Customize Your Member Account Portal to make powerful FOMO Marketing

Feb 17, 2024

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    The feature to protect your site with the Account Add-on Nav Tabs puts your most exclusive benefits in the spotlight, bringing your site's revenue-generating potential up to the highest levels.

What's inside          Toggle

The scenario is well-known.

You're heading out to do a lap through the terminal during an uninteresting, long layover, and you see the signs: VIP Lounge - Platinum Passengers Only.

Beyond these doors is a mythical land of time-burning delights, including overstuffed couches as well as cheerful-faced attendants. the occasional tinge of Tchaikovsky as background.

If you're on the other side the coach and you ticket must make the best of worn-out vinyl, angry faces as well as a chorus of alarms from loudspeakers and exhausted infants - over the following 4 hours.

Miserable traveler sitting and waiting out a layover

If you've been a frequent enough flyer, this will likely be your last flight without-Platinum.

 Exclusivity is a big seller!

Offering anything "more" so long that it's worth the cash that it's been working for, is a fantastic selling point - to existing as well aspotential clients and members. The real value is in exclusivity.

The power of the exclusivity (what marketers refer to as FOMO) is the reason behind Account Navigation Tabs protection is all about.

In this article, we'll explain how to use this feature to turn your client account nav into a powerful Marketing tool that uses FOMO.

We'll also give you revenue-generating ideas for tabsto help you make profit from the tools.

Before that, let's talk about some history...

Account Nav Tabs Add-On Overview

Text reads " account navigation tabs".

is the world's #1 software for recurring revenue on WordPress. You can use it to create and manage subscriptions, online courses, and other service subscriptions.

It also allows users to create and run complete online coaching and take care of client management in full using a absolutely free of code interface.

What the Add-On Does

The page for accounts serves as a portal for members where your subscribers and members arrive when they sign in. The account page is in which members can access and update their account details.

From the beginning, it comes with a simple menu of navigation tabs which includes those one would expect to see on any membership website. Additionally, you can create custom tabs to display on the login page.

It is possible to store all kinds of content behind these tabs. For example...

  • Access to VIP support
  • Accessible resources that can be downloaded, such as ebooks and white papers.
  • Links to external resources that are outbound
  • ...and everything else

Watch >> Create a vip members/client area on your website using the tabs that protect your account's navigation add-on

With legendary Rules capabilities in the mix The navigational tabs of every client's page on their account will transform into a FOMO marketing powerhouse.

How to Turn Your Client Account Nav into a FOMO Marketing Tool

The Tab represents the Ad

You've decided to reserve an hour each weekday as a time for clients to get "walk-in" access to your services - like the your professor's office hours at college.

Naturally, providing this type of access would be cost-effective expenditure of time and you'd limit access to premium-level users.

In conjunction with Account Nav Tabs security, you could actually use the tab where Premium users gain access to working hours in order for a compelling advert that will encourage users on lower plans to level up.

Customize the Member Portal Based on Membership Types

This feature is the result of client requests. And it was a bit more of the "a-ha!" moment for our staff. It was discovered that some of our customers are members of multiple types.

Take the example of an airline I've provided. It has members at different levels of membership. There are pilots too. Many airlines offer the pilot and crew lounge especially for those who are pilots.

Similarly, a non-profit organization may have member donors and staff members. Through the an add-on called Account Nav Tabs added to your account, it is possible to recreate a distinct login experience for each membership type.

If this happens the donor that accesses the account's page may see tabs related to their membership. This might include information about the history of donations, benefits for members as well as access to the donor community.

And the volunteer members could see an entirely different account portal. The content could be a workshop for employees and volunteers, an agenda for volunteering, or any other content that would be irrelevant to members who donate.

Other Revenue-Generating Ideas for Your Account's Nav Tab Content

Special Member Resource: Create an area specifically dedicated to high-value content such as ebooks videos, exclusive content. These tabs should be secured based on membership levels and ensure that only premium members have access.

Customized Coaching Content for sites which offer customized coaching or consulting tabs are protected and customized to the needs of individual users or groups of users, allowing the user with a personalized experience, including resources, assignments, as well as feedback specifically relevant to their coaching programs.

Event Registrations and offers You can create a tab for special event registrations and promotions, encrypting it so that only users of certain levels or those who have been active for a specified time are able to view upcoming events as well as other promotions.

Members-Only Forums and Communities: If your site has forums or community boards A protected tab will link members to these sections, ensuring that only those with the appropriate membership level have access to these interactive sections.

Advanced Training Modules: For educational sites tabs can be utilized to gain access to advanced training modules or courses for certification exclusively for members who meet some criteria. It will also encourage your users to upgrade their skills or get involved in a deeper way with your information.

Beta Features Access: Offer your members an opportunity to experience new features or services before they're made available to the public. Secure these tabs to ensure only users who have signed up for beta testing can access these sections.

Financial and Donation Information for non-profits and community groups, a secured tab can provide financial reports as well as donation histories, along with exclusive updates to donors or members at specific contribution levels.

Custom Dashboard and Analytics: Provide members with a personalized dashboard that shows the progress of their analytics, performance, or usage data on your platform. Make sure these tabs are secured to ensure members see data pertinent only to their activities and membership level.

Opportunity to Network: Create a tab for networking opportunities such as member directories or contacts lists which are only available to users who are part of specific network groups or different tiers.

Archived Content Access Secure tabs that link to archived workshops, webinars as well as other content from the past and make them accessible only for members who have been in the community for a long time or who have achieved certain levels within your group.

Now that you see how account navigation tabs expand your membership options to customers. We can discuss the possibility of customizing your members' portal to suit membership.

The Next Steps

Any rhapsodic thing is worth using, especially the FOMO marketing instrument worthy of the descriptor. And especiallyas it is related to your company's the bottom line.

Therefore, the next steps are straightforward based on the circumstances:

This new add on is yet another nod to our customers. Its Account Nav Tabs add on offers a variety of new possibilities for customers and users. We're excited to see the ways you can use this feature.

Tell us what you think. How will you leverage custom accounts on your site? Post a comment in the comments in the box below.

Curt Noble Growth Manager       Curt is the Growth Manager at , where he spearheads strategies that empower business owners and entrepreneurs. With a deep understanding of membership websites and LMS websites, his insights are instrumental in helping many individuals and companies to achieve their goals online. Curt's recent article on how to set up GA4 for WordPress is an example of his experience in the area. Beyond his role at , Curt's extensive experience in the field further solidifies his status as an expert in the digital space. Connect with him on LinkedIn to keep up-to-date with the latest information.          SEO Marketing WordPress LMS Entrepreneurship