Differences between formal and informal education between informal and formal education Understanding the distinctions and similarities and ways to make the most out of both

Aug 26, 2023

75 percent of all training in the workplace is not formal.

It means that the vast majority of the learning process is not delivered in formal classes or in classrooms, and is instead done in an organic and spontaneous manner, usually in social environments.

To maximize your learning and develop during training. It is essential to encourage both formal and informal learning process and attend the most classes possible. This is what you should know about informal and formal training - including the most important aspects, the differences and the best way to use both of them to train employees in your business.

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Definitions of informal and formal education

The initial question is: what exactly do we refer to when talking about informal and formal education? This is the definition.

Education in formal settings

Informal Education

Contrary to formal education informal learning doesn't conform to a standard process or method. In general, informal learning occurs in an informal educational setting and is autonomous. The learning process is typically spontaneous and happens naturally.

If it's informal learning person who is taking part has no particular goal or purpose with which to focus. It is possible that they are not aware that learning occurs. Examples of this are informal learning could occur by watching a video through social media, chatting with your colleague, or even reading an article that you discover on the internet. It's not always intentional but you can gain new knowledge on a specific subject.

Informal and formal learning comparison

Formal learning Learning in informal ways
Structural Not planned
Goal-oriented Undefined objectives
Educator-led Self-directed
The training is offered on-site and also via the internet. Learning takes place spontaneously through the course of studies, conversations and discussions as well as internet-based sources
Assessments and certifications are covered as well. There isn't any formal assessment, or recognition

What's the difference between informal and formal education?

Below are the four major distinctions between formal and informal learning that you need to know.


The most significant differentiator between informal and formal learning is the way that every type of learning is carried out. The formal system of education is organized and structured - meaning that learning is dependent on the accomplishment of specific learning objectives. When it comes to the onboarding process, for instance clients may be aiming to achieve an objective of helping new customers to use features in the program. Learning has been designed for this purpose within the brain of consumers.

Informal learning may be unstructured and not pre-planned. As opposed to formal education informal learning doesn't follow any established system - Instead, learning is created by the individual's decision-making and behavior, so it is not predetermined.

Let's take a look at an instance. Let's imagine that there is conversations with colleagues on how they deal with their email inboxes for effectiveness. If the learner is interested in this topic, then they could ask questions to gain more knowledge about this topic, or seek out alternative sources for information such as listening to podcast or reading blogs. The conversation isn't structured or has a goal in mind, but it is a learning process taking place.

Teaching Methodologies

It's simple to recognize the difference between informal learning and formal education by looking at the methods of teaching - fundamentally formal education is a form of education, while informal education doesn't.

The formal system of education is run by a qualified professional like an instructor, professor or coach. The teaching process can be conducted face-to-face or via online learning. But, even though learning is self-directed and monitored the formal educational process is designed to be planned to be taught, supervised and controlled by an educator.

Informal learning isn't part of any form of instruction. There's no fixed curriculum or instructional method. Students are able to receive guidance with a teacher who is an expert expert within their area but there's not a fixed method or curriculum.

Learning Environment

Since formal education is an approach of teaching that is structured and standardized, it is usually conducted within a learning space that can be in person or online. The learning process takes place within the specific area of study in a particular setting, like a classroom, online class, a meetings on Zoom or through an LMS.

Informal learning can be described as a method of learning without a reason for learning It may take place wherever even in formal learning environments like schools, universities and colleges. Additionally, you can perform this activity outside from the globe. Learning can be informal and take place on the bus, at the cafe on holidays or at some other setting.

Accreditation and Evaluation

One of the main features of formal education is that it typically involves assessments, such as exams, questions, or assignments. In the case of a formal course is completed the students will likely get a diploma or accreditation to recognize their achievement.

Informal education does not have tests or certifications since it's not planned. Nobody will present you with a certificate to communicate with your colleagues. This is a private chat that takes place in the formal learning environment and the knowledge acquired by students aren't assessed or acknowledged.

The Similarities between Formal and Informal education

There are certainly some distinctions between formal and informal learning however there are a few similarities between the two approaches. Below are three of the principal differences.

Social interactions

Humans are social creatures. Take a lesson from watching and connecting with people around us.

Both informal and formal education experiences are enhanced by interaction with others. Students in a formal setting can benefit from the interaction of their teachers, moderators from the community and fellow students.

Informal learning is more of a organized approach to learning. It is, however, often viewed as a social instead of a thing for individuals. Think about the knowledge you've obtained through discussion among friends and coworkers, participating in online forums and communities, and using social media. All of these are kinds of social interaction in which informal learning happens.

Feedback from facilitators and teachers

Both informal and formal education are taught by teachers. In formal school, education is managed by teachers. Informal education takes place naturally.

Imagine an employee training program that is conducted by an instructor in a classroom. It's a formal educational aspect but informal learning could occur through informal interactions with students as well as their teachers for instance. Spending period with experts within their field could lead to informal learning opportunities and without even realizing it.

Continuous education and learning

Examples of Formal and Informal Education. Examples of informal and formal education.

It's standard for formal and informal learning to be carried out according to a certain way. Combining them can lead to excellent outcomes for the students. Here are a few instances of what happens.

Learn a new language

If you're planning to move to a new country. You can enroll in an English class in order to acquire the English language in your new country.

The program will take place in face-toface classes in the classroom. It will employ an organized method of teaching students certain words as well as grammar rules. The course will also contain exams. This is a good instance of formal education.

Informal learning takes place when you leave the school in order to work or go at the supermarket like. There are other people using the new language in addition to labelling and writing in the same languages. Naturally, you will be able to hear and understand the dialect through your surroundings and also through conversations with cashiers and clients.

This is an instance of learning in informal settings. However, it's equally important as and valuable as the formal education that you're receiving.

Management training for employees

Many employees participate with formal and informal training at work. The program for management training is a good example - a worker may be able to take an official management course in which they must complete online courses or courses for training offered by a teacher, and which is aimed at becoming a manager for the company that they work for. This is the academic component.

However, as part of the educational program, employees may also learn to become successful leaders and effective supervisor by watching other employees in the company and through meetings with executives from the C-suite or evening gatherings with coworkers. This is a great example of informal learning that is contributing to the improvement and strengthening of the instruction provided by the company training programs.

Use both formal and informal education to achieve the optimal performance in your training

To increase the effectiveness of your learning in the workplace, you should foster both informal and formal learning. There are three strategies that can facilitate both learning types.

  • provide students and mentors: To increase informal learning, students may be paired with peers or mentors so that they can gain knowledge outside of class. This will result in the learning process being enhanced.
  • Explore strategies that can increase students' engagement: Learners who are actively engaged show an increased desire to know more. They are also more likely to engage in both formal and informal learning. Create a course that is intended to be extremely stimulating, including video and quizzes, and gamification, as and other methods of learning which go beyond the content of the course.

Are you ready to maximise the advantages of both formal and informal educational opportunities?

If you're looking to improve your effectiveness in learning at work You must understand the differences between formal and informal learning and the most effective way to use both kinds of education for best results.

Learn more about your program of education and take it to the next stage. If you're struggling with the subject matter of formal learning and the nimble characteristics of learning in informal settings Our tailored solutions can be tailored in order to suit the specific needs of your business.

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