Episode 3 from the Podcast: Armand Morin - WordPress Membership Plugin - Sites for Membership

Jul 15, 2022

Episode 3 of the podcast: Armand Morin

In this show, our host, Tracy, interviews Armand Morin who was one of the early pioneers in the e-learning business as it is now. Morin was the first to figure out how to develop and market websites for membership and online courses as early as the late 90s. To give you just a taste of what you'll gain by listening to this podcast...

  • A basic membership site that made Armand $4.2 million within 12 weeks from his very first information product. How he did it and how you can use this technique today to crank out an excellent member-only sites in just few days (04:23).
  • A new for 2022 strategy employed by Amazon to market their goods which you are able to copy using the free software that you may already have downloaded on your PC (42:02).
  • The Millionaire Mindset. How top Internet marketers remain focused and roll out risky new projects without making a fuss (which is the primary reason why they succeed where everyone else fails) (07:20).
  • The error in a merchant account resulted in the loss of Armand $2 million and what to do so this doesn't occur to you. A lot of online companies are in danger and don't have the knowledge to. Do you know if your cash is safe and secure? (9:08)
  • An effective method to come up with winning software ideas and why every information publisher should create software (12:16, 16:23).
  • Nicheception. Find lucrative "niches in niches" to increase conversion rates, find more customers, to maximize your earnings (39:03).
  • An espionage technique to utilize Google to establish a vibrant community within your membership website (and observe your retention rate skyrocket) (25:15).
  • The secret to work-life balance. What is the secret to work-life balance? Armand runs multiple 6 and 7-figure accounts while training for and competing in multiple Taekwondo tournaments each month. (33:49)
  • Over $200 million has been sold online, here's Armand's take on what is hands-down the most efficient software to market. If you're selling something else then you're likely losing cash (17:23).
  • Armand's "offline" strategy for increasing retention rates, as well as a simple way to implement the same strategy virtually (28:04)
  • An ingenuous way to transform an item into 5 or 10 diverse "products" without altering one thing about the actual product. This is Armand's #1 strategy to grow his business and how he reached over $200 million in online sales (36:44).
  • The "micro-SaaS" secret. How to use the simplest, one-feature application to generate millions of dollars in revenues without all the technical hassles (15:05).
  • There is a crucial distinction between makers who are successful as opposed to those who do poorly. Armand's simple answer may surprise you (18:45).

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Check out the 10 Models of Membership Video

Discover the 10 Most Profitable Ways to Earn Recurring Revenue from a membership site                                                       First Name                                                        Email                                                          Yes, Send Me the Video!

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"We've tested a few other membership tools that included in packages we'd invested in. However, none of them can compete with Member. There's certainly plenty of amazing things that users have been building throughout time. When it comes down to personalization, if your use WordPress it's impossible to do this. Naturally, I'm biased, however we've earned millions of dollars because of this software."                                                   CpfdHscIrSOQdhYirVmg                                           Tristan Truscott                              Satori Method                                                                                                                                                                                              I have moved [ Member] to the top of my list of choices for anyone. The new Member packs a punch! The price of Member offers a wonderful bargain.

Chris Lema                              LiquidWeb                                                                                                                                                                                              Member is integrated with tools that I am using right now. They're also eager to integrate with tools that are coming out. It's amazing how they do it. If I had to buy an membership-related plugin this day... I would go with Member. I'd go with the Member.

Adam Preiser                              WPCrafter