Create competitions to help promote your Membership Website

Oct 8, 2023

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If you're searching for a way to promote your membership site and grow your audience Running contests might be the right option. Naturally, there is a variety of options for increasing the number of people who browse your website. However, giveaways and contests may be a great option.

Contents are toggled

In this piece we'll go over the advantages of organizing a contest to increase the traffic on your site as well as giving tips on how you can get to the point of starting.

Advantages of contests and games

Rafflecoptor Giveaway Tool

Before we look at the instruments that will help to organize a contest on your membership site Below are several advantages of having your own competition.

Reach a Wider Audience

If entry to your contest is contingent upon people sharing your site on social media or elsewhere in order to reach an additional audience, it might be a major reason for you to conduct the contest.

Certain contest management software solutions offer the option of accepting entries to contests on social networks. This could include shares and tweets about your posts which give winners the opportunity to win.

Every share you make through social media can expose your website and your membership program in front of potential new visitors or members. So, it's a smart option to add the social media component in your contests.

Boost Social Media Following

Growing your following on social media could become a ultimate goal, in the sense that it's yours. If you use social media for allowing participants to to participate in the competition and let them join your profile for the contest is a sure way to increase your reach.

Additional Site Traffic

The results of a successful contest are sure bring more the traffic on your site. You can make a form for contest entries which includes some sort of promotional aspect for the users. A second benefit of a contest is that with prizes that are thrilling is an exciting chance to make headlines on its own. The creation of a prize for a contest will give you a chance to connect with famous bloggers, influencers and others who are prominent in your field to offer them some interesting topics to discuss and that their readers may be interested in.

The new publicity could boost web traffic and provide the chance of turning new visitors to subscribers or members.

Add Your Email Address to the list

Membership Site Contests

After they've subscribed to your list of mailing addresses to be entered into the competition, you are able to begin to put the program into action and begin mailing out amazing content to the new members. After your leads have warm up, you are able to send them a link to your membership program. them.

Participate in the discussion

A different method of running contests is to select the winners from those who have left comments to your site. Because the comments could spark discussions regarding your site, its members' products as well as memberships It is worth making efforts to convince customers to share their opinions.

Promote the Membership of your Member

To ensure that you are not left out, organizing contests can help in marketing the benefits of your membership. Set up a contest that is a story-worthy theme that other members in your field want to tell their followers about, or having a competition through an entry form that is promoted on social media so that people are aware about the advantages of your membership.

Essential Points to take into consideration before conducting a contest

When you are preparing to launch your first contest, there are some specific things to think about. It is the first thing to take some time to think about the prize you'll award.

Are you planning to give only one prize or offer runners-up prizes as well? The ability to participate in your contest for gratis or at a discounted cost to your membership program is the best option. If you're hoping to promote your contest to current members, you'll have to think beyond the boundaries of.

Be sure that the prize you decide to be awarded is appropriate to the individuals you're aiming at, but as a prize they'll be able to share with their fans on social media, as in addition to making their name recognized. You must ensure that the budget for the prize corresponds to your objectives for the competition and the results.

Perhaps the contest that you are participating in may lead to more visitors coming on your site. If this happens, then it is important to make sure that you've established methods to deal with this increased visitors, and still gain the most benefit from the visitors.

Load Impact Testings

Make sure to add web analytics to be able to track the progress of your contest. A free program like Google Analytics will let you know whether your site is experiencing increased traffic, what country they're from, as well as what they've been doing to on your site.

How do you organize a Contest On Your Website

If you're using WordPress for your personal member site, and using it for your membership website It's much easier than you'd imagine to organize an event. There's an array of plugins, both free and paid designed for just this purpose The only thing you have to decide is the right tool to achieve the objectives you wish to attain. Below is a quick description of some of the most well-known WordPress Contest and competition plugins.

Giveaways and Prizes provided by Fatcat Apps

Fatcat Contests Plugin

The cost-free Contests and Giveaways plugin allows you to organize and run an event that demands that participants submit their email addresses for entry. If the deadline of your contest has passed over and the plugin is completed then it'll pick a winner by random. Due to IP monitoring and using cookies in the contest plugins, it is possible to prevent fraudulent contests.

If you're in search of an easy and quick approach to get started with the idea of competitions for your WordPress site the option you select is an ideal choice.

Comment Contest

The free Comment Contest plugin will help you generate discussion on your blog's post. Once enabled, the plugin lets the user decide on which blogs are eligible to take part in the contest before selecting the winner. Because leaving a comment on the post will be enough to enter the contest, you'll be sure to receive a great deal of engagement from your readers.

No Frills Prize Draw Competitions

This freemium plugin permits you to begin running contests on your WordPress site at no cost and offers the possibility of converting to a paid version to gain access to other options.

Set the option that allow you to have the option of what the contestants must complete to be eligible to enter the contest. For example, they could write an essay, answering the multiple choice questions, or pressing the enter. The winner is chosen by the plugin, leaving winners to reach out to the participant for the award.

If you're keen on diving deep into a pool of contests The KingSumo Premium Giveaways software may be a little expensive, but it's packed with features.

Final reflections

If all goes according to plan but the competition could result in increased traffic on your site and also an increase in exposure via social media platforms along with more members joining your organization.

     Are you having any concerns concerning running a contest through your site to sign up users? Let us know in the comments section below.

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