Easy Affiliate + Member Connect to the Expanding capabilities in Referral Marketing WordPress Membership plugin for membership Websites

Mar 13, 2024

Easy Affiliate + Member: Connect to the power of Referral Marketing

Title Image  Member and Easy Affiliate Program

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It's never been easier to set up and run an affiliate program to the member website using Easy Affiliate. This is the entire guide with suggestions to maximize the benefits from this massive growth in sales.

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It's difficult to quantify just how big affiliate marketing has become a major factor in the e-commerce marketing landscape. In 2022 the affiliate marketing industry was valued at over $20 billion, a figure that's expected to nearly double by 2030..

This is particularly impressive considering that for the majority of time affiliate marketers receive a payment when they've made sales. It's millions of dollars worth of sales and revenuesgenerated from this particular method of marketing.

If you're an enterprise that hasn't tapped into affiliate marketing or are planning to switch away from costly affiliate programs for a more robust membership website, this new integration is exciting news for your business as well as your pockets.

This is Easy AffiliateThe all-in-one affiliate program plugin for WordPress which is now integrated with Member.

Check out this post for an in-depth review of the main features of this plug-in along with advice on how to make the most of its profits-boosting potential to boost your organization's earnings.

Affiliate Marketing 101

To begin, in the case that you're beginner to affiliate marketing, here's an easy introduction to help you get up to a higher level:

Affiliate marketing is an extensively utilized strategy in which individuals are rewarded for promoting businesses' products or. In essence, whenever the purchase is completed via their affiliate link, is made by the person who is an affiliate (or often, an affiliate) receives a percentage of the sales.

This marketing technique offers a range of benefits for membership and eCommerce sites:

  • Affiliate marketing is a method that earns money. And you only pay out once a transaction has been completed. It's an affordable and safe method to grow the number of customers you serve, without incurring cost-of-acquisition that comes from traditional advertising methods.
  • Performance-based design is also a reason for why it's simple to scale and suitable for membership sites at every stage of their expansion. If your subscriber base grows rapidly, you won't need to deal with a corresponding growth in marketing efforts or cost.
  • Affiliates, especially those who have a good alignment with the goal of the site can connect with specific, targeted groups. Are you running a soccer fanzine or an organic cooking school? Affiliates with niches can be the most ideal sources of spreading the word. When they are on your side the marketing campaigns will be extremely focused, attracting members who are more likely to engage in your website's content as well as the online community.
  • Contrary to traditional ad campaigns that are only re-run once and affiliate marketing, affiliate marketing gives ongoing promotion for your site's membership. Continuous exposure keeps your site in the forefront and also draws new members in the course of time.

It's been your mission to educate yourself about affiliate marketing, and the potential it has for your business is obvious. an ideal moment to look at what the Easy Affiliate integration will mean to your membership website.

What is Easy Affiliate?

Easy Affiliate Hompage

Easy Affiliate lets you run an fully self-hosted affiliate advertising application directly from the WordPress dashboard.

If you manage an affiliate program that is hosted by yourself and you have the option of having more say over your Application process for affiliates. You also are in full control of your payments and commissions as well as skip the transaction fees charged by third party platforms.

As the name implies, this will make the process of setting up and running your program effortless It is not a specific knowledge required, virtually anyonecan build this program in order to help their business.

This is because Easy Affiliate comes filled with each tool and device that will make your program an instant success and every one of them is made to be simple to setup and utilize.

Let the journey of key aspects begin!

Simple Affiliate features, tips and tricks to Help You Succeed

Connect to the E-commerce plugins

With the press of one click, Easy Affiliate can detect and sign up with the top e-commerce platforms including yours truly ( as a member), PayPal and WooCommerce..

It is possible to enable integrations via Easy Affiliate's setup wizard process, or just by visiting Easy Affiliate Settings > Options > eCommerce tab.

Screenshot of the ecommerce settings in Easy Affiliate highlighting the  Member Integration

    It's very simpleto join affiliate programs that offer merchandise and products you are selling through your site.

Search for high-quality, excellent affiliates

Opening an affiliate program to everyone could be the best idea. When it comes down to affiliate marketing, the quantity isn't always the same as the quality.

The research shows the fact that less than one percent of affiliates are responsible for 90% of all conversions as well as sales. This highlights the significance of the top performers and working with them. best performers.

Accepting all applicants could waste time and money of building lasting relationships with high-quality affiliates. You can be sure that you will be inundated with questions and support problems by a variety of people instead of paying attention to the people who bring outcomes.

In order to ensure you get a higher ROI you should carefully review and accept any new affiliates and ensure that their target market matches your target market.

Easy Affiliate streamlines this process through its integrated application and approval system. This is how you can customize it:

Visit the Easy Affiliate Settings tab. click on Affiliates and then select the Application option as the Registration Type.

Screenshot of the Easy Affiliate Application Process

In this section you can choose to also send emails to notify applicants of the fact that their application was accepted and approved.

Once you've selected the registration type and Easy Affiliate will automatically design an account page. Affiliates who are interested in joining will need to submit an application and await your approval before they can start promoting your products.

The form needs essential information including:

  • First name
  • Name of last name
  • Email
  • Sites that they intend to utilize for promotion
  • Their marketing strategy
  • Profiles and links to profiles on social media.

The information is detailed and will allow you to assess each candidate's fit to your specific company. By requiring applicants to specify the websites they use for promotions, this enables Easy Affiliate to monitor and prevent fraudulent activities through flagging illegal site-related promotions plus more info on that in the future.

Boost Conversions with Compelling campaigns

For the greatest rewards of the affiliate program you can avail, engage your affiliate partners in every aspect of your marketing

If you've just launched a new product, feature, or an occasion to promote: this presents a perfect occasion for affiliates to help promote the name of your business.

Affiliates are constantly on looking for new concepts for their content, and motivations to give their followers something different. Get them involved in the latest news, announcements and new features. This will give an increase in engagement.

As an administrator for your affiliate program As an affiliate program administrator, you can increase the impact of your affiliate program and increase the number of affiliates you can recruit by providing the affiliates with tools that ensure the success of each campaign.

Easy Affiliate allows you to create unique links for specific landing pages.

Imagine you have the website that needs to include all of the information about the new feature you've just published. When you post a distinct URL for your landing page, it will direct users directly to the heart of the matter as well as bypassing your main website to take a deeper and more efficient plunge into your sale funnel.

Screenshot of Easy Affiliate Add New Creative feature

Easy Affiliate also facilitates the dissemination of images for campaigns and banners.

Provide your affiliates with eye-catching and customized content that's user-friendly, but increases the visibility of your campaign. This is a win-win situation: easy material for them as well as increased publicity for your company. Transform your affiliate program into an effective factor that drives your brand forward one campaign at a moment.

Monitor Affiliate Performance with Google Analytics

Easy Affiliate is not just a plugin, but Easy Affiliate features it's own real-time reports monitoring sales and clicks however, unlike many affiliate plugins Additionally, it lets you easily track other major KPIs within Google Analytics.

It's due to its tracker of Affiliate Links for UTM feature.

UTM Affiliate Tracking EA

By enabling this feature, Easy Affiliate will automatically incorporate UTM parameters into affiliate links. This will give you deep insights into issues like...

  • Top performing affiliates
  • Highest converting campaigns
  • Which websites do your affiliates' partners publish on
  • What type of content would be the optimally?

...right there in Google Analytics.

This allows you to optimize your affiliate marketing program as well as strategies for earning maximum returns..

Motivate Marketers to Sell More with Special Commission Rates

Incentivize affiliates to use all stops to support your affiliate program, by rewarding top performers with special commission rates.

With the plugin's Custom Rules add-on, you can set custom percentages of commissions for your affiliates to reward high achievers as well as specific actions. As an example one possibility is to establish an increased percentage of commissions for affiliates who achieve sales that exceed the amount specified or provide you a discount on the latest item to promote the popularity of your latest product launch. It's all possible and easy through the creation of Custom Rules.

Screenshot of Easy Affiliate's custom rules setting for special commission rates
You can set up your own affiliate rates that are based on the amount of sales through Easy Affiliates. Create custom rules to be able to add to

Be Safe from Fraud by Preventing Profits

With the Easy Affiliate Fraud Prevention feature you can take the time before to identify or block commissions suspected of fraud before you pay one cent.

Decide if you would like to let you block, flag or even automatically block commissions coming from:

  • Self-referrals are when an affiliate makes a purchase via an affiliate link of their own.
  • Sites not approved for referrals This is the site that you clicked the click to isn't one of the websites that are listed on the application of the affiliate.
  • Affiliates that have a questionable conversion rate: Address unusual conversion rates that are significantly different from what is normal, indicating the possibility of fraudulent methods.
Screeshot of Easy Affiliate fraud settings

This method of protection protects your earnings and upholds the integrity of your affiliate programs, creating an unshakeable guarantee of trust and confidence.

Quickly and conveniently with one-click payouts

With the One-Click Payout feature of Easy Affiliate the process of making payments is easy as you think and makes the payout process easy and quick.

Instant payments Just one mouse click is all it takes for a payment to affiliates. This eliminates delay or problems.

Increase the morale of affiliates Cash-flows that are quick and fast make sure that your affiliates are satisfied active and motivated with the company.

streamline the processesForget about the hassles associated with manual processes for payment. One-Click Payouts can make life simpler, allowing your focus to remain on your strategy and growing.

Screenshot showing Easy Affiliate one-click payout.

When your affiliate has crossed the threshold for payout (which is easily adjustable by setting your settings), you're just one click away from paying the profits. Easy Affiliate is compatible with PayPal 1-Click Payouts and provides a simple and secure method to pay your affiliates.

How Do I Integrate the member to Easy Affiliate?

Member has now been fully integrated to Easy Affiliate. This means they're created for each other, and connecting both in a matter of minutes.

Easy Affiliate currently supports the following Member payment provider integrations

  • PayPal Legacy,
  • Stripe,

This is how you can set up Easy Affiliate set up and connected to Member

  • You can buy an Simple Affiliate license.
  • Click here for the Easy affiliate account downloads page to download the plug-in .zip file to your personal PC.
  • Log in to the WordPress Dashboard.
  • Go to Plugins and click Add the new Plugin. Add the plugin
  • Choose Browse, select the .zip file, and then select to install now.
  • After download has been completed Once download has been completed, press the button to activate.
  • In your WordPress dashboard go to Member > Setup > Integrations Other Services and click on the Easy Affiliateicon.
Screenshot of  Member integrations with Easy Affiliate selected
  • There should be the icon for Easy Affiliate on the right-hand side on your Dashboard. Click on it and then Settings
  • Head over to"E-Commerce" and click on the "E-Commerce" tab
  • Membersshould be recognized by default using the toggle switch.
  • Click to "Update Options"

And you're done! It's as simple as that.

Your next step is to advertise the details of your affiliate programme, and accept applicants.

In no time, you'll be watching your profits grow, and you'll see your site's membership grow.


With Easy Affiliate and Member You have everything you need to set up a powerful affiliate program for your membership site.

Easy Affiliate provides everything you will need to set up and manage an efficient, smooth affiliate program. This will expand the reach of your business and draw new members to join your program.

Be sure to keep your affiliates happy by offering clear communications, prompt payments as well as sharing the best practices for promotion. Use the tools of Easy Affiliate and Google Analytics to improve your strategies and concentrate your efforts on turning your affiliates into genuine brand ambassadors.

Your website's success is contingent on its successes, and you could see an incredible increases in members for your site.

All things begin with a single connection!

Have any concerns or would you like to share your experience of affiliate marketing? Send us your thoughts in the form of a post below.

Don't forget to connect with us on the social media platforms Twitter, Facebook, YouTube as and LinkedIn to receive more tips as well as the most effective ways to grow your membership company.

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