Discovering My Path A Conversation With Norbert the owner of one of his Boomerangs (r) (r)

Mar 31, 2023
Life at

There are a variety of paths we can follow in our careers which makes it extremely difficult to pick the best one from the start.

In the course of our discussion, Norbert Szabo, Technical Director at the company, told us how he came to understand exactly what he desired from his career. The interviewer spoke about the tangled road that took him off the path but then back.

Through his own experiences, Norbert has gained invaluable insight into his own needs and expectations. Norbert will definitely help you think about the same questions that he asked himself: "What makes me happy? "

Who Is Norbert Szabo?

"My name is Norbert Everyone else has Norby as a name. Norby."

Don't be fooled by my image on my profile. real identity is the dog lover."

Norbert Szabó
Norbert Szabo

Norbert Szabo, Technical Lead at the company, is born in Kazincbarcika the city of the Hungarian countryside, but he's been living in Budapest from the year 2013.

The path to professional success began at the Hungarian chemical company and he was an engineer. He worked there for four years. He then moved to Budapest for the sake of having close contact with his friends and family.

In the year 2020, Norbert started looking for the new opportunity in an entrepreneurial-owned business because he wanted to face the challenges which only an environment which is constantly changing can provide. Norbert desired to be agile and agile.

When Norbert Met

It was while browsing Stack Overflow when found an advertisement for a technology business based out of Hungary that he had not heard of until then. It was like something clicked in him, and he drafted a quick resume and posted it to.

Before even he knew it the conversation was taking place between Kristof Dombi, currently Director of Development Operations, Daniel Pataki CTO along with Andras Gerencser director of Development.

A few days following their conversation, Andras called Norbert, telling him that was very interested in his profile. It was a meeting!

Norbert was very impressed by the enthusiastic and positive attitudes, beginning with the Tech team to the person whom he spoke to Zsofia Hidas. "I spoke to her for about a minute, and I was sold!"

The technical aspects of work were crucial to me too. But it was the culture of the organization which enticed me to join. And let me be honest, my instincts were right The people are all lovely! This is definitely not the typical company!"

After a couple of weeks beginning his internship Norbert was approached over Slack to inquire if he would be interested in leading his team for APM. APM project. Norbert had no prior managerial previous experience, but his extraordinary skills in the area of soft allowed his skills to be noticed.

After a few months, Norbert was invited to an internal meeting to talk about a different opportunity. he was then given the position of Head of Developer Experience position. Between then, Norbert had been in the organization for only one year. It was an huge change.

A New Meaningful Chapter

Norbert was thrilled to wear the new look and examine his abilities as a people manager, and was delighted to be awarded the highly coveted title of Director of Developer Experience and he opted to apply. When he took the role as Director of Developer Experience the department was supervised by 30 developers. It was his primary goal to hire 40 more within one quarter. It was a difficult task, but Norbert was able to complete the task.

It's not to say that this was his ideal position.

With time, Norbert noticed he found decreasing time to write code which was a task that gave him numerous hours of pleasure. Never had he thought that it was important to Norbert to contribute individually to projects.

He lovedpeople however, managing them wasn't his thing.

"Management isn't for everybody" and that's fine. At the time I was trying to figure out my way forward because of having this notion that an individual who is skilled must be able to manage individuals. But a part of me wanted to take a look at myself," Norbert says.

"What will make me feel good?" He repeated the question for a long time.

Norbert was on vacation in his work, and resumed his role as a full-time technical engineer in the consulting firm.

In just one year, he was happy with the decision he made to avoid management roles, but instead stay out of the mainstream and continue to be the technical expert. He felt grounded.

However, it seemed as if there was something wrong. Norbert seemed nostalgic of his ex-teammates, and he was contemplating whether or not he would go back to . It was a feeling of leaving an environment that was unique and could not be duplicated in different places.

Then Andras approached him. "Do you feel like we're not here yet? Come back as a technical Lead," the man said "You'll be able to work on the projects that you like. It won't be a direct report - only the development process and the management for projects."

Returning to

While away from home, Norbert realized he sought an exciting , fast-paced and thrilling world. He enjoys following things until they are completed, and working with a flat structure.

"I knew that I needed take a break to return with a new sense of self-worth , and with a more clear vision for my future. I'm not one for the management. coffee in fact, there's not a single company that I'd prefer to be employed by which is more ."

I've always been awed by how change is welcomed and how quick the speed is. It's astonishing how that you can accomplish in just a couple of weeks!"

Norbert is aware that his coworker Elod Kuthy accomplished a database engine change within only a couple of weeks, an endeavor that was unimaginable for many other companies. "There's there is no bureaucracy within this field, which makes it easier to learn heaps of information and create an impact," adds Norbert.

"Developers are attracted to be working with high-tech equipment This is a great means of keeping them happy in the workplace, however I am of the opinion that the culture and team members have more impact on ensuring that they will not want to go elsewhere."

Norbert's Learnings

"The best lessons I've learned are derived from my experience in maintaining and dealing with products that have a huge impact on the audience. It was not without its problems, it would be affecting many people. You become accustomed to the pressure however, it's never boring and uplifting."

"It took me a while for me to get adjusted to my new position as an independent contributor, because this is a kind of storyline for a professional," says Norbert, "but having an independent contributor is what makes me smile. This makes me happy in this place."

Norbert is responsible now for the prompt and efficient implementation of the program he works on and for making sure the product has been built according to the most stringent quality standards. code. This degree of responsibility makes him satisfied, and it allows him to "get his hands dirt" each day.


His path was not linear. The result was that he had to think about his work in a way that it would be a rewarding satisfaction for him. It's a good reminding us that the sole measure of our success is the one we choose to measure it. The experience of other people is an effective tool to aid us in our pursuit of fulfillment.

Norbert loves to code and is enthralled by the level of responsibility is a position of strategic importance. However, despite being a very people kind of person, he discovered that he's never fulfilled in people management. Are you one of them? Did you find your way?

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