you're small or just starting out--it can feel like there's so much to do.

It is necessary to write, to sell your products, create an online landing page, do customer research, to create and edit videos and create content for social, maybe a podcast ... there are numerous things to learn. This is not even including the actual coaching or teaching or anything else.

There's quite a bit.

The most important thing, however, is to know what of this is yours to discover the most, and also what's other person's task.

Me, I'm not an "ops" person. I'm not a person who excels or enjoys figuring out all the specifics that are involved in the management of a business.

Although I'm a fantastic software engineer, I'm certainly not skilled at leading or managing an entire team composed of engineers in software.

It's also where people from other countries are attracted to.

It's amazing to observe how the quality of our product and engineering department has improved over the last couple of months.

They're crushing it on the latest features, minor improvements, and bug fixes. The mobile version of our app was just released. app! They're always improving their processes and their work.

It's a joy to behold.

And what's best is they're doing so much better than I would be if I tried to do it myself. Or even trying to do the same thing by myself.

I grew up getting many compliments because of my intellect and ability to be skilled at understanding how to do things. My approach is discover how to do it, and then, once I have it figured out, do it myself.

However, that's only going get me so far.

Similar to what you are experiencing.

What were those past routines that were helpful once and now hold you back?

What's the most harmful thing you shouldn't be doing and that you should let go of, and allow someone else to do it for you?

It's not easy to invest in getting assistance you require. The best people usually be expensive.

But it pays to make the investment.

It's easier to complete the job better, you're happier, and can concentrate on the things you appreciate, and on which you can add a ton of value.

Which is the next thing that you'll have to let go of and pass over to someone else?
