Every business should have a brand-new video (plus six staff-picked examples)

Dec 6, 2023

The best branded videos to help you with your marketing strategy

1. Explainer videos

By the end of an explaining video viewers should know the answer they've been searching for.
Explainer videos are educational they can be found in a variety of formats that can answer the questions of customers. They show the process of using the product, or describe a thought-leadership concept in a talking-head format.


Explainer videos make great documents for support, addressing questions in any phase of the buyer's journey.

One important quality of an effective explainer video is the fact that it's not a sales pitch. You shouldn't be trying to get anyone to buy something. Instead, define a challenge and find a solution. You can also address a commonly asked question like in this simple yet effective video:

Explainer videos tend to be high-level. They are designed for the customer early on in the funnel, and could be in a research stage.

For a better understanding of the type of explanation you require to promote your videos inquire with your sales representatives what questions they answer on a daily basis. Find out about your customer and what they're experiencing and experiencing and.

If you're launching a new product, and you need to make a video to explain the product, get together with your product marketing team to discover the most important attributes to showcase and also the most effective approach to achieve this.

Illustration and animation are a wonderful method of communicating product information or complicated concepts that benefit from visualization.

To deliver a powerful explainer video, keep these guidelines to remember:

  • Plan the way you will present yourself to your target audience.
  • Be straightforward. Avoid wasting time with irrelevant information or visuals that distract from the point.
  • Keep a professional, helpful tone.
  • Add captions to aid in accessibility and user preference.

Staff Pick example

It's a ride in this docu-style explainer video for the 2020 Norco Optic. Bryan Atkinson flies down the tracks of the interior of British Columbia while narrating how he tackles terrain using the bike's features. There's only the bike along with the driver and the surroundings.

What it does:This video perfectly captures how to utilize the product at an expert stage. It plays to its audience who are outdoor enthusiasts as well as adventure-seekers and cyclists. The film is also visually breathtaking.

2. Videos for promotion

A promo video, or promo video, is all about creating brand awareness. You're building hype or teasing a launch with a short-form video.

Promo videos are a short glimpse of the future, created to pique interest and draw attention to your site through various channels, such as social media. The best promo videos are brief, engaging and swiftly establishes a visually distinct identity (hopefully in line with the band you're promoting).

Promo videos can also be a great opportunity to tap influential creators your audience knows or would be a enthusiast of. When you connect with creators, you can also grow your reach.

Staff Pick example

The reason it works: Well, Raheem Sterling. Also, unlike our previous suggestions the promo here can be quite longand yet it gives way to the humor of the situation that is unfolding. Is laughter the best way to market a cell cellphone? It seems like it.

3. Brand story and BTS videos

Brand Story Video: A Brand Story video is essentially a "get to know me" or an ancestor story of your business.

With the right budget and team A brand story video could serve as a central marketing asset for many years to come.

Brand story videos are important to get right, so prior to beginning production, ensure you are prepared with an outline, storyboard, and a script ready to go.

With an behind-the scenes video, viewers get a glimpse into the brand. They explore your workforce as well as your process for getting things done, or showcase the processes that are used. They may also provide an promotion or event an entirely new angle.

4. Webinars

What do you need to know about creating an outstanding webinar?

Concentrate on the content, design an amazing experience and figure out ways to engage your audience.

5. Case study videos

6. Narrative branded content

Narrative videos tell an account with the intention to entertain. That's it.

And while all your brand's videos ought to be fun, they don't need to be the sole purpose.

Narrative brand content tells an account. Unlike a brand story video however, it does not have to tell your story's origins. It's more of an ad style, commercial videos have a motive behind their product that is greater than their company.

Many narrative brand videos concentrate on themes that are larger in scope, such as family, love, compassion and devotion. The narratives follow an sequence. We witness an exposition, conclusion, and climax. Then we are left with a character who has changed.

Narrative brand content is sometimes utilized to expand or introduce upon a slogan like Nike's "Just Do It" or "Dream Crazy" campaigns.

Staff Pick examples

Rimowa utilizes the same strategy to entice the heart with its meaningful travel campaign. The film is about travel as well as lost phone calls.

Why it works: Both narrative examples follow a similar formula: problem-agitate-solution. We get to know the experience of one individual, showing the trials of life, the trials, and triumphs of their lives. The stories feel intimate and pull us in without the need to be familiar with the product or brand.

7. Creative brand campaigns

An umbrella category to cover those brand videos that aren't suited anywhere else. A brand that is creative can be only an example of an approach which is different from the standard marketing video. In reality, there isn't a formula for this. All you need is to be all-in on a creative idea which you're enthused about, and that is in line with your brand identity.

Businesses looking to implement a the initiative to be creative, check out the filmmakers, agencies, or teams that make the most creative and inspiring videos. Reach out to them to find out what they did to collaborate with customers. What was the deadline and budget? What kind of creative input would you like to have? Decide the size of this video campaign. Can it be tied to an event? A rebrand? Is there a particular item?

 Staff Pick examples

It's difficult to define the kind of video "Obscura" is; maybe because it's an art film disguised as an advertisement. This is a great illustration of how a company can trust a creator to treat their brand with respect and artistic creativity.

Reading of Mary Oliver's poem "Wild Geese" over beautifully shot consecutive mornings on the North Coast. Through capturing the splendor of nature the Patagonia Australia video has everything the way it should be.

Why it works: Surprising your audience is good -- it means you'll stand out against other content.

All businesses of all sizes can make impressions with its content library that is powerful and visually appealing branding videos. It's your responsibility to create your own unique style and purpose into any type of video, keeping your customer at the heart of the process.