Effective SaaS Customer Onboarding Emails (Templates and Exemples)

Aug 31, 2023

Over 90 90% of consumers believe they could be better off in terms of onboarding.

Customer onboarding emails are one of the very first interactions with customers as well as the very first opportunities to connect with them in an intimate, personal way.

You'll have around 14 minutes to get new customers before they abandon at the end of the road. That means those first emails need to hit the mark.

What you should to know about creating an efficient client onboarding email flow. We also have a customer onboarding email template and examples of effective onboarding emails from top SaaS brands.

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What is the purpose of customer onboarding? crucial?

Customer Onboarding is all about delivering value to your customers as quickly as possible - ideally in their first use of your product or service.

However, too often companies are mistaken in thinking that customers who are new to the brand know more about their offerings and services than they actually do.

That means onboarding emails are often basic at best - and in some cases, nonexistent - missing essential details to help users get the results they're looking for.

To foster lasting, loyal connections with your customers, you need to get onboarding right - including a step-by-step email that explains to customers what they need to learn to use your product, to get the most out of them, and hit their primary goals.

Here are the top benefits of high-quality email messages to customers onboarding:

New customers to you

70 70% of consumers are able to make their purchase decisions based on the quality of the customer support they receive from manufacturers.

The process of signing up to your service or downloading your lead magnet is only the start of your customer journey. If you want to convert those customers into paying subscribers, you need to engage in your onboarding process with personalized, tailored advice that's relevant and current. The right onboarding email can determine the outcome of the customer becoming a subscriber or not.

Improve the lifetime value of customers

Companies that focus on customer experience have nearly 2x more annual growth in the retention of customers as well as the value of their customers' lives compared to competitors.

Happy customers are loyal customers. Improve the lifetime value of every customer with onboarding emails that allow them to utilize your products and services better and encourage them to stick with your company for a longer period of time.

Reducing the churn

55 percent of customers say they've returned a product for lack of knowledge about the best way to utilize the item.

You worked hard to get those customers to your door Don't allow them to go away today. Use customer onboarding emails to guide new customers on an easy-to-follow journey that will help them get to get the maximum benefit of your product and decrease churn.

Why should you use a customer onboarding email template?

It's clear why it's essential to let customers onboard - but why do you require an onboarding email template to do that?

Below are four key advantages to use a template for the onboarding email you send out:

  • Increase efficiency: Utilizing a customer onboarding template is the most effective method to boost the effectiveness of your onboarding process. rather than writing individual emails for every customer using a template for onboarding emails, it lets you onboard faster and easier with a standardized procedure for each new customer.
  • Build on past successes: What's the point of rewriting the rulesbook that's already in place for you? A customer onboarding email template can help you build upon your past successes, tweaking the content over time to incorporate more of the elements that are successful and dropping the information that isn't a hit to your audience.
  • Maintain customers' loyalty Create templates to create an email workflow that walks customers step-by-step through the process of onboarding. Be sure to not let new users down and stay in contact with them by email and hold the hand of them throughout the entire procedure of onboarding, making them more likely to remain in touch and keep using your products beyond the initial signing-up time.
  • Create it to be scalable In case you're looking to scale your onboarding process, you'll need a customer onboarding email template to help you. Automate your onboarding process to welcome new customers at scale regardless of how many users come your way.

  Download the Customer Onboarding email templates  

Here are 6 components of a highly effective customer onboarding template with examples from actual names to guide your email template.

6 components of an efficient customer onboarding template for emails

Welcome email

Your first contact with your new customer - it's a big moment!

The very first step of the customer onboarding journey is the welcome email, where you get to greet customers and welcome them to the family. Thank customers for sign-up and address them with a call-to-action (CTA) to assist customers take a quick action to begin with your product or service.

The tone needs to be positive welcoming, energetic, and upbeat. And don't forget to tailor it to the voice of your business.

  • Say hello: Start by introducing yourself! Say hello and briefly introduce new users to your organization.
  • Thanks for your support: Thank users for signing up, downloading, or taking an act. They want to feel appreciated!
  • Add an CTA that includes a call-to-action early in your email that directs users to immediately take action - e.g. adding a project or linking to the social media profiles of their choice.

An introduction to your business

Introduce your business and the product or service, to keep customers in mind the reason they chose you in the first place! Make it short, but remember to highlight the most important benefits or attributes.

  • Explain what you do In just a few sentences, describe what you are doing and the method you use in order to provide customers with a better idea of your brand.
  • Add social proof Add social proof such as the star rating or a review to improve customer confidence and encourage them to use your products.
  • Let your community shine: Help your customers feel a part of something greater through promoting your community by showing them other users like them.

Onboarding timeline

Templates for onboarding emails to customers can also include a brief timetable for onboarding to help clients understand what they can expect from the next steps. Include a timeline, or a outline of all the possibilities available such as a no-cost onboarding webinar, call or self-guided course.

  • Outline first steps: Explain the first steps to the use of your program, like connecting to an email account, or inviting other users to join too.
  • Include a scheduling button When you provide a webinar or onboarding session with a schedule button, you can include it to help new customers sign up immediately.

Additional resources and training

Your customers should be taught how they can get started using your product - including essential configurations such as filling in blank fields and utilizing key features. Provide training resources and materials to new users. Also, give them access to tutorials and customer success managers If you've got these.

Make this stage of your onboarding process thorough - but the process isn't mandatory. The users should be able to gain access to all services they require, based on how familiar they are with your services and products.

Imagine that your customer has no experience with the product you offer. You must now provide them easy access to the information that they require to know more.

  • Recommended resources: Kick start the customer education process by including helpful resources as well as tips such as how-to guides.
  • Videos for training: Embed or embed links into your instruction to provide customers with the step-by-step instructions for creating the product taking advantage of the functions.
  • Free guides: Got ebooks and guides? Send a free download of them with your email to the customer's onboarding to provide additional value for the new customers.

Next steps

It's crucial to incorporate immediately the next steps to follow for your client in the onboarding email template. Select 1-3 actions items that will boost engagement with your product or service. Just make sure that you keep the message simple to ensure you're not confusing or losing your potential customer.

  • The next step is to outline the steps. Make it clear what your customer should follow up on after having read your welcome email. What's the first thing they must do first? Tell them.
  • Be specific: Now isn't the time to get unclear! Make use of easy CTA buttons that include clear words like "connect" and 'download' so that the next click the right one for them to go throughout your procedure.

Contact details

Make sure to include the contact details for your customer service team or the customer success team in your onboarding email. If you have account managers for every client or customers - introduce them! Introduce new users to the person to contact in case they need help or have need to know the contact information for them.

Examples of efficient customer email onboarding

Are you interested in seeing customer onboarding emails in action? Here are two examples of effective templates created by top names.


Quickbooks have crafted a top welcoming email that will bring new customers to the fold. It's informative and welcoming in encouraging users to begin using this product as soon as possible in order to increase customer engagement.

The welcome email includes social proof to reassure new users that they're in safe hands. Also, take a look at the easy CTA buttons to maximize the number of new users who are activated.


The first users to sign in on Asana will receive an invitation email to celebrate your sign-up. The email immediately directs them to engage with the product - with a simple button to 'Create a task'. The other sections allow for users to sync their email with Asana and then download the application.

Asana provides 3 benefits that users can enjoy using the software - specifically, the Tasks feature that allows collaboration and easy organization for the products. It is immediately clear the worth of their software to its users.

This welcome email is easy and simple Customers are provided with clear steps to help them start using the platform immediately.

  Download the onboarding customer email template  

Three best practices to follow when creating customer onboarding emails templates

Customize the template for your own image

The secret to making the most of a customer onboarding email template is to create it appear similar to it's from.

Make the email templates customizable in line with your branding voice - the best email messages for customers onboarding are a continuation of your brand's messaging across multiple platforms. It should be instantly recognizable as your own brand. It should follow the same style and tone that you use for all of your posts, along with your merchandise or service.

Top tip: Personalize your template email to suit your customers too - add the name of your customer, any relevant information about the product, resource suggestions, and more.

Do A/B testing to maximize performance

When you're employing an onboarding for customers email template, you're going need to find out which variations of it will be most effective in engaging your target audience.

Test different customer onboarding emails to find out the impact of different modifications on the performance of these templates, such as:

  • Email design
  • Frequency
  • Urgency
  • Personalization
  • Format of content
  • Subject line
  • Call-to-action buttons

A/B testing enables you to identify specific improvements to your email templates, which allows you to continue to enhance and perfect the process of onboarding customers to get the best possible outcomes for your clients - and your business.

Monitor and evaluate the success of your welcome emails

It's not enough to just set up a customer onboarding template for email and forget about it - for optimal results, it is essential monitor and evaluate the effectiveness of your email template to improve the customer experience.

Monitor the performance of your customer onboarding emails by measuring KPIs such as:

  • Email open rates
  • Click-through rates
  • Conversion rate
  • The customer is activated

Make use of email marketing tools like Hubspot to monitor your selected metrics and see the results you're getting from them. By continuously monitoring your onboarding email performance You can improve your customer onboarding email template to enhance the onboarding experience as well as increase customer satisfaction.

Use this customer onboarding email template

Effective customer-onboarding template that welcomes customers, guides them through the process of setting up and using your product and keeps them engaged.

This customer onboarding email template is customizable to suit the needs of your company as well as style. Using A/B tests and tracking of the performance of your email over time, you can modify and refine the email template to best suit your target audience.

Change your customer onboarding email templates today. Download the email templates