Episode 5 of the podcast: Andrew Lock - Top Marketing Expert Shares Walt Disney's Entrepreneurial Secrets -- WordPress Membership WordPress Plugin for Membership Sites

Oct 15, 2022

Episode 5 from the Podcast: Andrew Lock - Top Marketing Expert Explains Walt Disney's Entrepreneurial Secrets

This episode got to speak about the story of Andrew Lock. He tells us about how he went from being a cameraman for the BBC to becoming a giant in the online marketing space.

It is recommended to go through Andrew's work "Walt Disney's Method" and discover how to develop a stronger business (including membership websites) with the Magical Marketing Strategies of Walt Disney.

You can learn more about what Andrew is doing by visiting his website AndrewLock.com or MagicalMarketingExperience.com

These are the important moments and events you don't want to miss in the show:

  • The unbelievable story of the way this ex- BBC cameraman leveraged his one ability to connect with online marketing titans such as Yanik Silver and Dan Kennedy. He built a thriving online business, and became one of the biggest brands in marketing online. He started out as a total noob. If you've ever wondered if you can do this, his crazy story will prove it that you absolutely are able to. (0:00)
  • The clever way Andrew Lock got a free membership in Yanik Silver's prestigious and highly-exclusive mastermind group. You can use this same technique to get interviews, gigs, or even complimentary products or even having your product promoted by some of the biggest names in online marketing. Imagine the boost in sales it would bring your business. (1:06)
  • Andrew Lock shares the dark place he felt through the pandemic, and how the virus helped him pull himself out. And, how you can take the knowledge he gained to get through the challenging times in your work and life. (17:31)
  • The key to almost easy business success. Almost everybody gets this wrong and it causes endless frustration and suffering. Following Andrew's tips and having your success, determination and consistent within your company is nearly guaranteed (10:21)
  • How a virtually undetectable issue on your site is sure to halt your sales in the moment -- and how you can make use of one of Walt's closely-guarded entrepreneurial secrets to get it fixed quickly (30:37)
  • A clever method of Disney actually "manipulates" kids into upselling their parents at Disney themed parks. Also, how to use this tactic in a legal manner to more easily sell your online classes (29:13)
  • The big mistake Disney's new CEO has made that could result in Walt rolling over in his grave -- learn what NOT do during an economic downturn (33:18)
  • The key to success in your online business. The answer is simple... Do this and you'll be the one getting interview on podcasts. Do not and you'll most likely be struggling for years to come. (37:47)
  • The M_______ Test. A brain-dead simple way to determine if the subject you're teaching is a great fit for a membership site (Plus the test is a simpler method to locate a virtually infinite number of concepts and topics you CAN build a website about) (39:33)
  • The nefarious trap most business owners fall into leads them to be in a constant state of struggle and often over a long period of time with many NEVER figuring it out (This may be holding you back right today) And there is a way to avoid this. (10:43)
  • "I________ kills entrepreneurs". A hard lesson learned from the pandemic and how to defeat the number one entrepreneur "killer". (16:37)
  • The lesson of retention that website that has a membership needs to take from Walt Disney's theme parks. It's the main difference between a membership site that slowly withers and dies no matter what else you try as opposed to one that expands quickly and is growing almost without effort (25:32)
  • The "Kodak" Testing. The color and even the pavement in the theme parks was thoroughly tested in order to subconsciously draw customers in. It also explains how you can apply this principle to your courses, websites, and memberships to boost your sales (26:43)
  • How Disney makes use of "fake smells" to encourage parents to purchase tickets to the theme parks. Disney literally invented a machine to do this and Andrew discusses how you can use this idea and apply it to online courses and memberships in a genuine method to increase conversions. (29:36)

           After you've heard the entire episode, it will aid us in reaching out to greater numbers of people if we could perform two actions:          

  1. Give a 5-star review or rating If you have gained anything from the episode
  2. Send this podcast to an acquaintance, a colleague or any other person you think might be benefited from this episode.

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Check out the 10 Models of Membership Video

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