Celebrating the best: Danica Larsen Receives the Q3 2023 Springie Award -

Dec 21, 2023

We're thrilled to inform you that Danica Larsen was named as the winner from the 2023 quarter-end Springie Award! Danica is a Customer Success Manager that constantly embodies the essence of  its core values: Make changes, seek to understand and act with urgency by her enthusiasm for her work and her unwavering help to colleagues.

Danica's impact on the team can be seen by her numerous contributions. Danica always goes above and beyond her duty to help her colleagues, always ready to offer an aid and share her expertise. Her willingness to understand has helped build solid relationships with colleagues and has led to a collaborative and a positive working atmosphere. When faced with a problem, Danica has a drive to Act fast, taking initiative and finding solutions to make sure that her efforts are successful. Our Vice President for People & Culture, Louise Cherry Barber was capable of sitting down (virtually) for a chat with Danica regarding her achievements and experiences at .

Danica's devotion to her job and dedication to the principles of our company are what have made her an integral part of the team. The positive energy she displays and her willingness to assist with problems and her ability to resolve them makes an immense impact on the lives of people lives. coworkers and the overall success of .

We're thrilled to have Danica on our team and thank her for this highly-deserving honor. Danica's dedication to excellence as well as the way she embodies our fundamental values provide a positive example for all of us.

Here is an abbreviated version of the conversation. Danica:

Louise Cherry Barber: Danica We have a Springie Award Winner for our Q3 of 2023! Tell me, the significance behind you to receive the Springie Award here at ?

Danica Larsen:It was really exciting and, like, really moving to know that I brought an aspect of me- my interesting personality throughout my day. It was also nice to know that others knew about my personality and I was welcomed and admired with a smile and not just because of having a specific number of points that was previously the method I was portrayed, or other workplaces I've attended however, for the type of person I am, as well as the achievements that I've done outside of just an individual number. It was very nice being known as a person. It was incredibly touching.

Louise Cherry Barber: It's amazing and merited. Another thing that I'm interested in is your ability to speak about specific highlights, like the stories you heard, but even specifically working on the project you did on the benchmarking program was praised by a few people. Can you tell us about this?

Danica LarsenYes that's right, I've put into my work so hard that I'm really content to be acknowledged. I'm somewhat amazed to see that the benchmarking program has been one of the items that have been recognized in the sense that we're still in the initial phases of our process and there's still a lot of work to be done. Also, I'm thrilled to learn that many people are enthusiastic about this initiative. Because it's expected to provide tremendous value, I truly hope that it brings many benefits not just for us as a firm however, but for our customers, our sellers as well. And we'll help to give our customers some insights regarding the best way to increase its growth future, and which we've observed is a long-term success as a successful idea. It's a good thing that we've seen it being announced early in the beginning of, you know, such as beta stage was interesting, as it shows that people around the world are seeing the benefits too.

Louise Cherry Barber: Recently, we updated our corporate values and now incorporate: Be Different by educating yourself and Act With Urgency. I'm curious about what you think about these new values.

Danica Larsen What they are is doing what's right as well as knowing what doing"right" means. This means investigating, studying the issue, acting quickly and taking a decision. This is what I do. Doing that each day... as well as taking a look at other employees who are part of of our Support Team and the Support Team is a sign that they have the same principles with our customers, and also every day with our clients. They're on top of their game of the field, looking for understanding and executing quickly, because that's part of the reason they're unable to perform these duties. We fall apart as business, no one will continue to cooperate with us.

Louise Cherry Barber:What do you have to say for those who are on the opposite side ? Are you sure that people would want to follow the principles? What suggestions do you have on how to implement them?

Danica Larsen I'm the only one I know that I speak only from my perspective. But I think the key aspect is to pay attention as much as you can. When you're working with the diverse accounts, the business, the sellers, everybody whom we interact with, knowing their requirements and the motives for it, which will determine what we should do and how we should act. This is "seeking understanding" that achieve it without being attentive. That's my pro tip number one, which is to simply pay attention to people who are around you.

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